Movies and Shows Related to the The TV Shows of 2008 Playlist

Lost (2004)

Angel (1999)

Forever (2014)

House (2004)

The X-Files (1993)

Warehouse 13 (2009)

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Haven (2010)

Burn Notice (2007)

Veronica Mars (2004)

Eureka (2006)

Dark Angel (2000)

Chuck (2007)

Firefly (2002)

Hannibal (2013)

Banshee (2013)

Misfits (2009)

Smallville (2001)

Bones (2005)

The Wire (2002)

The Sopranos (1999)

Sleepy Hollow (2013)

Heroes (2006)

Scorpion (2014)

Lost Girl (2010)

Castle (2009)

Twin Peaks (1990)

Teen Wolf (2011)

Charmed (1998)

Sherlock (2010)

Elementary (2012)

Continuum (2012)

Spartacus (2010)

Prison Break (2005)

Defiance (2013)

Highlander (1992)

The 4400 (2004)

Dollhouse (2009)

Grimm (2011)

The Pretender (1996)

Psych (2006)

Falling Skies (2011)

White Collar (2009)

Terra Nova (2011)

Farscape (1999)

Revolution (2012)

Black Sails (2014)

24 (2001)

Constantine (2014)

Almost Human (2013)

Dead Like Me (2003)

Monk (2002)

Rome (2005)

12 Monkeys (2015)

Scrubs (2001)

Timeless (2016)

Tru Calling (2003)

Gilmore Girls (2000)

The Shield (2002)

Friends (1994)

Limitless (2015)

Community (2009)

The Originals (2013)

Seinfeld (1989)

M*A*S*H (1972)

Dexter (2006)

Weeds (2005)

Torchwood (2006)

Stitchers (2015)

Babylon 5 (1993)

Rookie Blue (2010)

The Dead Zone (2002)

Dark Matter (2015)

Lie to Me (2009)

The Last Ship (2014)

The Office (2005)

Kyle XY (2006)

Second Chance (2016)

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