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How did I miss this show! I usually do not care for many of the shows SYFY Channel has to offer, although there have been some exceptions like “The Magicians”,”Deadly Class”,”The Expanse” and most recently the hilarious “Resident Alien”.I loved the movie with Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt. I can’t believe I had no idea they made a series out of it! I’m on season one, episode ten now and I can’t stop binge watching. Even though I know the story, they did a great job keeping the suspense going, I’ve pretty much have been on edge the whole season so far…well if you know the story then duh lol. I highly recommend this show…Im a series-binger movie-fanatic…just when I thought I had ran out of shows to watch, I love finding hidden gems like this! Thanks for the links!
Same here. I actually do recall it being advertised a long time ago, then nothing. Had assumed it was a short-lived show and never thought about it again. Just started in watching and it’s very good for SYFY (or any channel).
Just finished the series and I love it ….if your looking for a new show try watching this, I was hooked from the very first episode, a wild ride that never slows! So many omg moments, I love twists and turns you never see coming, there were a lot! They’re seriously the best. It was well worth the watch and also nice because it wasn’t a cancelled show, so they had a finale that wrapped it up nicely. Also I would suggest that if you want to enjoy this show that you don’t get too wrapped up in the details, the reality of if it could all happen or how it should happen. Basically if your someone always critiquing…a “yeah right” or a “but if xyz then…” person…maybe this isn’t the show for you, lol, or you could just sit back and relax and enjoy the show!🤘
Emily Hampshire is the star of the show
If you mean looney tunes-chicken then yes! I can relate , I loved her and Deacon most…she was phenomenal and when she covered Pink and sang to Hitler 🤣😂🤣 omg priceless! She was on point and did the broadest range and most sincere acting out of everyone. I liked them all but she was just brilliant….I also loved the best friend dynamic, especially when they are looking for a song and “I had the time of my life” comes on! So awesome lol! All I could think of was Dirty Dancing lol. Reminded me of Sam and Dean off Supernatural and how much fun they had with their show too. Good times
One word for this “OUTSTANDING”
I stumbled across this show, and have been binge-watching it ever since. Still only halfway through, but the actress who plays Jennifer (Emily Hampshire) absolutely steals the show. She really has great acting chops.
Best freaking time travel show ever! I usually dislike shows based on movies.. minority report limitless etc, but this show is fantastic!
this show was more of a love story then it was on causality and time. the sequence of events that
led up to the ending was interesting and came full circle. This cycle is complete
Holy crap! Bad idea!