Primewire API

API Key:

Your API key is: Please log in to see your key

Your API key must be included in all API requests

You can change your API key in your user settings page


Looking up a Movie/TV show's basic information:

Endpoint: /api/v1/show

Method: GET

keyYour API key
idPrimewire id (optional)
imdb_idIMDB id (optional)
tvmaze_idTvMaze id (optional)
Response codes:
404: The show you're looking for is not in our database.
400: There was an error in your input parameters.
200: Succesfully found the show.

Example: /api/v1/show?key=[your key]&imdb_id=tt2293640
Response: {"year":2015, "type":"movie", "tvmaze_id":null, "title":"Minions", "id":2, "imdb_id":"tt2293640", "current_quality": "DVD"}

Submitting links:

Endpoint: /api/v1/submit_link

Method: GET or POST

keyYour API key
typeEither "tv" or "movie"
pw_show_idThe Primewire id of the Movie or Show you want to submit a link for
episodeThe episode number (optional)
seasonThe season number (optional)
pw_video_idThe episode id if the episode and season aren't available (eg for special episodes) (optional)
linkThe actual link
qualityEither "CAM", "TS" or "DVD"
require_moderationtrue if the link should require moderation (relevant for contribs only)

Response codes:
400: There is an error in your input.
200: Your input parameters were good and either the link was submitted succesfully or the link was rejected.

Example: /api/v1/submit_link?key=[your_key]&type=tv&pw_show_id=4&episode=1&season=1&quality=DVD&link=
Response: {"success":"Link submitted succesfully"}