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This is Amazing! Grimm has the best storyline I have seen in the mystical beasts section of all time, and the plot twists are great as well. You’ll miss out if you pass this up
started off great but last few seasons let it down badly
cant wait for the spin off to get started.
don’t hold your breath. rumors have been circulating for years about a spin-off or maybe even a reboot, but both ideas are stuck in development hell and as the years go by it’s less and less likely to happen.
What spin off???
Sigh…yeah, but that was six years ago, and thinking that might have been consigned to ‘spin off hell’ some time ago, sadly. I would love to see it, but thinking at this point it probably won’t happen.
That’s the Grimm reality of show biz.
I see what you did there..😂
NBC is making a spin off series of grimm.
The article Alien posted is from 2018. Elisabeth Tulloch tweeted about a year later that the show wasn’t picked up. If you’ve seen something more recently please tell us where it can be found.
Yes the spin-off fizzled out. But there was a reunion in 2023 and the rumor is the reunion was done to get buzz because they are doing a Reboot now, not a spin-off. I will continue to hold my breath for that. Spin-offs only work when they are booted while the flagship show is on air or just left.
sorry i did not see the date on that. dam.
This show was awsm af. Netflix should pick this show up still has a ton of potential.
there doing a reboot.
as a film
Just did a full Rewatch of the show. It really went out with a bang instead of a fizzle. Other shows like Happily Ever After went off the rails in the last season seeking new adventures and gimmicks to bring in ratings. This one stays pretty on focus until the last season which is a half of a season. The ending is cute and left it open ending. I was hoping for a spin-off but they never went that route. Rumor has it a reboot is on it’s way!
Time for another Grimm binge, groooaaaaarrrrr!