Movies and Shows Similar to Grimm

Sleepy Hollow (2013)

Timeless (2016)

Angel (1999)

The Originals (2013)

iZombie (2015)

Wynonna Earp (2016)

Warehouse 13 (2009)

Charmed (1998)

Haven (2010)

Sanctuary (2008)

Teen Wolf (2011)

Lost Girl (2010)

Constantine (2014)

Heroes (2006)

Arrow (2012)

Gotham (2014)

The Gifted (2017)

Fringe (2008)

Eureka (2006)

Falling Skies (2011)

Krypton (2018)

The Strain (2014)

Lucifer (2016)

Leverage (2008)

Castle (2009)

Smallville (2001)

CSI: Miami (2002)

Scorpion (2014)

The 100 (2014)

Cursed (2020)

The Order (2019)

Carnival Row (2019)

Hannibal (2013)

Bitten (2014)

Hemlock Grove (2013)

Supernatural (2005)

Swamp Thing (2019)

Colony (2016)

Crashing (2007)

Siren (2018)

Khozni bi ari (1962)

Crazy Art (2009)

Lesbian Games (1996)

Tom Old Boot (1896)

Morad (1954)

Veggie Soup (2014)

Miss Jerry (1894)

Lick My Micky (1998)

Euringer : I'd kill Jason Todd to have a meaningful revival of Brave and the Bold.