Some of literature's most terrifying characters, including Dr. Frankenstein and his monster, Dorian Gray, and iconic figures from the novel Dracula are lurking in the darkest corners of Victorian London. They are joined by a core of original characters in a complex, frightening new narrative. Penny Dreadful is a psychological thriller filled with dark mystery and suspense, where personal demons from the past can be stronger than vampires, evil spirits and immortal beasts.

  • Currently 91.66666666666667/5
(60 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 8.3/10
Released: May 11, 2014
Runtime: 60 min
Genres: Thriller Horror Supernatural
Countries: United States
Companies: Showtime Neal Street Productions Desert Wolf Productions
Cast: Timothy Dalton Josh Hartnett Wes Studi Rory Kinnear Helen McCrory Eva Green Billie Piper Simon Russell Beale Danny Sapani Patti LuPone Harry Treadaway 1 more
Crew: John Logan Sam Mendes Christopher Donaldson John Conroy Nicolas Brown James Flynn Sheila Hockin Aaron Marshall Morgan O'Sullivan Karen Lindsay-Stewart Pippa Harris 11 more

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Thor45 10 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

This may be the best Supernatural/Horror that ever graced the small pox tube. This is a 15 out of 10!

crozar 9 points 4 years ago.

if you want to know the origin of dracula and frankenstein and einstine and the wolverine and the witches and all the scary & crazy horror stories in its genuine form not classical but how the details goes beyond expectation , and the man of the mirror who never ages these stories put in 1 movie in a fabelous form that sadly the show ended and i wanted it to nevver ever end , in other words fricken awesome show

AmieWarren 11 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

I never watched this show while it was running, but I had no shows schedule for this weekend, so I decided to give it a try. All I can say is WOW! Been binging on it since Friday night, watched the whole first season yesterday, and couldn’t wait to wake up today to watch more.

yellow_rose1 9 points 1 year ago.

It is so good I’ve been thinking of watching the entire series again. When I watched it for the first time my husband was still alive and we would discuss and critic every episode. I know it will trigger those memories. On the 17th of this month it will be 7 years since he past

AmieWarren 2 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

I’m sorry about your husband. Mine passed 38 years ago this month at the age of 27.

yellow_rose1 4 points 1 year ago.

oh wow so young. I’m very sorry to hear of your loss. They say time heals wounds but not this one. huh?

AmieWarren 5 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

Do you know they did a study once on trolls. They are most always psychopaths and malignant narcissists who enjoy hurting others. Or maybe, like Trump said, a 400 lb. nobody living in his mother’s basement. You have no power over me. Go back under your bridge.

[removed by a moderator]
NoelCoyotebleu 5 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

I’m so glad you found it.

Peace2yaa 5 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

I watched it when it came out and loved it. I wish they would renew it again and continue the story. I honestly don’t know why it was cancelled L:(

Cobalt lucidity 3 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

Eva green is remarkable in EVERYTHING she does.
You can binge it every few years and STILL love it.
First time tho uuuuh I’m jealous

AmieWarren 9 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

I am loving how they meld all the characters out of dozens of books and stories into one period of time and have them interact with each other. GENIUS! PURE GENIUS!! Yeah, I have some series I watch again. This is definitely going onto my “on hold” list when I’m done for future viewing.

NoelCoyotebleu 6 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

I know right! I want to watch it again now… but ya for the first time. Absolutely spellbinding. everything about it.

Peace2yaa 2 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.


kronickurves 2 points 1 year ago.

If I see Eva Green, I click. No more details needed. She is divine at her art.

Quld 6 points 5 years ago. 5/5 stars.

A fine series if your looking for a new take on the classic horror villains. Rory Kinnear is particularly brilliant with his unique portrayal of The Monster.

artrok2000 3 points 22 days ago.

why dont they make reboots of shows like this isntead of the shyte they make promote and flop..

girlfreddy 1 points 22 days ago.

Am wondering the same thing. Just binged The Expanse and trying to find something else that’s great but having a hard time finding something I haven’t already seen recently.

Twixtid 2 points 22 days ago*.

Have you tried Grimm? Thats a fanstastic series, so is Sanctuary, these are kind of creature of the week format series.

artrok2000 4 points 22 days ago.

yeaaa so i just watched 10 min of grimm, is the entire series about make believe shapeshifter monsters with sharp teeth? im grateful for the suggestion! but this is def not my cup of tea. Penny Dreadful was based on classic literature “monsters” and had some AMAZING actors in it ; Timothy Dalton, Josh Hartnett ,Eva Green …. i cant watch these CB network zombie shows. Someone PLEASEEEE help a brother out. im literally going insane in this brick cold weather, working from home. I desperately need to get out of my own head for an hour or two at night.

Twixtid 5 points 21 days ago.

They take on an entire entourage of monsters throughout the series

artrok2000 3 points 20 days ago.

you know what , im not quick to dismiss some else’s advice so I kept watching. @Twixtid, firstly id like to apologize for my quick opinion I do admit I like the show and story etc, if it was more reallistic it would be dope!, so if you’re a monster lover this is def a good show. but… lol. some of these monsters are a bit too much. BTW Id love if they made a spin off of the character “monroe” as hes def my favorite. thanks again mate

Twixtid 4 points 20 days ago.

Yes the monsters are a little silly, to be expected when dealing with a story that involves “Fairy tale” creatures, on this I can completely agree. However as I mentioned before, the story arcs in the later season are for me at least, very engaging, and the series characters were likable enough that I finished the whole series, of course it may not be for everyone, but I did feel it was a decent recommendation for those looking for a “Creature of the week” type series. No apologies necessary, we are all entitled to our opinions. Cheers my friend.

artrok2000 2 points 22 days ago.

ill check grimm out. thanks for the suggestion mate, always appreciated

Twixtid 3 points 22 days ago*.

Grimm over Sanctuary, Sanctuary if you run out of stuff to watch. I can’t recommend Grimm enough, amazing story arc. Edited for Sanctuary as that was the show I meant but I do believe Haven is similar.

girlfreddy 1 points 22 days ago.

Thanks for recommending those. I think I tried watching Grimm a while back, but I’ll check it out again.

Twixtid 2 points 22 days ago*.

Grimm over Sanctuary and Haven, I can’t recommend Grimm enough, amazing story arc.

artrok2000 1 points 22 days ago.

ohhh check out “Dope Girls”. it reminds me of peaky blinders because of the time, and “costumes” which are done in a very classy way, but very different story, sadly its only 6 episodes

artrok2000 1 points 22 days ago.

I’m in the same boat! im embarrassed to say that its so bad that im watching married at first sight lol. watch “paradise” as it was pretty dope and original.

Rabbi. 3 points 2 years ago.

Now thats what i call TVshow

Trent 4 points 5 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Great TV series: I wonder how I missed it for so long. Be afraid: Be Very Afraid!

azizsm 3 points 5 years ago.

10/10 series one of the best! this should be 9.5 IMDB. i wish tv shows similar to this will made soon.

Piglet 2 points 1 year ago.

I remember watching 1 or 2 episodes and didn’t continue watching. At the time, I never heard of Harry Treadaway and just might give this show another go and see if I can stick with it this time.

Only!Tigger 2 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

Getting ready to watch this series again. Truly a one of a kind gem! Really wish a network would pick this up and continue with it. I love it!