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oh will this ever return…Hardy once again at the top of his craft
This was not your average story which is one reason why I liked it so much. While not canceled nor does it show anything about any further episodes.
It will be back sometime in the fall.
what year though
From an article in digitalspy:
“We finally got an update in early 2019, but it wasn’t exactly great news: Knight (the writer) revealed that the writing on the new series was “almost” finished, but filming wouldn’t begin until late 2019 or even possibly early 2020. So don’t expect new Taboo until late 2020 at the earliest.”
of course add a year thankyou covid
You can thank Pregnancy as well (from Covid Lockdown no doubt) Tom Hardy’s wife Charlotte Riley gave birth to a son in 2019 which stopped pre-production in it’s tracks.
awwww congrats tom hardy!
Flippin Eck ……. He must have a very bad case of writer’s block!
5 years and counting!
5 years
That’s all we’ve got
5 years
My brain hurts a lot..
FINALLY! In March, 2023, they said they were working on Season 2. It’s in the 60’s, not the 1800’s, though. Hope it’s not too different. I rather liked the 19th century version. Well, we’ll see, I guess. Didn’t say if any of the original cast was coming back.
“Taboo season 2 will likely follow Delaney and his allies to Portugal, on the trail of the mysterious American intelligence agent known as “Colonnade”. The first season concluded with Delaney and his crew on a boat setting sail under the American flag, with the character’s revenge against Strange (Jonathan Pryce) and the East India Company complete. They were heading for Portugal and a shadowy American spy network. Knight has seemed pretty set on the story direction, but Hardy seems willing to push this in bizarre directions including backwards or forwards in time. Particularly, he has talked about exploring the Delaney family during the Vietnam War.”
the digital fix dot com
Yes Yes Yes!
It just said “‘60s” so don’t know. Usually that means 1960s.
I read 1968 America was one of the ideas Hardy had floating around in his head, but nothing has been confirmed yet.
I grew up in the 60s, and 1968 was a very tumultuous time. Lots of room for good stories there.
I would have preferred they just picked back up with Hardy and his less than merry gang in the US. Plenty of material there to contribute to his angst and misery. Slavery, Indian conflicts, the Civil War.
I sure wish season 2 would hurry up and get here! Tom and his dad Chip wrote this series. The BBC & FX did renew it for a 2nd season in November 2018. But with Tom’s busy schedule, they’ve not been able to shoot the 2nd season. I hate to say this, but it might never return…..deep sad sigh goes here!
Great 1-season binge recommendation.
hmm, mmm, and ahh.
I’m gonna have to watch this, Idk if I’ve ever watched this before but it looks intriguing and the reviews match
Love anything Tom Hardy. Thanks for commenting and bringing this back onto my radar. 1/2 way thru the season!
Does anyone know anything else great Hardy has played in? I’ve searched here by his name and only one thing came up which wasn’t a movie. He has to be in many others to be such a great actor. I’m only half way through and it’s amazing
Thanks. I don’t know why I couldn’t find it. SMH Crazy is that I’ve actually watched some of these but I guess I didn’t know it was him. I remember faces but not real actor’s names. LOL
No worries. You probably searched under crew the first time.
Look up, “Get a grip”. Its a hip hop song Tom did when he was younger. He is actually good. He loves hip hop and is serious when he writes verses.
Really enjoyed that show 10/10 season 2 will be cool when it aires
Tom is sublime in his part but so are the supporting actors ! Tom and his father wrote the script , so I hope they can get themselves to come back and give us at least one more series !
SO creative , so original, so Taboo and so delicious !