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I absolutely adore this T.V. show and that is saying a lot i am not really into westerns.(Swingian cock sucker is all i got to say any one that has seen this show will grin every time they hear woo say it.)This show is in my watched list i have seen it many times i would put it under my favorites but how i things listed on here is T.V shows i have not watched under favorites never viewed movies under watch and things i have seen and loved i have them under watched so i can come back to them any time i like.
I can’t wait until they finish this show up. I was heart broken when it was canceled.
I will put on any episode of the first season at any time this show is just that good. David Milch is a freaking genius and in my opinion took a perfect cast and created the best show ever on television.
And he finally finished the movie! Show should have run at least 7 seasons. Good to see ya Mc.
The cocksucker show is the best ever.
Deadwood is high on the list of Carlie Brookers (writer of black mirror and journalist TV critic for the guardian UK paper and a TV review show on BBC… who did a whole hour episode on how “the wire” was genius and the greatest thing ever written ) favorite shows…(and he normally finds American TV moronic)… Anyone with such impeccable taste I think i should take their advice and better give deadwood a shot
time to rewatch this most Hard western drama soon..
not much to say here if u watched it u know how good this is and if u didnt i have no fucking idea what u cocksuckers are waiting for