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One of the most underrated shows of its genre ever.
Of any genre. Agreed.
Banshee is 100% improbable, written 100% real. At the noisy level this is lots of Antony Starr, action, fighting, sex, drugs, guns! Below the surface it’s about the meaning of identity and family. Everyone does their best work for a decade in this. Hoon Lee is a force of nature, Ulrich Thomsen has never been this good in anything else. In my top 10 lifetime series. I didn’t even recognize Antony Starr as Homelander until the 3rd epi and I bounced right over here. Great corona binge.
Binge watch this I dare you. Its one of those series that if you never seen it you will watch it and want to watch it all. Because it is well worth every episode. Excellent show
Yes, he looks different as Homelander, I guess it is cause he is, like, 7 years older….And agreed, Banshee was one of the best series I have watched…What helped is it was uncensored….!!!!
Older, but his face also looks weirdly tight and plastic and puffy at the same time. Like he had work done and not in a good way. That fake orange National Enquirer sheen is probably exactly the look they’re aiming for. Aging is a bitch.
This is hand down my No1. greatest show of all time every thing I love Action Sex and Violence and nudity hell yeah if you down with Banshee you are ok in my book
This was so sweet!!! as said before excellent show !!!
I liked the show Except for the forth season when the budget obviously got cut
Great show 30 years ago maybe,, predictable and full of cliche