Movies and Shows Similar to Stargate SG-1

Firefly (2002)

Eureka (2006)

Babylon 5 (1993)

Sliders (1995)

Warehouse 13 (2009)

Sanctuary (2008)

Andromeda (2000)

Farscape (1999)

M*A*S*H (1972)

MacGyver (1985)

Walking Dead (2008)

Primevil (2007)

Tick (1996)

Highlander (1992)

seaQuest DSV (1993)

Star Trek (1966)

Haven (2010)

Defiance (2013)

Angel (1999)

Terra Nova (2011)

Dark Matter (2015)

Red Dwarf (1988)

Serenity (2005)

Stargate (1994)

Torchwood (2006)

UFC 293 (2023)

Revolution (2012)

Fringe (2008)

Rome (2005)

Scrubs (2001)

Earth 2 (1994)

Jericho (2006)

Lost Girl (2010)

Burn Notice (2007)

Cosmos (1980)

Lexx (1997)

Continuum (2012)

Merlin (2008)

Crashing (2007)

Gargoyles (1994)

Almost Human (2013)

Rookie Season (2022)

Kasoor (2001)

Falling Skies (2011)

The A-Team (1983)

Blackadder (1983)

Chuck (2007)

Banshee (2013)

Leverage (2008)

Dark Angel (2000)

Motorclub (2016)

The 4400 (2004)

Spartacus (2010)

tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......