The Wheel of Time is set in a sprawling, epic world where magic exists, but only women can use it safely. Meaning that in this series — women hold the keys to power. The story follows Moiraine, a member of the shadowy and influential all-female organization called the ‘Aes Sedai' as she embarks on a dangerous, world-spanning journey with five young men and women. Moiraine's interested in these five because she believes one of them might be the reincarnation of an incredibly powerful individual, whom prophecies say will either save humanity or destroy it. The series draws on numerous elements of European and Asian culture and philosophy, most notably the cyclical nature of time found in Buddhism and Hinduism.
- Currently 71.63841807909604/5
(177 votes)
I really hope they come through with this. I don’t think I can handle another debacle like “The Shannara Chronicles”.
having troubles sticking with this show.. I so so so want it to be good.. they seem to be slowing it down and focusing on non story shite a lot.. I can Fast fwd.. lol
I felt the same way and I think I watched maybe 2 or 3 episodes and stopped watching. I might give it another go. I watched an episode of GOT and stopped, but after 2 years, I started watching and really liked it. Maybe I’ll get into this drama if I give it another chance.
they changed it too much for me to watch it..
Yay!! This show is back at long last (= I’m so glad they released s3e1-s3e3 all at once. Wish it was all out at once but lol yay it’s back at least <3
I dont know what happened behind the scenes but the production really seems to have gone up a notch. Im a huge fan of the book series so of course changes irk me a bit. That and the pacing werent great for the first 2 series. I wasnt waiting for this to come back but Im glad I watched it because it really has improved considerably.
This season is exponentially better so far. Now lets hope they can keep it up and not get cancelled in the process.
I was so looking forward to this show but have been really disappointed. The script is poor to average at best, the acting below par, the special effects are so-so, characters are unlikeable, the story is disjointed and meanders from scene to scene and the sets look CGI. The trolloc’s look decent however! I’ll give it a couple more episodes but so far it has to be a 3/10 from me.
I HATE to agree with you lol. Although Rosamund Pike is an established actress, she is not how i imagined Moiraine Damodred to look…but i can live with that. I expected Lan Madragoran to be much bigger, i guess i pictured him looking more like he did on the cover of the original Eye of the World novel lol, like a cross between a Mongol and a Samurai lol. Again, i can get over it…but when you say that none of the characters are likeable, i tend to agree there more heartedly. I know its only the first episode but none of them have really captured me yet…they all seem very underwhelming if you know what i mean. There is a good chance that all of this is simply because i have been so pumped to see this show since i heard about it that my expectations were just too high so in no way will I be NOT watching lol, but i DO hope that it becomes more….i don’t know, less choppy? You are right when you mentioned that if felt a little disjointed. I feel they are trying to rush too much at once. They dont need too! I keep my fingers crossed that they get their bearings and settle into a good rythm..i know it always takes a few episodes for a show to start getting their feet under it so heres to hoping! OH! and YES the Trollocs and the Fade looked BAD ASS lol i admit ;)
For me Rosamund Pike is the only thing that’s keeping this shows head above water but for how long. With the money spent on each episode I was expecting this show to hit the ball out of the park and wow us in every area but instead it looks more Xena quality rather than being the next stage of evolution within fantasy. Lord of the Rings is 20+ years old and has far superior CGI and sets than WoT. You can really tell when an actor is standing in front of a green screen and Shadar Logoth were obvious studio sets. Like you I was so excited for this show and had personal expectations of what it would be; this was enhanced by the mysterious trailers we were given. If they improve the special effects and script, and the acting massively improves it may get better over time but I’m not optimistic. I really hope I’m wrong as I’ve been waiting for this show for a very long time!
❤ love seeing his proof reader, editor, and wife mentioned in the cast section!! she’s the one that kept Sanderson on track after Robert Jordan passed away…
Robert Jordan left a stack of notes and had the overall layout of how he wanted the series to finish thankfully, so all Sanderson had to do was fill in the blanks while Jordan still “steered the ship” so to speak. Sanderson did an amazing job matching Jordans style and his own flawlessly, you couldn’t even really notice the switch! Jordans wife was a huge influence and source of information and motivation for him at the end which is why he acknowledges her in the books. ;)
Jordan had said early on in the series that he could finish them at any time because he had his notes for the whole story.. Sadly he did not.. He sorta milked it and slowed down about the time the video game came out.. I was very dissapointed when he died.. I think the wheel of time is probly the best of the genre.. Very similar to the belgariad series.. :)
ooh The Belgariad quintet of books was FANTASTIC! Don’t forget the subsequent Malloreon quintet as well which is a direct continuation of the events in Belgariad..There is also the Elenium Trilogy which follows the Malloreon but I have never had the opportunity to read it but i’m sure it is just as amazing It was actually the first High Fantasy series I ever read (that wasn’t Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance lol). I had actually forgotten all about those series of books! David Eddings is an AMAZING writer! Think I might have to go out and re-buy the entire series for my collection!Did you say there is a WoT Video Game they came out with? Why have I never heard of this? lol..geez I only recently learned that they came out with one season of a show based on the Sword of Truth books a bunch of years ago soon as I learned this I went and gave a couple episodes a watch and I just couldn’t do it. The acting was terrible and the only similarity to the books was the names of the characters and places lol..I wasn’t going to ruin the enjoyment I experienced after just finishing the SoT series by watching any more lol. Anyways, Thanks for reminding me of one of my fave series of books which I haven’t read in over 25 yrs! Very much looking forward to revisiting those books! Cheers kerfy!
yes,yes, and yes.. great books..and series.. i am just doing a binge read of the dritzz books, there 30 of em. I think i will do the bel and friends ones after that.. I am not sure if I ever did read all the seeker books.. They were good, the tv series got bad real fast… Daveid Eddings is one of my favs as well..As I recall the video game was in the 90’s I think..
same as that , I havent met many who’ve read all of eddings stuff but it is really good , amzing stories with just the right amount of humour , great characters , sparhawk is amazing
Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series…….
wow the Belgariad, [Bel-… bloody-evryone]!
havent heard that word in while ,
3 episodes in and I’m hooked! Good acting, storytelling and SFX makes for a cool show. 30 years after having read the 1st book (Thank You Miss Fletcher for the recommend) and it finally makes it to a screen.
After so long I cannot say how faithful to the source material it is, but who cares? If I wanted a completely accurate, scene-by-scene reproduction I would just reread the book.
Totally agree Booger! It has been 10+ years since I read book 9. I forgot a lot. Wasn’t too sure at the start… I am Loving it so far!
Rosamund Pike is a favorite of mine - will be interesting to se how she does with this role
If you are looking for a direct to film adaptation of the book, this is not it, but with three episodes out it is a faithful interpretation so far. Yes there are changes made for the first episode with some things that are not in the book, and the main cast is more diverse then the source material; this is not a bad thing.
I have watched the first three episodes and really enjoyed what I have seen, with five weeks left to the season, I am eagerly awaiting the next episode.
I feel like I am reading The Eye of the World for the first time all over again.
This isn’t the WoT that I’ve read and reread countless times, but it has been great fun to see the characters and locations fleshed out irl! i’ll be looking forward to season two with the Seanchan in the west and the Aiel in the east… this ride has just begun! 8/10
I have watched the 1st episode and frankly it’s hard to watch. Every actor feels like an error of casting, special effects look old, it’s full of teenager sentimental drama, costumes are not convincing and last but not least, I am not against diversity at all but when it feels so forced it’s very bad..
what age did you read it? and what do you think the target audience is ?
Typical big-budget streaming company, spent a fortune on costume, sets, locations and effects but not enough on the script. They don’t tell you where or when it is, what planet even, just here we are suddenly in this magical story which you’ll have to pick up as it goes along.. ie if you haven’t read the books.. well after 1 ep i haven’t a clue what’s happening, not nearly enough dialogue. Still, it’s epic in the sense of budget at least and it’s fantasy and magic so i’ll give it a few eps to see if i can work out the story along the way. With such an epic tale to tell, more of a prologue would’ve helped to set the scene, i mean, i don’t even know any of their names yet.. more info would’ve helped. It looks good though! 3/5 so far :))x
this show is so cheesy and cringe wow they ruined it
big time, at least the names are the same, and thats a bout it..just rereading the books, on book 9.. yet another good bunch of books that have become horrid series the last couple years…
Amazing! Didn’t track this show and was surprised when I saw the first few episodes of Season 2 were out!
I noticed the style change in the writing. Thanks for explaining what happened.
He was diagnosed with Amyloidosis but was undergoing treatment. Knowing he might die before the books were finished he spent the first year after diagnosis telling different close friends and family parts of the rest of the story in detail so that it could be pieced back together and finished in a JRR Tolkien Christopher Tolkien way by someone else. He promised the fans that no matter what the books would be finished and the way he wanted the story to end. I think Sanderson did an admirable job given the difficulties of trying to emulate someone else’s writing.
couldn’t agree more. forget the naysayers and critics!
Really? I thought that Sanderson was masterful in utilizing Jordans style and his own..I barely noticed least, nothing that took away from the story or how I percieved it as I read. I guess its all in the eye of the beholder ;) Cheers man
Well I mean he already writes in a somewhat Jordan style, The Mistborn series being a sort of darkest timeline where He Who Shall Not Be Named won. But yes there were times, and dont ask me specifics it’s been a few years, that it was noticeable that it was not Jordan writing. That’s just me though. And it is neither bad nor good. Just a thing that is.
ya i hear you man :) Re. The Mistborn series you mentioned, i have never heard of it. If i understood you correctly, are you saying that it is based in the WoT universe where the bad guys won instead of the good guys? Its based on the same world and characters? I am most curious now because i have been looking for a new fantasy series to dig my teeth into and its difficult to find GOOD High Fantasy writers and a good story..i just finished The Sword of Truth series and it was amazing!
No not really. Different world different characters but the premise of what would a world look like where the BBEG had already won and the world was a horrible drudge and all served him sort of thing.
Mistborn is absolutely not affiliated with Jordan or The Wheel of Time in ant way shape or form. Mistborn is quite literally the worst trilogy of books I’ve ever read. If youre looking for a great fantasy series, look nor further than Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy. If any fantasy series should be adapted to film its this series.
YES!!! Bring me the Bloody Nine!!!!!
I appreciate the feedback guys, gonna check out Mistborn and First Law Trilogy! I like the premise of what you described for Mistborn, i don’t mind a little Dark Fantasy where the good guys don’t always win lol. Cheers gents! Thanks!
You should also have a look at The Elenium and The Tamuli. Two sequential trilogies by David Eddings.
The Sword of Truth is awesome. Too bad they blotched Legend of the Seeker. I hope they don’t do that here. Although they did get through season 1 without meeting Elayne..
One more sleep
I started to watch S3E1 because of one or 2 comments that the whole production had changed track, and that it was getting back on course. After watching an earth shattering event depicted in the opening 10 or so minutes THAT NOT ONCE NOT EVER TOOK PLACE IN THE ACTUAL BOOKS, I laughed at myself for being so foolish as to think they might actually try to correct themselves and get back to even the barest of faithfulness to the source material. If you come to this series a fan of the books do yourself a favor and leave it be.
On the bright side, this series set the bar so low that if it is ever rebooted in the future, the next attempt might look like Emmy (or Oscar) material in comparison. The source material is fantastic, this portrayal of it is abysmal.
I’m a fan of the books which is the reason I started watching it. They said a while back that Robert Jordan’s series would be too difficult to put on film back in the day. There are 15 books they are trying to compress into a series of merely 8 episodes a season, so I didn’t expect them to strictly adhere to the storyline. I am enjoying it for what it is and not what it could or should be.
the worst thing about this show is that it’s actually scary for the lord of the rings. It might be the same low cheap quality..
“The Shannara Chronicles” “The chronicles ofThomas Covenant” & “The wheel of time” are the three best fantasy book series you can read. i guess if you have not read the books you can watch this while you doing something else but take/find the time to read the books instead!
i’m still fond of the sword of truth - and the books are always better than the show..
I read somewhere that there might be a Thomas Covenant movie in the works.
Thomas Covenat, now that’s a name I haven’t thought about in awhile, heck I didn’t even know there was a 3rd chronicle.
That would be damn awesome. Fingers crossed
If I could turn back time, I’d get back what I lost of my life watching this.
Yay! Production has resumed.
14 books and they’re a great read. I really hope they’ve done it justice.
well, by nature screen adaptations will be different than the book reading experience. If one remembers that to start with they may not be so mad at the end of the movie. That said, this saga has GOT potential, in story, violence, torture, you name it.
Made me wish I had a nice Aes Sedai for a bodyguard…
I named my swordsmithing business Ravenmark Blades in homage to the heron mark blades in the books. Raven rather than heron because of a tattoo I have.
Raven prob more dope a tattoo than a heron :)
Never knew the trilogy made it up to 14 books.
I own 11 but haven’t finished the 10th yet.
Super excited though. As you stated, hopefully they’ve given The Wheel of Time the “justice it deserves”.
The books are fantastic, Robert Jordan paved the way and the final ones in the series were finished by Brandon Sanderson. (one of my favorite, and possibly the best fantasy authors of our generation)
The series as a whole is wonderful though, really excited to see how much of the original story actually gets included in the series. Hopefully we will see a Mistborn or Stormlight series, I would love to see some Sanderson based series adaptations.
oooh Mistborn would so cool to see as a series!!
there are 14 books in the series. i have almost all of them. amazing books, heres hoping the series doesnt ruin it lol
As long as it’s not D&D writing the show ;)
The books are amazing and the cast seems strong. I am hoping for a long show as well.
Amazon really is swinging for the fences this season.
amazon prime
wow could this get anymore boring 90% of this show is them sitting in taverns. am i the one or not
Love this…First 3 eps up now, and already renewed for season 2..!!!
Really , really dissapointed….Putting brakes on the Wheel and setting my Time up… for something else.
Great series and it`s back with season 2
So whats happening ? Are we waiting for this to begin ? Or the links aren’t up yet ? This looks to be AMAZING !… TRAILER>>
We’re waiting. Out No 19th
I, like many, haven’t read the books but/so I enjoyed S1. Loved all episodes except the final one. Excited for S2!
I tried….this is horrible, 6 episodes in and I couldnt tell you a single persons name. Why? because I dont care. It might be a good set of books but the show runners have done a poor job of storytelling and engaging the viewer.
The performances arent very good, no true lead performers. Just an ensemble of bit actors no one that has a future as a lead in anything major. SFX is poor. Set designs are poor and costuming is poor.
People trying to compare this to GOT need to go back and rewatch
def not even a sniff of GOT
GOT is for grown ups.. WOT could have been too.
True, thankfully I can adapt to enjoy both for what they are or at least trying to be
This show is great….giving me Game of thrones vibes. This has the potential to get really big. Can’t wait for the next episodes.
ill keep watching but too much cringe 7/10 at best
edit: episode 5 was too much cringe
Must not be too cringe, 7/10 is an excellent rating.
I have to fast forward through the episodes..
Don’t watch this, whether your are a fan of the books or even just looking for something in the genre. The world building… it can’t even be called that. It contradicts itself at every turn. It doesn’t respect the original work, it doesn’t even respect the changes they made to it. This show throws out 2/3 of what happened in the finale of the first season in the first episode of the second season and never explains any of it. In the 5th episode, Moiraine does something that makes everything that had happened to that point completely unnecessary.
Had they at least just done a new turn of the Wheel, I could have respected that. This show started off bad, tried to convince fans it would try to stay some what true to the original. It didn’t. The final episode of season 1 flips the script and throws the original work out completely. Then, the first episode of the second season throws out most things that happened in the finale of the first season. It doesn’t respect the original work, it doesn’t respect itself, it doesn’t respect the characters, and it certainly doesn’t respect the fans or it’s viewers.
This isn’t an adaptation. This isn’t a creative spin. It’s not even an episodic romp w/ characters from stories you love. Any of those things would require some measure of respect of the original work. This is a pure cash grab abusing the IP of one of the greatest works of fantasy ever written. This is a group of some of the worst writers I’ve ever seen who had to throw everything out bc they turned the entire plot into swiss cheese. EVERYONE involved in this show should be ashamed of what was created. Even Brandon Sanderson publicly called this show out for refusing to listen. I refused to watch it until now bc I knew it would be bad, but this was worse than I could have ever conceived. The people involved in this show should never be allowed to work in the industry again. There is nothing redeemable here.
I need to revisit this drama and not sure why I stopped watching it.
We’re at episode 6 and they’ve met Loial, and they’ve all met up with each other at the ways, but where are Min & Elayne?
Ep4 - Nynaeve is a force to be reckoned with.
She’s my favorite character of the series so far..
Fantastic The Wheel of Time got a series. I realize they had to cut out much of the preamble because it is as series but so far it has been faithful with the books canon. I expect more for the series as it continues. Never ever thought this would be made into a movie let alone a series. 5/5
Season 2’s story is more interesting and eventful than the first one.
I did not have high expectations, but it is enjoyable and end engaging so far. One disappointment I have though is that they did not use the Wheel Of Time song from the Blind Guardian. I hope they are planning to drop the needle at an epic moment.
I saw the preview for this last week when it came out and I am SUPER pumped to see this!! There is SO much potential for this to be on par with Tolkiens live action Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson did! I have read this entire series of books, all 14 of them three times, and and am planning on a fourth read through before this series comes out. I pray they got as much of the story in this show as possible because imo, this is masterful storytelling that needs NO embellishment, or any additional “Hollywood” so to speak to make it ‘bigger’…we all know Hollywood loves to add its own flare, but this series doesn’t need it. Can’t WAIT!