Evil is a psychological mystery that examines the origins of evil along the dividing line between science and religion. The series focuses on a skeptical female psychologist who joins a priest-in-training and a carpenter as they investigate the Church's backlog of unexplained mysteries, including supposed miracles, demonic possessions, and hauntings. Their job is to assess if there is a logical explanation or if something truly supernatural is at work.
- Currently 81.69491525423729/5
(177 votes)
Thanks to your excitement over this series I gave it a try and am now hooked after watching the pilot:) Best of all I get to binge watch all of season 1 ;)
im definitely excited for the new season
i’m so glad i looked to my right and saw your comment. I’m super excited that they are bringing back a season 2 and I’m just going to wait for the whole season to be complete. maybe. lol
It’s probably best this way. Waiting every week is damn annoying, but then binge watching the entire season 2 in one day is far worse for me because it’ll feel like I’ll have to wait an entire year again before getting the next dose of this 😓
I couldn’t make it. I broke down last week. lol. There was nothing to watch and nothing new had started. Couldn’t find anything and I said why not watch Evil. I don’t regret it. hahahaha
lmao… Welcome on board the weekly waiting game…
I’m so happy to hear that. It was unknown for a while if it was going to be renewed. Fun ride. We can binge, just got to wait till it all airs lol.. I have been doing that lately.
hey widdle penguin :)
Love it. I don’t normally like horror movies/TV series (don’t need additional stress in my life), but this series has just the right amount of scary that doesn’t leave you traumatized.
I love this show and hope that they’ll make season 2! I do have to say that it started amazing, but near the end it changed a bit.. Still, I would definitely watch season 2.
Thankfully its in production or maybe even finished. Season 2 will be a thing.
this series is incredible!!
I just re-watched season one! forgot how awesome this series is!!
Dooooo IT!!! silly BIRD!!!!!!! so worth it!
The second season of “Evil” is set to premiere on Paramount Plus June 20. Yay.
Very sad having to change my status from Watching to Watched. Great series. Bravo!
Evil is back. Evil has changed, for better or worse. You should see Evil for yourself.
Brilliant TV show. Love it. If you’re into the religious and supernatural stuff then watch it
Why do we have to wait a month for the next episode argh I love this show
Season 3 already ordered by Paramount Plus.
Great tv show.. Highly recommend
I’m praying that we get a season 3, we need more evil in this world.
Got greenlighted back in July
Thanks, missed that
I just can’t get enough of this.
Phenomenal start to the new season! I am excited. 5/5
LOL@Leeland dancing in the field.
I sincerly hope their is gonna be a 2nd season cause this show was friggen awesome.
I can’t get enough of this show. They feel like friends at this point. Yes I realize they’re fictional. But it’s how it feels to me. 😁
The storyline is good, but it’s definitely the likeability of the characters that keeps me returning to this show. I even like the baddies!
From the husband and wife team (Michelle King & Robert King) creators of The Good Wife, The Good Fight and the hilarious political satire BrainDead.
The main plot centers around a psychologist trying to cope with holding down a job, look after her four kids with hippy mom while hubby is off mountain climbing in Nepal. Being a religious sceptic, she gets offered a job by a hunky black priest and his even more sceptical technican to investigate things that go boo in the world of the Catholic Church.
Miracles, exorcisms, demons and videogames abound in these fun entertaining yet chilling cases.
My favourite is the “Leland Townsend” character played by Michael Emerson from the Person of Interest series.
Deliciously EVIL 9/10
BrainDead was a riot, one of my favorite series. As is “Year of the Rabbit”
https://www.primewire.li/tv/1326030-watch-year-of-the-rabbit and “Spotless”
The first season is one of the best seasons of a horror series to ever air on network tv. Sadly, the show has quickly been declining ever since. Now, two days before season 4 begins to air, I’m excited and hoping for a return to form. And it’s frustrating bc I can’t think of a single case of a show on a consistent decline righted the ship. Where that first season was very dark dramatic horror with brief moments of comedy, season 4’s trailer looks like 80% campy late 90s schlock. Yet that first 20% of the trailer still gives me hope.
What’s your take now that we’ve gotten the first few of S4? I ask b/c as much as I’ve enjoyed the show for the most part, there’s always been a few things that drag it down for me - I’m still waiting for them to fix them, unfortunately.
I watched it myself to the bitter end but it started so strong and often went in what seemed like odd directions or developments.
At this point i know im fully out of love with it probably since before the previous third season, katja however is just so adorable i keep tuning in with less enthusiasm just in case she looks cute or even sexy for a half minute out of an hour.
Looks like paramount have cancelled this even with good ratings
I reckon this show could run 10 seasons if they wanted.. 8 at least ..
We are so back EvilHeads
Katja Herbers(Lead female in evil) plays an awesome role in ‘Columnist’ a must watch if you hate social media bullies- a gore fest take of righteous revenge she is stunning in it
This completely flew under my radar. Thanks so much for sharing this! I was looking for something to watch. *edit: For anyone else who would like to watch it I found the placemark for it here:
…but it isn’t up yet. I’ll leave it to someone else to request it. I think I’ve requested enough this month already. :-)
WOW! just checked the trailer for columnist and it looks AMAZING!, thanks for the info, will definitely be checking it out.
Returning Soon! The upcoming Season 2 will premiere Sunday, June 20th, 2021, and is making a move from CBS to Paramount Plus. Variety shares that the season is set to consist of 13 episodes.
Wow, didn’t realize this show was getting cancelled after Season 4. It’s a great show and seems pretty popular. Hopefully it gets picked up by Netflix
SEASON 4 in FOUR more days!!!!
<—— so excited!!! (= love this show lol
hey Lilly! 💗
Hiya Noel!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜✨️💖
Hope you’re doing well!! Season 4 is airing soon!! I’m so excited! I hope you get to watch as soon as it airs! I know I’m sure going to! Lol It really is such a gem. I’ve seen s1-3 a few times but prolly will rewatch s1-3 again before the whole season 4 airs 😆
It’s back! After a 1 year hiatus, I didn’t think I would see it return but here it is. It picks up where it left off with a good subplot that focuses on the characters. If you are a fan of this show, you’re gonna love the 1st episode.
SUCH a great series! Easily 5/5 Stars and a “must watch” recommendation from me!
This show is so much fun! I could hardly wait for season 2, and it’s even better than season 1. Now I can hardly wait for each episode. If you like farce, please give this show a try. You’re love it.
I wonder if there is an anagram to be deduced from the episode titles.
I am loving this show but please kill those 4 girls they are so annoying
I mean, anything’s possible (especially now that it’s streaming and no longer network TV so no more FCC browbeating) but that’d be a bold move for the writers. lol It’d certainly create some tension in the plot. Maybe 1 or 2 of them but not all 4, they’d never do it. But if anyone’s gonna die it’ll be the husband. No spoiler or anything, just my opinion.
Their constant screaming makes me want to punch them in the face
So far I like it. Kind of a weird show though. I get the premise but it’s almost trying to be way too many things. Too many genres being combined.
I tried watching this show before but those screaming kids ruined it for me. I decided to cowgirl up and give it another go. 4 episodes in and I do like it so far, but I have a question…does the screaming ever stop???
Please say yes!
I thought of your comment when I just watched the most recent episode (S4x1). I believe you should take some credit! LOL
I’ve started fast forwarding thru the screaming. It helps.
But I still want to strangle them all! evil grin
It gets more shouty and less screamy, with the onset of puberty in the actors (the youngest is now 12). But no, not completely. It’s asymptotic screaming.
How does this compare to the series The Exorcist? Loved that show & was so sad they canceled it.
personally i prefer this.
Ok, thank you. Can you tell me more details, like why you prefer this?
in simple terms, i thought the exorcist series was boring, this is fun with a slightly dark edge.
So this is more of a comedy then. Interesting.
Exorcist was horror drama w/lots of darkness & great psychological depth to the characters, not boring to me at all, just obviously not your cuppa. To each their own.
I loved that show too, this doesnt compare very well to the exorcist, not good i’m afraid (Just my opinion).
Have you watched The Outsider? The best horror type tv show I’ve seen in a while… a slow burn though.
Oh yes, LOVED The Outsider. I like that kind of slow burn, psychological thriller. That was an amazing show. We seem to be on the same or similar taste level then if you loved Exorcist & TO.
Did you watch Mr. Mercedes? That’s another psychological horror thriller I loved. Good to know you think this show, Evil, is not up to par w/those. I’ll keep that in mind & not have any expectations when I do watch it.
they can’t really be compared, opposite ends of a spectrum. it doesn’t take itself so seriously which makes it fun to watch. TV shows like TO, TD s1 and s3, the terror s1 etc etc are all good solid TV shows but quite different.
I totally agree. If it weren’t for the dark humor of this show, and total irreverence, this show would just blend into the background. It’s because of these somewhat unique characteristics in this current social atmosphere that this show stands out. It is this very combination that makes the show entirely watchable. Like Buffy for adults. And that’s not such a bad thing.
Ok CleoHarper, good to know about it blending into the background if not for the dark humor & irreverence.
I only marginally liked Buffy(the show)& had a partner that loved it so I watched it w/him. Probably wouldn’t have otherwise really.
What does TD stand for biker_71? Not familiar w/The Terror.
sorry, it stands for True Detective.
LOVED the first and latest seasons of that show (TD)! But about Evil, the lead character is a total badass. She looks like a conservative little psychologist lady but I wouldn’t mess with her. Don’t let the Buffy comment throw you - it’s worth a watch. I won’t say it’s my favorite show but I do look for it every week.
binged the first season of Mr.M hmmm starts of slow, gets a little interesting, a little more interesting and then falls flat on it’s face in the finale imho. season 2 feels a bit deja vu, but will stick with it. you should check out Mr.Inbetween, and Hannibal if you haven’t seen them already.
Ok, I watched the 1st epi of Evil & was surprised at how it drew me in. Reminded me a lot of Silence Of The Lambs imo. Katja Herbers I recognize from Westworld & The Leftovers (2 fave series). The lead male actor, Mike Colter, starred in the series ‘Luke Cage’ & a few other things so I recognized him right away. I’ll give it a few more epis to see if it really sticks. Loved the demon George lol. His humor was totally unexpected even though you mentioned there were comedic moments. Just wasn’t expecting it to come from that source hahaha.
@biker_71 Loved every bit of Mr. Mercedes. The writing & acting were brilliant & it was quite twisted in various ways. It always kept me guessing.
I’ve not seen TD or Mr Inbetween. Been meaning to see TD though since it has many actors I like. I’ll check out MI. I watched a few epis of Hannibal & liked it but the focus on the details of murders was too much for me to continue it. It was just too descriptive in that sense for my taste.
Another great series is Fargo, although the last season I got bored w/it & stopped. Just moved too slowly.I’ll get back to it & try it again but I watched 3 or 4 epis.
@CleoHarper I’ll try not to let the Buffy comment throw me lol.
Evil is returning for a season two, but CBS has moved it over to Paramount +
any idea on the release date?
Not yet :(
They have been filming for months but the delay may be for any cgi or sfx they will be adding in post. Katja was saying on her insta they were hoping for a late spring release and I was worried CBS might push it to the fall schedule; with the move to P+ they might release it over the summer.
TL;DR: Great premise of science vs. faith and the nature of good and evil; good mix of episode arcs and an overall story arc - at first. But each season the episodes drifted farther away from the premise towards “faith, not science” and the overall story arc has left hanging threads undeveloped and a core conflict underdeveloped despite knowing the end is coming (to the show, that is ;) ).
The premise of the show is brilliant, with the trio of sorta-ghostbusters giving the writers a fun way of letting “hard” science, “soft” science, and faith duke it out over these unexplained phenomena without having to do some kind boring talking-head docudrama. Adding in an equally unexplained and ambiguous opposition (Leland et al) and not ending with a definite “is/isn’t explainable” answer all the time is good too, makes it easy to suspend disbelief.
But since S1, the writing has been slipping and everything’s been drifting into a Whedonless version of Buffy or Angel. The scientific parts of the show have been reduced to a question of “are they hallucinating or is the supernatural stuff the answer to every episode now?” In S4 now they’ve taken the next disappointing step and tried to turn things with scientific explanations into supernatural stuff - debate’s over, faith won and science isn’t real. Which makes me wonder if they hired QAnon to be a writer this season. ;) It’s devolved into one of the apocalypse arcs from Buffy but is still missing something.
That’s the other problem with the writing slipping - the show had teased an overall story arc that was related to what was behind the episodic events in the show. It started to develop it into the Buffy-ish apocalyptic event of great evil (the whole demonic race?) coming to NYC. But nothing’s been wrapped up and more questions have been introduced without any clear answers about how they all fit together. Try stretching the “EPA dick frees all the ghosts” montage in the original Ghostbusters movie into a whole series, and maybe mention once in a while that Angel’s Wolfram and Hart legal firm is where the Evil demons are based as the overall arc. That’s what it’s turned into.
And god help me (not sure which one(s) I’m asking, though), I keep hearing Grand Nagus Zek from DS9 whenever Wallace Langham talks to David et al., and the priests from the Entity remind me so much of the Special Fathers from Lucy, Daughter of the Devil, that I can’t help but laugh whenever they show up.
I never ever watch or followed procedural type shows, I guess I gave this a try cuz I’m into horror/thrillers and remember’d Mike Coulter as Luke Cage in the underrated netflix marvel universe…
Although I admit there is more than a few ‘filler’ episodes,
HOWEVER, when the show gets into its main series plot lines (and yes the first two seasons can drag a lil and there are some goofy/corny eps) It knocks it out of the park and it rewards the viewer for stickin along for the long demonic ride.
I really enjoy the writers and hope they stay in this horror genre for a new project as this show winds down
Yes! They’re back! 👏👏
well considering that there is nothing new under the sun these days due to the over exploitation of artist and their work by the Hollywood elites and their controlled entertainment industrial complex its really not that weird at all..
what would be weird would be something completely different then what we normally see or hear… Something that doesnt follow the Hollywood elite narative… ( True ART IS WAR we must fight for our right to be free Create art naturally and truthfully without Biaz
It was interesting the first 2 episodes of season 1. But then I watched s:1 e:3. The ending was so blatantly predictable and stupid that I am turned off. They could have done so many crazy things, but no. Many high recommendations here but I can’t give one. The writing lacks any originality, intrigue and imagination. I could have come up with so many cool ways to end that episode, and they chose the most obvious and ridiculously cliched way to do it. Acting is good, that is something, but the writers couldn’t come up with something unpredictable and imaginative if they were payed to. And they are. The irony.