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I’m not a TV guy, find most stuff just not worth the time, but this is exceptional.
This isn’t a TV show.
Kept seeing the chatter about this series popping up everywhere, so, just had to have a look for myself. Just finished episode 8, Totally worth it !! I now have another favorite, and, like you all, am already wanting more…lol A big Thanks for the all the comments that brought me here !!
I have just watched every episode and loved it all my new fav show .
Karl Urban? Yep, I will give this a chance on the strength of that:-)
I see Karl Urban I’m gonna watch it.
Created by Eric Kripke (Supernatural) AND Seth Rogen???!!!
Who else is ready to binge?!
Created by writer Garth Ennis(Preacher) and illustrator Darick Robertson. Clearly states in the credits “Developed” by Eric Kripke, and, Seth Rogan is a producer; I’m sure they wrote episodes for Amazon though.
That’s good to know. Perhaps now you should set IMDB straight as they merely listed them as Creators, along with Evan Goldberg,
I don’t know what IMDB says ,but, the Writer’s Guild of America determines Separated rights on a television series; if the series format, or, the pilot episode was created by said individual. Since Evan Goldberg is a decent producer(Superbad, Pineapple Express), formatting a show and shared writing credits on the pilot episode gives him WGA rights to creatorship of that show. But the forth slide of the credits clearly states who created the comic books, right after Director and Showrunner, which I believe is another Guild standard.
You’re everything I hoped for
You’re everything I need
You are so beautiful
To me
AHHH! So happy to see this is about to come back! Love this show!
Trust Me - You will love this!
See Official Trailer HERE
Fantastic. Had to binge watch all 8 episodes
I watch A LOT of shows. I’ve become kinda picky. I usually don’t watch superhero stuff either. but.. this show is one of the best. It is so rude in all the right ways.. I have sputtered up drinks, choked on snacks, and peed my panties a little (I’m old) THE BOYS is one of the funniest, well written, and most entertaining productions ever! IMHO. I luv, luv, luv it!!!
Delighted! Those guys have to have their own kryptonite - a couple of them it’s probably carbs… White sliced for the win!
Brilliant concept, shows in this western world, how everything has to be put in a box, contained and labeled….V
every time i see homelander all i think about is that zach morris from saved by the bell lmao
Haha—Homelander. I finally figured out he was the guy from Banshee.
He always looks like he’s working a wad of snuff under his lower lip.
Thanks for letting us know, Etim.
Yes, I did not relize he was the lead from Banshee. The blond hair threw me off. And I always think the same thing about a fat wad of dip in his mouth,lol.
I think of the movie “Brightburn” which is basically…Homelander: The Early Years. LOL
If you haven’t seen that movie? Highly recommend it.
Good show so far, the one thing that really pisses me of theses days is how they don’t subtitle shows anymore, long conversations in Spanish, Chinese, Klingon,(important plot changing shit) and I’m just suppose to know what the f#ck their saying?
throw Me a freaking bone!
The subtitles are there - you need to load them.
This looks like it might be a good show.Will see soon :)
S02 supposedly september 4 :)
Boy Oh Boy! I can’t wait.
ikr :) they are apparently doing Stormfront very differently to the comics version
I love surprises!
theres really not a ton of other crap Im hangin for :)
Hmm, okay.
dont you like this show pool
Really good, well worth watching.
It’s possible to have season 4 out this year in 2023 since filming is finished! The cast and crew wrapped in April 2023. Hopefully the post-production crew is now hard at work and will be able to get the series back on our screens in a few months! Seasons 1 and 3 were both released in the summer, while the third season had a September release date. Perhaps season 4 will join its predecessor. We’ll have to wait and see.
“The Boys” will fly back for Season 4 on June 13, with a three-episode premiere.
Season 3 is awesome so far. Funny and gruesome as always
I think I shall be binge watching of season 1. It’s going to take me a few weeks to get through all seasons though. Watched the trailer and WOW! Why did I not watch this when it came out 3 years ago is beyond me! Of course I shall have to watch it on another site.
3 show chunks .. oh no.. i was hoping fer another binge .. lol
Get out and move those legs for once, chunky
cant wait so many good shows coming back in Sept
Probably the only superhero film tv show have sat through its alright.
Did I just watch an anti capitalist screed from Effin Amazon? Lelz…..I am here for it.
The kinkster in me liked the dynamic between Madelyn Stillwell and homelander, wish they pushed the boundary on that one a little more.
Popclaw and the landlord that was pretty wack, yup first season was pretty good looking forward the next one.
From what I can tell, Season 4 Wrapped in April of 2023 but there is no word on when/if it’s coming in 2023. Really disappointing since shooting wasn’t affected by the strike. I was hoping a few episodes would overlap with Gen V. I love it when show’s have references to other shows in the franchise (like the new Star Treks)
I read that Gen V sets the stage for the next season of The Boys so it was never intended to air until after that. The actor’s strike is still ongoing and I imagine that is affecting post-production work. I’d guess no earlier than spring of next year.
Season 3 June 3
Season 2 trailer .. which is maybe gonna be late july (?) no real data yet
If you like the hero actually being the villian you will love this series. Shows that intelligent writing can be a thing.
Another series down the drain! Why can’t the us entertainment industry keep politic agendas away from what was supposed to be…entertaining!?
I dont get this, The whole show is about politics sense the beginning?
I find the US political clown show very entertaining. Comedy gold.
It’s very interesting how INCREDIBLY political the comic it’s adapting is (from a left leaning perspective) and that the writers and creator of the show have been talking about real world politics being the driving point behind the show since it’s inception in 2016. ‘Kripke: He’s always been a Trump analogue for me. I’ll admit to being a little more bald this season than I have in past seasons.’ (on the reaction to season 2, not season 4!) The showrunners were actively making fun of MAGA people on Twitter who unironically supported Homelander in season 1. The guy who plays Homelander acknowledged Homelander was Trump in season 1 and wanted to be influenced more by Biden in season 2. How is it just now politics for some?
Some folks have to be clubbed over the head with something before they become aware of it.
Some folks are just “pretending” to complain about the show being political but are really complaining about the way Firecracker, Homelander, et al. are being portrayed. They’re the ones who actively cheered when Homey cut the heckler’s head in half to end S3 (and the ones you reference in S1).
I so agree with you, I have yet to make it past episode one. I turned it off and decided to finish watching The Expanse. I started watching it last fall I think and watched through season 3, now I may have to go back and watch the first 3 seasons over again. My memory ain’t what it used to be!
This is an antifascist masterpiece.Kudos, Comrades…Kudos.
Like the sound of it, cast does not look that great but seeing Seth Rogen attached saved it for me :)
The cast doesn’t sound great “on paper”, but give ‘em a chance - there was definitely some though put into the choices. Jack Quaid is apparently busy distancing himself from his crazy-ass family IRL, and he seems to draw on it for Hughie (a pretty good boost of authenticity). Casting Usher as A-Train was smart for authenticity too - the Seven (and probably most supes in their world) are mostly performers and live their lives like one of those old VH1 Behind the Music episodes, so Usher can relate. Karl Urban’s a damn good actor, though I suppose the Kiwis get to see him a lot more than we do so he kind of flies under the radar. Unlike the Star Trek shows, his over-the-top swearing and crude language is very believable. I’m not as familiar with the others, but I’ve watched everything up til now and everyone’s been at least good, if not great, except one - the guy who plays Deep is mostly good, but sometimes he seems to slip out of character. That could be the writers trying to demonstrate how limp and weak he is, though, and not actually the actor, and it’s not a frequent thing.
Elijah, Seth Rogan is a terrible actor. Your ugly children would be ashamed.
So at some point your opinion was dismissed as shameless and ugly and now you’re taking it out on someone else ?
Season 2 Confirmed for Summer 2020!
In the interim, you may also enjoy the Playstation Original Superhero TV Series of 2015, called Powers.
You can Binge it right HERE
Thanks Robo!! They were filming a part of season 2 just 5 minutes from my house not too long ago lol…would love it if i ran into Karl Urban at one of the local food hot spots, there are a few well known ones around here lol..might have to go hang out at a few of these spots the next few months and hope for the best lol
ugh…i meant Karl lol
The Boys will be Back in Town, Friday, September 9th, to kick off their Second Season!
Time to Binge Season One.
Then Take a Sneak Peak at Season Two HERE.
{like the show, this Teaser is rated TV-MA}
Even better news. Season 2 has not even aired yet - but Season 3 has already been green lit.
Someone has to be the odd-man-out so it might as well be me. I have been watching this show on and off for four seasons and I just can’t understand the hype. This show is a mess. It’s misogynistic, extremely violent and the same story line gets regurgitated every season. It lacks any kind of intelligence and is basically just an hour of mind-numbing nonsense. Antony Starr is cast as Homelander and I am not his biggest fan, so he may be just one of the reasons why I can’t get into this show.
I was with it up to about halfway through the last season. This season is just too nasty IMO.
favorite show on prime
I think season 2 has me more hooked than the first season!!
What is up with this give us multiple episodes at once (which we all binge) and then wait weekly for one episode at a time. You cant have both AMAZON! :(
Not overweight and not American. Nice try though.
Casually waiting for season 3.
This is overall a great show that makes me want to dig up the comic. I love the direction they went this season with the more pointed but still funny Trump-QOP (not a typo) references. It’s a big contrast from other dark political humor. For a lot of the last couple years, Sat Nite Live’s political stuff has gotten less and less funny, partly because it’s hard to parody/satirize Trump and MAGA when everything that comes out of their mouths is self-parody anyway (Jewish Space Lasers? Really?). I loved the guy that impersonates Trump until everything he said sounded like it was something Trump really said at a rally. The Boys found great ways this season to make fun of it even though so much was drawn from RL quotes or conspiracies. The Conspiracon bit mixing the Lizard People/Flat Earthers with Firecracker and the Q/Fox/MAGA conspiracists was hilarious. Not sure why they didn’t finish off Firecracker though - might have saved a lot of hassle. ;)
I also like how they’ve gone more into the backstories, especially focusing on how each character’s flaws and weaknesses developed. And the bizarro kinky supe sex stuff from S3 being toned down is nice, too. That was funny/sick for a few episodes (Deep <3 Ambrosia) but was a bit much for the focus of a season (my SO stopped watching the show b/c of it).
My favorite part of S4, though, is the way the proportion of bloodshed and violence (up til E4) caused by accident was up versus the deliberate stuff. It was like watching the classic Metalocalypse episodes where they’d do a show and one Spinal Tap-ish mistake turns it into a mass casualty event that only encouraged the fans more. :)
“Baaa El” lol!
Subtitles: player can load subtitles from file and url
Kudos for the show runners moving this along in a way that pretty much compels a couch potato to lock in. I’m conflicted. I’m a fan of your basic antihero vehicle. I think I’m reacting to the fact that there are so many antiheroes at one time. I was very spoiled by Gotham. I think I hoped this would be less Cheese Whiz and more like that and now I’m a bit in hate watching mode.
Do any of season 2 links have subtitles?
i watched season 1,2,and 3 and nearly all of this season , and it ant half as good as it was , they think by throwing in a few GAY things they may attract a new audience or someting , it retracs from the storyline if anything , making a once straight character gay for the sake of it is nonsense , and has nothing to do with the overall plot
In season 1 Frenchie prefers transgender strippers. In season 2 it’s revealed he was in a three person relationship with a man. In season 3 Little Nina makes fun of him for liking dick.
Lol I don’t remember everything but yeah, Frenchie is all over the place sexually, right?
For some reason I thought he was with the mute chick though, like committed? Maybe that’s just me reading into it. So that’s what I was wondering about, I was like, “wait doesn’t he have a partner already? Lame!”
I don’t like it when characters I like are unfaithful. Am I wrong though? Were they committed? Bah. I still like the show and character, I was just confused. As always.
Kimiko kissed Frenchie in season 3 (and imo they’re heading towards them having a loving romantic relationship) but Frenchie ran away and brushed Kimiko off afterwards, leading in to Kimiko telling Frenchie she doesn’t want him, he can fuck whoever and that she had sex with someone else “With her vagina” (her words)
Yeah? I guess I forget between seasons. I ship them, hard! :-)
frenchie has been pretty much a screw anything kinda guy from the start..
Pretty sure they don’t care about gaining a new audience as the next season will be the last and before you claim the content of this season is the reason, they had announced that before this season had started airing.
It was the lesbians last season, Grass. That’s what did it. Tanked the whole show. ;-)
pretty sure bizarre sexuality and gore are big themes in this show.. lol
Cancel this crap and bring back The Tick. I can’t believe I’m the only only person who sees how horrible this show has become.
I’m not the only one, read the reviews. Besides, taste is subjective and has nothing to do with intelligence.
and in the comic book there was not 1 gay character .
It’s okay to share an opinion, but now you’re just stating something completely wrong as fact. It’s clear you never read the comics if you think that, so maybe don’t talk about something you’re ignorant on?
I don’t know about this season. Seems to be dragging on. After next week I’ll probably re-watch season 4 to see if my thoughts changed but to me this season was pretty boring. And what’s up with 2 of the main characters looking like they are on meth starlight and mother milk.
iv only seen a few episodes and got to say its weird, i know im supose to like this,no real reason not to.. hm maybe its cus i dont expect Any humor or smilemoments.
Homelander dies this season.
yo bro, spoilers.
At the episode at the time this comment was made, that was a lie.
To be clear, the past tense does not indicate whether that is true right now, only that I will not say.
they will take every rating avaible as this add more to advertising costs , so ya even though the next season is the last they will milk it as best they can
This is a load of political propaganda.