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This is the most amazing show that I have ever seen. It is really high quality, and the story-line is really good. Every episode keeps my attention from beginning to end. Sometimes I feel like I am watching a super long blockbuster movie instead of a tv-show. I give this show a 10 out of 10.
First epi 5/5 loved it. You were right! Thank You
Love this show! It’s not your cookie cutter,CSI/FBI-Miami-svu/suv, predictable AF, drooling on yourself type of show… It’s actually very imaginative, intriguing, suspenseful, heartbreaking, very high quality, great acting and omg so beautifully shot!!! Very impressed and wanted to continue watching! I’m sorry if this did not interest you … Maybe watch with an open mind… It’s supposed to be set in the future kind of mad max meets the forest lol. It’s fantasy just roll with it! Can’t wait for more!
5/5 loved every minute. on to epi 2
I see people upset about the fact that the characters outfits are too awesome for actual blind people and wondering why so much detail to their outfits? The answer is obvious, it’s a tv show meant to entertain. We are the ones seeing these actors… that doesn’t make it silly, whatsoever… every show/movie in history has done that lol it’s for the viewers. Anyway, going into the show I expected to hate it. People who CAN see have to pretend to be blind and fight and survive. While it’s all a bit farfetched, it’s key to keep in mind that it’s a tv show meant to entertain. Not a true story, obviously. So, that being said, it’s actually VERY well done. There’s rarely a time where I’m like, “noooo, that’s dumb.” I also see questions about “what is the plot?” and I’m not sure I understand how you missed it, as it’s literally all the show is about and never once deviates from that plot… it’s mentioned in the first half of the first episode! All in all, it’s a very interesting story and I suggest trying it out or trying it out a second time with the idea that this is a show, it’s going to be tailored to entertain the viewer, not to be true-to-life every step of the way… if that makes sense :)
I really like this so far. Very different.
WOW, 5/5
Does it get better? I gave up after 2 episodes, couldn’t follow it, boring, confusing and as someone said, “is there a plot”?
Baba Voss is storming into new territory to confront an old enemy, his brother. Starring Jason Momoa, Dave Bautista, and Alfre Woodard, return to the world of See, 8/27/21
I know it’s illogical, but it’s fun and… come on, it’s Jason Mamoa and now David Bautista.
Oh man, you were not kidding. Best I’ve watched in a very long time.5/5 from start to finish. On to epi 2.
They can sense people from yards away but they can’t smell shadows from 2 inches away
It’s terrrrrrrrrrrrrrible
If you just ignore how silly it is, it really isn’t that bad.
I liked the first episode and have 3 more to watch. It is different that’s for sure. And yes, it does remind me of “Frontier” too. I do hope we get a backstory and learn more about how they survived for centuries. Also has that “Wayward Pines” vibe too.
I thought the same thing! It would be amazing to see a backstory to see how they survived for centuries! Maybe a mini-series! (I doubt they will as I think most people aren’t on board with it, I’m honestly shocked they’re doing a second season lol)
Do you know when the 2nd season is going to be released?
As of February 22nd, 2021, elite daily reported, “See Season 2 is coming to Apple TV+ later in 2021. But its exact premiere date remains to be seen.”
We’ll just have to wait for further announcements to pin this down.
Thank you for the update!
August 27th
Would’ve been a great family show if it didn’t have that weird prayer/masturbation thing …I mean yukkkkk what in the world did the writers take to come up with something that disturbing and gross … that is a 5/10 from me
Yes, yes, yes! Jason Mamamamammmmmmmmmmm!
I woulda thot they’d hire more real blind actors. The sighted actors coulda learned how to act blind more convincingly with some real pros to copy.
Just terrible. Had high hopes. Completely illogical. Bad script. Is there a plot? Don’t care, it’s just dumb. Although it does stir my imagination of what they could’ve done with this show.
Looks like Jason Momoa’s character from “Frontier”, but sounds like Jason Momoa from “SG Atlantis”.
Watched this years ago, but would gladly watch it again. Absolutely amazing show that really makes you think. I loved Jason Mamoa in this because he showed real emotions. He needs to take on more projects that call on him to be a real human, not a superhero. I hope he can get more good parts like this.
It’s back! 👏 👏 Anything with this hunk I’ll “see”.
Totally forgot about this series, and then BAM Season 2! Yea!!
I miss the S01 opening title sequence. The new credits for S02 are just as awesome. Also it’s exciting to see familiar faces from other popular TV shows joining the cast.
How are there three shows called “See” in 2019?
wow a truly good show cant wait for season 3!
If you disliked season 1 but watched it anyways between drops of “Warrior” and “The Mandalorian”, just know that someone with similar taste couldn’t get through 5 minutes of “See” S2EO1 and still felt like vomiting at the site of the “blind queen”. Keep this whole season “in case of emergency” just for the gore that’s mixed in the dreadful directing and writing.
Watched two episodes so far, confusing, disappointing.
Not very good
they’re all blind so why the attention to wardrobe, furs feathers earrings etc. Is there a stylist with sight dressing these people up like the cast of Vikings. 5 mins in and you know this show is ridiculous
I feel like season 2 was a poor attempt in copying GOT. From certain characters and their development, down to fighting scenes. Still, it’s worth to watch.
Every time I hear the Queen’s voice I want to turn it off.
This started off really good but now its just stupid.
Idea is so stupid that is hard to watch, although pretty decedent performance actors/scenery wise.…for being blind they dress in unison..and put great makeup…..
this is true. The fashion really doesn’t make any sense, but how is the idea itself stupid? It’s a good show.
ha that stuck me as odd too .. why would blind ppl wear elaborate costumes .. of course if they has mismatched gloves or poorly chosen colours it could be part of the shick
most of their decorations and facial markings are textures
so you figure thay regularly feel each others face makeup to see what they look like?
thats why they scar there faces so people know whos whos
100% agree. Just go get a machine gun and shoot all the blind people from a distance. Problem solved lol. I’ve stuck with it to episode 8 and its utterly ridiculous at this point.
It took me a little time to get into this but after watching it through, it’s a really good show and there is a plot which unravels. One has to pay attention to follow the plot which is not handed to you or set up in the first ten minutes (like a lot of other predictable shows). People who tend to prefer shows that have an obvious story line that doesn’t require much effort to figure out the plot will probably not like this show but for those patient enough to invest time in a show and story that is different then I’d say give it a try. Also for those complaining about the clothing and wardrobe, think on this: if all people were blind then it follows that marks on the face or body,clothing and adornments are likely to provide a way for people to identify each other so they would ‘see’ with their hands. Tactile things would allow that so it’s appropriate given the subject matter/theme of the show.