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The Expanse (2015)

Loki (2021)

The Witcher (2019)

The Orville (2017)

Season 4 starts November 18th.
Thanks, grasshopper!
YAY. Excited. Thanks for the ‘Stars Up’.
God I really dislike this series. It started out with a tiny bit of promise but quickly lost it the more the main characters were introduced and more tiime was spent with them. I knew it was probably going to be a lemon when the main character was so dislikable. Cocky arrogant criminal and only gets by with luck then swaggers and acts like it was pure skill. Gets worse every season. Watched the first episode of the last season and its just her and a few others. I decided only way Id watch past 1st episode was if they killed her off.
You can solve your dilemma easy enough.
Discovery is not a bad show; but it is not Star Trek. Do you wanna know how I know? I just realized we are in the third season and I still dont know almost any of the bridge crews names. Any character other than Michael, Saru, Tilly and Stamets might as well be extras; they are a little more than window dressing. A ST show lives and dies by the uality of its crew. Viewers fall in love with the vastly different and well written characters, their overall dynamic, little moments between them, and the feeling of family. Just think of TNG, DS9, or even ST:Enterprise… Such a great difference from Discovery. Discovery on the other hand is the story of Michael Burnham, anyone else is just supporting characters that are as important to the story as their relative distance to Michael. Her universe hopping pseudo-mom, her foster brother, her Vulcan dad, her Klingon boyfriend, her funny roommate etc… They are not characters on themselves, they are just story elements to support Michaels journey. And that is why Discovery is not a Star Trek show.
^This ALL this!
I enjoy the ‘Star Trek: Michael Burnham’ show for what it is. I mourn what it is not and what it could be/have been. It does seem like they are trying to make it a little more crew centric this season- first episode aside.
It’s sad when the Seth MacFarlane helmed “The Orville” is better Star Trek than Star Trek.
Really terrible show and in no way stays true to the franchise
-I’ve enjoyed Star-Trek all of my life, I’ve never had a disappointing view, be it the series Or at the box office. What an awesome delight to witness once more the birth of a spectacular venture into future exploration through the tales of the U.S.S. Discovery, I’m engaged for the Trek! 5/5🚀
TO UPLOADER: Thanks!!! :)
Most true Treckers already know, but in case you haven’t seen this, it’s a MUST.
Star Trek Continues, is an independent fan-made series that completes TOS 5 year mission. The production values alone are through the roof!
Check it out HERE.
I have tried and tried to watch this it’s just horrible crap not worth watching.
I feel a very strong urge to tell the world (or, rather the primewire community) that this show is a pile of garbage. This is my opinion and I need not explain myself. If you disagree, I respect your opinion and I have love for you non-the-less.
Take care,
I’m a bit surprised now that we are in the future there isn’t more sentient holograms looking back at voyager and the doctor, I know they showed some but to be affected by blinking patterns was so weak. I almost expected them to be another race at this point and the lack of androids from the picard show is questionable, without dilithium and travel taking so long both should of thrived
Hoooo - weeeee! Season 3 of discovery is coming on 15th October - there will be 13 episodes airing every Thursday. I am delighted so I am…
Love this show, cant wait for next season
WOW, this show is so good. I give it a 5/5. the acting and the beautiful artwork that they do with cgi are right on point( and I do mean artwork) it feels more like you’re watching a movie than a tv show. They must have an outrageous budget for this series…. and it shows.
Why the hell did cbs cancel deep space nine
Jesus Christ this show is absolutely shit
DS9 ended and completed the story arc for Ben Cisco. So did Voyager. Shame about Enterprise, but at least they wrapped it up to some sort of conclusion. TNG got to extend their story in the movies. As to Discovery, it’s extremely complex power struggle between CBS, Viacom and Paramount. You can get in depth details on YouTube videos by Midnight’s Edge.
Or read my explanation on the Orville Comment Page. Hopefully it will shed light on some of the reasons for this Star Trek version.
Once season 5 ends, that will be it for this ST spinoff. I won’t be sad to see it end though. Star Trek: Discovery ending is that the cast and crew are getting a production extension to film a proper conclusion to the series, as well as a proper set-up for that conclusion. Paramount Plus has announced that the next season of “Star Trek: Discovery” will be the last, with the fifth and final season arriving in early 2024.
Season 3 has arrived
RETURNING SOON! : Season 3 of ST Discovery engages on Thursday, October 15th and sets course for a new future of exploration! Even better news: it appears that CBS has already quietly renewed Star Trek: Discovery for a fourth run.
I love this show , watching again but Please please don’t leave us hanging I need to see Burnham die !!! Maybe with some nice toxic space acid .Or maybe some space chompy piranha? Honestly, When they “space” people on the Expanse I look away. That said , I’d like it happen to Burnham over and over and over.
No. This show is a box ticking exercise in diversity, we want entertainment not woke crap. I that’s why it’s finished
YES …. YES!!! the voyage continues ….
a pleasant surprise, not expected it to be back!
IMO This is the worst “Thee Absolute Worst” Star Trek Series.
“To Boldly Go Where No Man or Woman Has Gone Before…”
Live long and prosper my friends! Thanks again for these great uploads!
Well Put. As the Ferengi say when greeting someone to their home, “My house is my house. And so are it’s contents.”
I don´t like it either, and that´s why I don´t watch it! I don´t see a reason to watch a tv-show that I don´t enjoy!
Okay, I finally broke down and watched this series. It’s not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. However, it is not what I have traditionally come to expect with the Star Trek franchise.
My biggest beef is the added vulgar language. The klingons all speak with some sort of wierd voice over, it sounds unnatural.
I would guess they are trying to target a new fanbase with this series.
It is quite watchable nonetheless.
Great series!
3rd season is underway and I cannot get enough!
Whether you are new to the series or enjoyed TOS there is something for you.
This is as good as any Series in the Star Trek Universe. I sometimes see comments that believe this is a competition between the different series, but I believe it is the continuation of a Legacy. I hope the Legacy continues far into the future. Modern technology helps create a clearer glimpse of what the future will look like, and this series certainly helps to fulfill that vision. It also provides the personal relationships that have made each series work in it’s own unique way.
Wonderful comment!
se3? Let’s Fly?
I know they had to cut new cloth with this series after the last 2 seasons but this season just didn’t work for me like the last 2. I think the big reason might be there just isn’t anyone captivating enough like a Spock, DATA, Seven of Nine, Neelix or the Doctor. Just a rag tag crew that doesn’t stir any connection or emotion in me. But that’s my story and may not be yours.
Great start to S5 .
For some reason, this wasn’t on my watch list. Thanks for reminding me!
At times I liked this spin-off and other times I didn’t. It has been canceled and due to the strike in Holly wood, the final and 5th season is still scheduled for 2024.
They need to change the electrics from Lucas to Hella
Wondering if there’s a way to tell if some links have the subtitles or not? I don’t speak Klingon, unfortunately.
Thanks for the great links, though! Loving this one already.
I’ve watched the entire season and they all had Klingon Subtitles….except when a Klingon called someone a P’Tok!
I must be doing something wrong! I’ll try a different player. Been using PowerMediaPlayer (also tried Windows Media and VLC) and checked the subtitle settings. UGH! Thanks for letting me know.
Files I’ve downloaded are VeryStream, vshare, openload, vidtodo, .
Any Subtitles in the programs we have links for are Hard-Coded already, unlike DVDs, which contain extra tracks for Languages, Subtitles and Chapters.
Ok, so this is just really weird then. LOL Thanks for trying, maybe I’m just on another planet. hA!
OMG IS Ian Alexander annoying! He doesn’t even do anything!
Yeah, but, there was a lot of free advertising when they “announced the inclusion of the first trans and non-binary characters in the fifty-four year history of the Star Trek universe’s franchise of TV series and movies.”
But they don’t even do anything! Even when they’re involved in the storyline. They just wander around and all Ian does is laugh and stand there. It’s horrible acting and nonsensical. If you want a trans person to be in the show, maybe have them contribute. Look at Laverne In Orange is the New Black. Amazing!!! Ian needs to go out the nearest airlock.
COMING SOON! Season 3 of Star Trek Discovery is anticipated Mid-January 2020.
See the Official Star Trek Discovery Season 3 Teaser Trailer HERE.
In the meantime, you can enjoy Short Treks HERE.
“The four Short Treks episodes will roll out monthly beginning this fall, and will be standalone stories, each running approximately 10-15 minutes. Each short will be an opportunity for deeper storytelling and the exploration of key characters and themes which fit into Discovery and the expanding Star Trek universe.”
I wish this show was just the Klingons. I cant get into this modern Star Trek no matter how many times I try, just terrible. 1/5 stars
Everyone has aright to a opinion
calm down hen.
His family helped create it
Its like a comic book multiverse get over people 1 of best ST
pity it was cancelled but apparently the actors were looking for to much $$$$ and they just said FECK it. . We will just end it and stick with Srange New Worlds and make another cost-effective Star trek show