See (2019)
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I_Am_The_Watcher 5 points 4 years ago.

It took me a little time to get into this but after watching it through, it’s a really good show and there is a plot which unravels. One has to pay attention to follow the plot which is not handed to you or set up in the first ten minutes (like a lot of other predictable shows). People who tend to prefer shows that have an obvious story line that doesn’t require much effort to figure out the plot will probably not like this show but for those patient enough to invest time in a show and story that is different then I’d say give it a try. Also for those complaining about the clothing and wardrobe, think on this: if all people were blind then it follows that marks on the face or body,clothing and adornments are likely to provide a way for people to identify each other so they would ‘see’ with their hands. Tactile things would allow that so it’s appropriate given the subject matter/theme of the show.