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If you’re looking for various qualities of viewing based upon your own network tolerance, bandwidth limitations or whatever, I’ve noticed that postings of this series have a very high quality on the asparat with an average file size of over a gigabyte apiece, while dood is about 450 megs apiece & mixdrop about 550 megs apiece. The other links don’t play nicely with my setup, so I can’t comment on those. Anyway, thanks to whomever uploads these because it’s nice to have file size choices for individual considerations.
I use the hosters that show the size of the file. Streamtape and show you that and also vidoza. As a general rule ~400-500M for an hour is high quality, ~300-350 is good, and 100’s for low quality if you have limited bandwidth. Cut it half for 30 mins, double it for a movie, etc. Mixdrop and vidtodo for me are most consistent in terms of not stalling. Also appreciate the uploaders who are providing multiple choices, thanks guys!
I’m five episodes in and I can’t stop. This is so well written! Holy shit!
Down the rabbit hole :-)
Hahaha! Too right! All the way!
Wow… It keeps getting better with each season! Most shows grow stale around 3 seasons, but not Westworld. Even after dozens of unforeseen plot twists, they still find ways to shock you. Excellent acting, dialogue, CGI, character development. It’s moving at a really good pace too. Not too slow but not too fast. … Anyone else like the sound the Riot Control robot makes?
hooked on season 1 ep 1. cant wait to binge
Yes Thanks! And I thought I paid attention! Damn! Cant wait for the new season!
Yes thanks I thot I watched it carefully but missed one huge fact geez So thanks again. :) Season 3 was the best season of all!!! I am looking forward to season 4!!! :D Now we wait….
Appreciate that! That actually cleared a few things up. lol
That was their intention with West World. They used deceptive writing practices to keep you confused about what was happening. It was meant to make you think it was smartly written which it wasn’t. I am not saying it wasn’t a fun watch it was but don’t confuse a smart story with a misleading premise. ; )
wut? The hell are you talking about?
This you tube video is posted above in Jades comment. It explained West Worlds first 2 seasons in 15 minutes. Most people that watched the series then this explanation were commenting on how much they missed while watching the show. This was my reply to her post. If you follow the thread up you will see it all.
Is this your attempt at condescension toward me? Because, I know what everyone was saying up until you left your comment, which seemed condescending, and, somewhat deceptive in it’s own right, toward viewers of the video.
No matter.
It was in no way an attempt to belittle you in any way. I was stating a fact about the writing team for this series. I was just answering this. (wut? The hell are you talking about?). There was nothing condescending in my statement towards Jade or Jack. There was a strong dislike of the deceptive writing practices of the show. It left a lot of people confused and missing some major plot points not because of any short comings on the viewer part.
I answered your question to the best of my ability believing that you had read it as a stand alone comment. Seeing that your name is not in any of the comments above my original post, I fail to see how you took any insult in the first place. If of course being insulted on behalf of others over non existing slights that you perceive is something you are into, then by all means get as snotty as you like. You will fit right in with the little A holes that plague this site trying their hardest to ruin this site for everyone.
lol The End.
Season 3 Premiere is continuing on HBO’s planned story arc for up to 5 Seasons, Westworld resumes as Dolores and Bernard battle it out in the real world, the former trying to further the Host Uprising, while the latter tries to make peace between robots and humans.
See the Official Season 3 Trailer HERE.
I noticed an oddity. Season three, episode one, about 30 minutes in, Arron Paul is waiting with another group of people for a job interview. In the back row, is a man seated with his hands together, wearing what APPEARS to be an anti-virus mask. But filming wrapped in October of 2019.
I lost interest before the end of the second season; and paid very little attention to the second half of the season.
Watched the youtube video recommended by Jade to catch up a bit.
Still just a rather instant no-go on the 3rd season.
Not enjoyable at all to me; and this type of scifi AI genre is one of my favorites. Its just so…bland at this point. Nothing is really interesting, just seems to be delusions of grandeur with big words & big ideas but very little actual substance. To each their own. As for me, Dropped.
I agree wholeheartedly. This series had so much potential but failed to deliver
A house disassociated from its foundation. It’s got a few more foundations to choose from. good stuff
Stick around after the end credits for s3e1. There’s more to see.
The complete 3rd season was written on the back of a cigarette packet
First season was ok, but other two are atrocious. Something like Matrix trilogy.
terrible gives sci-fi and westerns a redundantly bad name, I mean the west in mysterious for the exact opposite of science gadgets machines etc. that’s what killed the west, so… you know what if this needs explaining you don’t get it 🏜
But i also preach enjoy what u want and if u dont like the show change the channel, don’t BOO @ a concert you aren’t a fan of. Cheer @ the one and enjoy the one you are. ✌
I enjoyed season 3 when all the A I’d finally gained there independence and kicked some human behinds. In my way of thinking, they were the superior beings. In this season I was hoping to see them living their lives and enjoying their freedom. In episode 1 those of the group they showed, seemed rather sad. Delores, now Christine, acted insecure and indecisive. The fact that this whole new season is again going to be another battle with the controlling human crazies is extremely tiresome. I would think the writers of this series could come up with something more original this time around rather than the same old variation of the same theme. They would make super firefighters, boxers, sports athletes, rescue teams in extreme conditions. But no! Same old stuff. How very disappointing.
Read this if you want to know what’s going on w/links & the site: