michaelmyers : f it i am in !!'''''''''''' going to watch it ''lol
Ozymandias75 : several years ago there was a tv series called, "once upon a time" in that series snow whi...
yonkk : Good action actors but against the dark CG, all looks a blur. Never forget the power of ...
whelmed : (ノ;o;)ノ ┫・┻┻ "*DEI* ruined this movie" "*Woke* ruined this movie" ( ͒˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ ͒) ┻┻ C...
hellsingfan01 : Yup exactly plus this movie is one giant facepalm.
hellsingfan01 : Simple because that would actually require Disney to do something new and creative and why...
Ismet : Yea~~~ im gonna pass. I have so much fun reading the comments in here and on the tube rath...
Rix : At last. After trying since 10:30 pm 3am this WAS CUTE SHORT.
random000 : He's also in this fun version of The Three Musketeers: https://www.primewire.tf/movie/7111...
binged the first season of Mr.M hmmm starts of slow, gets a little interesting, a little more interesting and then falls flat on it’s face in the finale imho. season 2 feels a bit deja vu, but will stick with it. you should check out Mr.Inbetween, and Hannibal if you haven’t seen them already.
@biker_71 Loved every bit of Mr. Mercedes. The writing & acting were brilliant & it was quite twisted in various ways. It always kept me guessing.
I’ve not seen TD or Mr Inbetween. Been meaning to see TD though since it has many actors I like. I’ll check out MI. I watched a few epis of Hannibal & liked it but the focus on the details of murders was too much for me to continue it. It was just too descriptive in that sense for my taste.
Another great series is Fargo, although the last season I got bored w/it & stopped. Just moved too slowly.I’ll get back to it & try it again but I watched 3 or 4 epis.
@CleoHarper I’ll try not to let the Buffy comment throw me lol.