hellsingfan01 : Yeah for someone it reads as saying DVD quality on here despite me clicking on cam quality...
Alien : In the vidmoly link title it says "CAMRip." I can't access either one of these links, anyw...
bigguy01 : very rarely we get to see a representation of this side of mass casualty event. so far not...
haldir1980 : Every episode is better and better
deimos737 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. That cliffhanger was brutal....
Pringokid : We have a great community yourself included. People like Jones or whatever are not worth y...
random000 : Yet go on a nature walk where we live & it's boobs in the woods all day. Both kinds. The k...
Alien : In the vidmoly link title it says "CAMRip." I can't access either one of these links, anyw...
snazzydetritus : Hee heee!
Rasnac : Mixdrop links do not have subtitles for the parts people speak in that ancient language. T...
binged the first season of Mr.M hmmm starts of slow, gets a little interesting, a little more interesting and then falls flat on it’s face in the finale imho. season 2 feels a bit deja vu, but will stick with it. you should check out Mr.Inbetween, and Hannibal if you haven’t seen them already.
Ok, I watched the 1st epi of Evil & was surprised at how it drew me in. Reminded me a lot of Silence Of The Lambs imo. Katja Herbers I recognize from Westworld & The Leftovers (2 fave series). The lead male actor, Mike Colter, starred in the series ‘Luke Cage’ & a few other things so I recognized him right away. I’ll give it a few more epis to see if it really sticks. Loved the demon George lol. His humor was totally unexpected even though you mentioned there were comedic moments. Just wasn’t expecting it to come from that source hahaha.