Evil (2019)
uuman 2 points 10 months ago.

The first season is one of the best seasons of a horror series to ever air on network tv. Sadly, the show has quickly been declining ever since. Now, two days before season 4 begins to air, I’m excited and hoping for a return to form. And it’s frustrating bc I can’t think of a single case of a show on a consistent decline righted the ship. Where that first season was very dark dramatic horror with brief moments of comedy, season 4’s trailer looks like 80% campy late 90s schlock. Yet that first 20% of the trailer still gives me hope.

pramwire 0 points 7 months ago.

I watched it myself to the bitter end but it started so strong and often went in what seemed like odd directions or developments.
At this point i know im fully out of love with it probably since before the previous third season, katja however is just so adorable i keep tuning in with less enthusiasm just in case she looks cute or even sexy for a half minute out of an hour.