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Shameless (2011)
CollideDuhScope 0 points 27 days ago.

The pilot is choppy… Can’t recco it with a ferrrriend whom I wanna turn on.. Slurp lol

Alien 2 points 27 days ago.

I’m not seeing that.

Shameless (2011)
Alien 3 points 27 days ago.

CDS, every episode in every season has links. There’s nothing I can possibly do in that regard.

CollideDuhScope 0 points 27 days ago.

The pilot is choppy… Can’t recco it with a ferrrriend whom I wanna turn on.. Slurp lol

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
~Dime~ 2 points 27 days ago.

This is a weird one for me. I love the Bad Boy movies. But I really dislike Will Smith. So I am sure I will watch this movie here, but I would not pay to see it. Which sucks as it hurts Martin in the long run. I don’t see after what Will did to Chris Rock, how Hollywood is still making movies with him.

Rodreko 4 points 27 days ago.

It’s sad to see him be a cucked by his wife.

FROM (2022)
Harthal 1 points 27 days ago.

When the heck is season 3?! It’s not the best show but it’s giving LOST vibes and Season 2 was a lot better. It’s possible that they are just making it up as they go along but I’ll be watching

grasshopper rex 1 points 27 days ago.

Supposed to be sometime this fall.

FROM (2022)
Harthal 1 points 27 days ago.

When the heck is season 3?! It’s not the best show but it’s giving LOST vibes and Season 2 was a lot better. It’s possible that they are just making it up as they go along but I’ll be watching

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
starphlo 0 points 27 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They were talking about how the essential nature of a person doesn’t change at the beginning. So the essential nature of “Jason” is pretty evil. I can’t see such a variation at the core of a person.
Anyhow, Daniella is gonna dump his evil self.

Shameless (2011)
CollideDuhScope 0 points 27 days ago.

Hey you! There’s no link request thingy.. Can ya help me out? D’oh

Alien 3 points 27 days ago.

CDS, every episode in every season has links. There’s nothing I can possibly do in that regard.

Shameless (2011)
CollideDuhScope 0 points 27 days ago.

Hey you! There’s no link request thingy.. Can ya help me out? D’oh

med109 3 points 27 days ago.

What links are missing?

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
~Dime~ 2 points 27 days ago.

This is a weird one for me. I love the Bad Boy movies. But I really dislike Will Smith. So I am sure I will watch this movie here, but I would not pay to see it. Which sucks as it hurts Martin in the long run. I don’t see after what Will did to Chris Rock, how Hollywood is still making movies with him.

TMZ Presents: The Downfall of Diddy (TV Special 2024) (2024)
melange6 1 points 27 days ago.

This is wack. There are better docs about Diddy on Youtube.

Shameless (2011)
Alien 8 points 4 years ago.

In January 2020, the series was renewed for its eleventh and final season to premiere in mid-2020.

CollideDuhScope 0 points 27 days ago.

Hey you! There’s no link request thingy.. Can ya help me out? D’oh

Outer Range (2022)
kerfy 1 points 27 days ago.

Just watched this for the first time, and binged the whole 2 seasons….. man I hope they make more of it..

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
Christmasstar 3 points 27 days ago.

Amazing show, wish it was 2 hrs.

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
Researcher 3 points 28 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That’s the thing: he can’t use this box anymore unless he breaks it out of the concrete box. I think he did this because he also keeps anyone from coming into this world. So, original (OG) Jason will never find this one. But then, a happy ending would mean that OG Jason finds this (his) world; I’m intrigued as to how that would happen. Will Traveler Jason build another box once he figures out it’s not his “perfect” world? Sooner or later OG Jason and Amanda will figure out that they need to get to other labs to get more ampules. Will they start trying to find other labs? I wonder if the sealed box manifests as a locked door or completely disappears from the corridor.

kerfy 3 points 27 days ago.

when someone opens the door to that world they will see a concrete wall, easy enough to break it down…

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
grape nehi 2 points 27 days ago.

Thank you Kathleen Kennedy, Carrie Beck & Leslye Headland for being so Fearless and Brave and staying true to yourselves and not letting trivial things like historical story context and continuity obscure your vision. All Hail the new Lucasfilm Queens!

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
Merrigan Able 4 points 28 days ago.

Wow, how cold and brutal he is…

greyfur 4 points 27 days ago.

Wow. Finally had the chance to sit down and watch this. You ain’t wrong….

Battlefield Earth (2000)
Merrigan Able 1 points 27 days ago.

I have to watch it again, now ~ and inflict it upon my sweet unsuspecting Brother. I’ll watch him watch it…hehehe

Battlefield Earth (2000)
Merrigan Able 1 points 27 days ago.


grasshopper rex 1 points 27 days ago.


How to Rob a Bank (2024)
Odie 2 points 27 days ago.

This was a great little doc. I remember hearing about this back in the day , but this was done well with great interviews.

Battlefield Earth (2000)
grasshopper rex 1 points 27 days ago.


Merrigan Able 1 points 27 days ago.


Battlefield Earth (2000)
Merrigan Able 2 points 27 days ago.

This bit of crud was the best kind of stinky cheese ever…John and Forest in that ‘get-up’ ~ a priceless hilarity.

grasshopper rex 1 points 27 days ago.


Battlefield Earth (2000)
Merrigan Able 2 points 27 days ago.

This bit of crud was the best kind of stinky cheese ever…John and Forest in that ‘get-up’ ~ a priceless hilarity.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E2
Boraes 2 points 27 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Wtf was up with Chewbacca’s horrendous 1990’s bad-boy wannabe scalp-lock?

grasshopper rex 5 points 27 days ago.

That isn’t Chewbacca. The name is Kelnacca.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E2
Boraes 2 points 27 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Wtf was up with Chewbacca’s horrendous 1990’s bad-boy wannabe scalp-lock?

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
Dvora 3 points 28 days ago.

Not only is Disney going down the toilet with repeat failures in recent years, but it is taking the StarWars franchise with it. No one under 30 could be convinced that this new show is related in any way to the original film series. The actors do not even have that Jedi reserve of character. The dialogue is all wrong, and visually it feels too low budget (crappy green screen work). And what was that poppycock that the bad guy was spewing at the end of episode one. Disney is going to milk the StarWars franchise for all it can with each new series it creates, but that does not make them part of the StarWars universe. George Lucas brought StarWars to life, but with each new series that Disney creates it feels less and less like the original trilogy. Is this newest television series worthy of StarWars affiliation, absolutely not. Let’s just hope the acting improves and the story gets better.

grasshopper rex 5 points 27 days ago*.

Disney stock is up 10% for the last 12 months. Their streaming service just posted their 1st positive quarterly earnings report with $47 million in profit. The recent board of directors vote saw the stockholders voting to keep all 12 board members. Revenue at their theme parks is up as well. Yes, they struggled at the box office last year with some notable flops, but it will take more than that to sink them and just as they have done in other areas of their business recently, I’m fairly confident they will find a way to correct course.

I do agree that they are milking the hell out of the Star Wars license and the franchise is suffering for it, but I feel the same about Marvel, Star Trek and many other popular franchises. You can get too much of a good thing.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
Boraes 5 points 28 days ago.

The whole ‘young hero with their droid side kick’ is getting a bit stale now…..

The Acolyte (2024)
virtudes2 1 points 28 days ago.

Why only two episodes? I think it’s a very bad choice to release only two episodes. I think they should have released the whole first season all at once. Just because the show is so bad well it looks so bad that I don’t want to wait another eight episodes of suffering just to come to the conclusion that it really is that bad. I think if they had at least released all the episodes at once then I would have been satisfied and happy with that.

The Acolyte (2024) S1 E1
Dvora 3 points 28 days ago.

Not only is Disney going down the toilet with repeat failures in recent years, but it is taking the StarWars franchise with it. No one under 30 could be convinced that this new show is related in any way to the original film series. The actors do not even have that Jedi reserve of character. The dialogue is all wrong, and visually it feels too low budget (crappy green screen work). And what was that poppycock that the bad guy was spewing at the end of episode one. Disney is going to milk the StarWars franchise for all it can with each new series it creates, but that does not make them part of the StarWars universe. George Lucas brought StarWars to life, but with each new series that Disney creates it feels less and less like the original trilogy. Is this newest television series worthy of StarWars affiliation, absolutely not. Let’s just hope the acting improves and the story gets better.

The Acolyte (2024)
virtudes2 1 points 28 days ago*.

The problem with this show is that they only released two episodes. Why didn’t they released 10 episodes all at once? That’s what they should have done. Not only does the show’s first two episodes leave the viewer confused, wanting more and disillusioned but also it’s something that could have been avoided had they at least released the all of the episodes at once so that the viewer could come to an informed decision as to whether this show is actually worth anything.

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
DonnyDarko 2 points 28 days ago*.

An innocent woman sit in prison for helping pedo children, yet not a single person who pedophiled the kids were ever arrested charged or put in prison. This is clear corruption of the sick nasty elitists will go to protect themselves from their crimes.

When say innocent, I am joking of course. But how can you have a sexual crimes with minors with no predators?

grasshopper rex 3 points 28 days ago.

Except Epstein himself. It’s much more complicated than corruption being the reason why. Crimes like this are very difficult to prosecute without forensic evidence or eyewitness testimony, other than the victim, to back up the claims. No doubt, they cover for each other and payoff many that might testify against them, and a court of law requires that hard evidence to convict. Sadly, the wealthy have rarely been held accountable for their crimes throughout history. That’s unlikely to ever change.

Shōgun (2024)
Rix 1 points 28 days ago.

Any links have English subtitles for aisan words?

VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
DonnyDarko 2 points 28 days ago*.

An innocent woman sit in prison for helping pedo children, yet not a single person who pedophiled the kids were ever arrested charged or put in prison. This is clear corruption of the sick nasty elitists will go to protect themselves from their crimes.

When say innocent, I am joking of course. But how can you have a sexual crimes with minors with no predators?

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
Merrigan Able 1 points 28 days ago.

Half of this conversation has gone poof ~ good that the gist can still be got…▶ Once, (a long time ago) this person said to me, “It would be better to be dead, than to have been sexually abused” ~ Man oh man, a face palming emoji, would be a seriously gross under statement, of how I felt about that…Of course, I’ve never forgotten what they said, nor have I forgotten what I said back to them.

grasshopper rex 0 points 28 days ago.

That’s despicable. That someone would claim to be so concerned about the subject, but have no sympathy or compassion for the victims, is incomprehensible.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
Merrigan Able 1 points 28 days ago.

Half of this conversation has gone poof ~ good that the gist can still be got…▶ Once, (a long time ago) this person said to me, “It would be better to be dead, than to have been sexually abused” ~ Man oh man, a face palming emoji, would be a seriously gross under statement, of how I felt about that…Of course, I’ve never forgotten what they said, nor have I forgotten what I said back to them.

The Acolyte (2024)
Werebackbaby 3 points 28 days ago.

Underwhelming. All I have to say about this show at the moment and after only 2 episodes. Also feels like the episodes are simply too short. These 2 first episodes could’ve been a single episode worth of storytelling and then in the second one you get hooked in, which did not happen. 3/5, I’ll probably finish it because I’m a nerd, unless it becomes even more boring and slow.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
grasshopper rex 4 points 28 days ago*.

Pedophilia isn’t limited by class or wealth. If any one thing could be pinpointed as being a major contributing factor, I’d say it would be the easy access to porn now. Frequent viewers of such have admitted that it takes increasingly more explicit and more exotic kinds to satisfy them. As I’ve said before, most abuse is at the hands of someone the child knows. Stranger abuse is far rarer. FYI, this isn’t a subject I’m passingly knowledgeable about. I was abused as a child, and I’ve since worked with programs that help those abused. The wealthy might get away with more crimes, but there is no evidence they offend at a higher rate than anyone else. I’ve known many victims over the years, and it was not limited to any socioeconomic group. To say that Hollywood is filled with pedophiles is no more accurate than saying that white men are all pedophiles, even though it is true that mostly white men are the ones committing that crime. You seem to be interested in the subject. I’d say do some real research instead of just spreading false claims that only serve to distract from a very real issue that harms our children. Pedophiles can be anyone. A family member, a friend, a neighbor. Most often, that is the case.

Merrigan Able 2 points 28 days ago.

Wow… 🙏💯

Dark Matter (2024)
Merrigan Able 1 points 28 days ago.

This is so damn good! It is the level of circus most required. I need to find his book at Library Genesis. If this adaptation of it > is anything to go by, it must be an amazing read.

Acapulco (2021) S1 E8
greenguy86 1 points 28 days ago.

Very few shows are able to cast good young/older actors for their respective characters. This show does such a good job of that.

Kill Craft (2024)
Lazeistheman2 1 points 28 days ago.

Redbox filler movie at best.

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E6
Merrigan Able 4 points 28 days ago.

Wow, how cold and brutal he is…

Dark Matter (2024) S1 E1
virtudes2 2 points 28 days ago.

Man I hope they start doing more episodes as we speak because this show has enormous potential.

Terminator Zero (2024)
Alien 1 points 1 month ago.

We hadn’t seen the last of Skynet.

Boraes 0 points 28 days ago.

I think now it’s a little sad to say that any big movie franchise will always get prequals/sequels/spin offs/reworked for pretty much every generation.

The Acolyte (2024)
grasshopper rex 1 points 28 days ago*.

So many comments and not a single one about this show yet. I’ll be the 1st. Enjoyable enough, if you aren’t already tired of the glut of Star Wars stuff out there.

Mr. Birchum (2024) S1 E5
Keannu 1 points 28 days ago*.

Asking for links in comment section/chat is not allowed ,Click REQUEST LINKS on any page with no links and your request is created automatically. for specific hosts ,request here >>>

You can Request here also >>>

cheeseburger 1 points 28 days ago.

thank you

Mr. Birchum (2024) S1 E5
cheeseburger 0 points 28 days ago.

I was unaware

Keannu 1 points 28 days ago*.

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Mr. Birchum (2024) S1 E5
cheeseburger 0 points 28 days ago.

I was unaware

Thousandaires (2024) S1 E1
kittyprincezzz 0 points 28 days ago.

anyways i did really enjoy this episode. if you aren’t a fan of the people who work at dropout in general, you probably won’t like this series. buuuut as a long-time fan, seeing the group bond together like this is so nice :)))

Mr. Birchum (2024) S1 E5
The Acolyte (2024)
darklighter1 2 points 28 days ago.

WOW…a bunch of level headed Star Wars fans. Not one nasty comment in the bunch telling us how great the sequel series is and the trash Disney shows outside of Andor. Have I passed into another SF universe the Twilight Zone?

hellsingfan01 3 points 28 days ago*.

There are some level headed Star Wars fans out there but sadly we’re just not given much actually good Star Wars content these days thanks to Disney.