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Spin City (1996)
laurie621 -2 points 17 days ago.

You are right-on by calling it “sin” city. After watching a few I realized it’s 99.9% about sex… Good actors with deviant and crappy dialog. If not for the actors it would be unwatchable.
Btw, in the late 80’s I stopped watching the teli and didn’t watch anything tv related until everything became available online.

Dethkids 1 points 17 days ago.

I understand, I didn’t watch any TV or radio for all my 20’s because I was playing music and running around traveling. Wanted to make my own movie instead of watching less interesting fake stories about people who aren’t real. Lol Kidney disease being trapped in a room so long (and like you said it being available online) changed that, I suppose.

Spin City (1996)
scumbag 3 points 17 days ago.

“Must see TV” was NBCs slogan for shows that ran on Thursday nights….
The show “Spin City” was a show that ran on ABC on Tuesday nights.

Dethkids 2 points 17 days ago.

I wasn’t being technical on must see tv, I just meant that it was a big show, thank you for the clarification though.

1923 (2022) S2 E1
Alien 2 points 18 days ago.

It is now, Noel, on that site I’ve directed you to before

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 17 days ago.

yeayyyy I got it

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S12 E2
BluRain 3 points 17 days ago.

Frankie Jupiter is my new favorite person lol.

Reacher (2022)
Pumaridge -8 points 17 days ago.

I was really loving this series and then the actor had to open his big mouth during an interview and ruin it for me. Why can’t actors just shut up and act? Who ever told them to use their PLATFORM needs to shut up too.

hackenprof 2 points 17 days ago.

Platform envy, not a good look.

Outback Opal Hunters (2018)
tcody 1 points 17 days ago.

What happened to season 12?

Reacher (2022)
Pumaridge -8 points 17 days ago.

I was really loving this series and then the actor had to open his big mouth during an interview and ruin it for me. Why can’t actors just shut up and act? Who ever told them to use their PLATFORM needs to shut up too.

The ReidOut (2020)
Pumaridge -1 points 17 days ago.


Suits LA (2025) S1 E1
Jack Reacher 1 points 17 days ago.

Well the flight has landed ,safely and solid with the pilot episode

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S12 E2
Boiler 3 points 17 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Fuck It

Tom and Jerry (2023)
hellsingfan01 7 points 17 days ago.

Was this meant to be funny because if so they failed miserably.

The Gods Must Be Crazy (1984)
deadwalker 5 points 17 days ago.

I saw this in the theater loved it!

Watson (2025) S1 E1
jweaver2766 1 points 17 days ago.

If you’re a real fan of Sherlock and Watson, I suggest to find another program to watch based on the characters….cause this ain’t it! In all honesty I feel like they made this show to cater to a specific audience vs it actually being something everyone can watch and enjoy. They reached way too hard and fell SEVERLY short.

Avatar (2009)
smegheadtardis -2 points 18 days ago.

never said that and please make arguments to what I said instead of creating a strawman. In fascism the state controls the company, in communism the company controls the state. It would appear you are defending communism, a system that has caused more deaths than any other. As i stated before all our current systems be they capitalism, fascism, or communism are bad simply by virtue of them being run by and inevitably abused by human beings.

burgermeister 2 points 17 days ago.

You have that 100% backwards. Stop talking about things you clearly don’t understand.

1923 (2022) S1 E8
Cryptonite_Owl 1 points 17 days ago.

That’s not correct. Spencer is John Dutton’s grandfather

dosmundos 0 points 17 days ago.

I had the understanding that Spencer’s older brother Jonh senior was the grandfather of John Dutton and Spencer was his uncle. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

Columbo (1968) S1975 E4
deadwalker 1 points 17 days ago.

My favorite episode!

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S12 E2
BoochJohnson 2 points 17 days ago.

This was a great, informative episode.

When the Stars Gossip (2025)
AdChris 1 points 17 days ago.

Not to bad of a show just. But, The ending went to fast or something. Maybe it’s me.

Suits LA (2025) S1 E1
lvlaxq 1 points 17 days ago.

Good start!

Doctor Who (2005) S4 E6
TacocaT 7 points 18 days ago.

This should have been made into a spin-off of Doctor Who. The others with Sarah Jane and Torchwood are okay but this is the story I want to hear. Daughter of the doctor (Que music)

AstroJeston 6 points 17 days ago.

There is an official spin-off called “Jenny”, but it is a series of Big Finish audio-dramas. There were rumours about a spin-off TV series, but either they were fake or it simply never happened for whatever reasons.

As a side-note:
Georgia Moffat, who played ‘Jenny’ in this episode, is the real-life daughter of Peter Davison, who played the 5th incarnation of The Doctor. She is also married to David Tennant, who played the 10th incarnation of The Doctor (as well as a few other versions).

Suits LA (2025)
pwk1653 2 points 17 days ago.

Didn’t like it. Very disappointed

Tournament of Champions (2020)
barryhigh -1 points 17 days ago.

plz add ty

Watson (2025) S1 E3
Watson (2025) S1 E3
Watson (2025) S1 E3
Watson (2025) S1 E3
Watson (2025) S1 E3
Watson (2025) S1 E3
Watson (2025) S1 E3
Conversations with a Killer: The Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes (2022) S1 E3
Tiger8me 1 points 17 days ago.

There is someone who is convinced that Jeffery Dahmer was not a serial killer and is apparently putting together a documentary to clear his name. According to this person J. Dahmer was an actor who thought he was being prepared for a role in a movie, that’s what the clips they showed were about. If that turns out to be true that would be one very interesting documentary. Waiting…

Watson (2025) S1 E3
Watson (2025) S1 E3
Conversations with a Killer: The Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes (2022) S1 E3
Yurocalling 1 points 17 days ago.

thanks to whomever for posting this with mixdrop! big hugs! OO!

My Son Jeffrey: The Dahmer Family Tapes (2023) S1 E1
Yurocalling 1 points 17 days ago.

danm! no one got a mixdrop for this? please!

The Hunting Party (2025) S1 E1
Twixtid 1 points 17 days ago.

Fantastic Pilot can’t wait to see more. The acting leaves a bit to be desired, but the over all story is interesting enough I will watch more.

Dope Girls (2025) S1 E1
Dis 1 points 17 days ago.

So far so good. Women on the move. I’m all in. Loving the time period, 1914. That lilac coat at the start was everything.
Abby Cox, garment historian, likened the Edwardian period as youthful time of change and absurdity. She likened it to now. I’m mulling that over. Anyway, I hope the story is good and the garments well made.

Tulsa King (2022)
Piglet -1 points 10 months ago.

I know some of you like Tulsa King and I did finish season one. It was bad but wasn’t stellar either. But maybe this will give the drama a bit more life! ‘Tulsa King’ Adds Neal McDonough as Season 2 Series Regular. McDonough, known for his roles in “Band of Brothers,” “Desperate Housewives,” “Star Trek,” “American Horror Story,” “Suits” and “Yelllowstone” and many other dramas and movies.

LaserGuy 1 points 17 days ago.

Neal McDonough seems to play a A.H. in every series I’ve seen him in.

Australian Survivor (2002) S12 E4
dampyiel2200 -1 points 18 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Didn’t really like Nash but to give him credit he tried his hardest to stay in. Just tried to be like George but wasn’t good enough.

BobbyBBB 1 points 17 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

He shouldn’t have told/admitted to his alliance that he threw the first elimination challenge - idiot! That sealed that goblin fate!

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000) S14 E21
prism 1 points 17 days ago.

never got into CSI Cyber, found the cast quite annoying actually.

Przesmyk (2025) S1 E1
Spin City (1996)
Dethkids 0 points 21 days ago.

How did u never hear of this? It was pretty mainstream pop culture? I can still hear the stupid ad’s Must see TV Sin City blah blah lol
I believe it was right up to some of his last famous performances before disease took over.

But like they say if you haven’t seen it , it’s new to you! so enjoy!

scumbag 3 points 17 days ago.

“Must see TV” was NBCs slogan for shows that ran on Thursday nights….
The show “Spin City” was a show that ran on ABC on Tuesday nights.

Sliders (1995)
BoochJohnson 3 points 17 days ago.

ELVIS is alive in 1995! (in the pilot)

Escape from Pretoria (2020)
NiteOwwl61687 1 points 17 days ago.

Damn this movie was good! I knew about Apartheid but I never knew about the two men this movie is centered around. This gave me anxiety in the best way the moment the first step to escape was initiated. Movie showing the best of humanity’s resourcefulness and determination to achieve the impossible.

1923 (2022) S1 E8
dosmundos 0 points 2 years ago.

Jack Dutton is John Duttons grandfather, Spencer has no offspring in the Yellowstone series.

Cryptonite_Owl 1 points 17 days ago.

That’s not correct. Spencer is John Dutton’s grandfather

Doctor Who (2005) S4 E6
TacocaT 7 points 18 days ago.

This should have been made into a spin-off of Doctor Who. The others with Sarah Jane and Torchwood are okay but this is the story I want to hear. Daughter of the doctor (Que music)

greyfur 4 points 17 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Sure would have been a great spin off, they really missed the boat with that one, loved that line she had, ‘what are you gonna do, tell my dad’?🤣

Life of a King (2013)
~Dime~ 1 points 17 days ago.

Such a great movie with a lot of good lessons.

The Bat (1926)
Dreamcrusher 6 points 17 days ago.

Looks like he traded his utility belt in for a big old sack :P

burgermeister 6 points 17 days ago.


Spin City (1996)
Dethkids 0 points 21 days ago.

How did u never hear of this? It was pretty mainstream pop culture? I can still hear the stupid ad’s Must see TV Sin City blah blah lol
I believe it was right up to some of his last famous performances before disease took over.

But like they say if you haven’t seen it , it’s new to you! so enjoy!

laurie621 -2 points 17 days ago.

You are right-on by calling it “sin” city. After watching a few I realized it’s 99.9% about sex… Good actors with deviant and crappy dialog. If not for the actors it would be unwatchable.
Btw, in the late 80’s I stopped watching the teli and didn’t watch anything tv related until everything became available online.

1923 (2022) S2 E1
NoelCoyotebleu -1 points 19 days ago.

WAIT just a minute! So season 2 ep 1 this week, then NO MORE EPISODES for how long!? As I advanced through the weeks to see when resident alien was coming, I didn’t see more episodes for 1923 listed? Perhaps it’s a glitch.

elb11 1 points 17 days ago.

next episode and 1 each Sunday afterwards
Air Date: March 2, 2025

1923 (2022) S2 E2
Crim 0 points 17 days ago.

Can we hire an hacker to get hacking. I need this show man,,,