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Sunny (2024)
ArizonaGreenTea 2 points 1 month ago.

I was unsure about this but by the middle of episode 3 I couldn’t put it down and now I’m out of episodes to watch with only one remaining. I really don’t understand the ratings on this site. It’s way better than a 5.8. I’d say it’s closer to 7.5-8. It’s also an a24 production and they’re doing some great stuff the last couple years.

Reagan (2024)
yellow_rose1 8 points 1 month ago.

I know may people disagree with me. However I’m going to say it, Reagan was one of my all time favorite presidents. The ones I’ve know while I’ve been alive that is. I’m looking forward to this. I hope its good

Gnostic_Alchemist 2 points 1 month ago.


Terminator Zero (2024)
Speed711 1 points 1 month ago.

I enjoyed this. Wish they’d release some more Matrix / Animatrix stuff.

Alone (2015) S11 E8
dampyiel2200 1 points 1 month ago.

Lol not sure if God wants this dude to win but seems like it.

Reagan (2024)
yellow_rose1 3 points 1 month ago*.

thanks Alien. It seems if someone doesn’t agree with my opinion then they find everything and anything to make what I say as not the truth or I’m wrong for thinking it. I knew I was going out on a limb when I made a statement. Funny thing is I’m not even American. I hope you are well on this Blessed Sunday. It was nice having a peaceful exchange with you. 😘❤️

Alien 1 points 1 month ago.

I was lucky enough to be born Canadian, too, Rose, and now I am lucky to be American.
Liars will always fight dirty against the truth but when they come at you the best thing to do is get in one good jab then ignore them. They hate that! ;) Have a good day, Rose 🤗

Kaos (2024) S1 E8
Xsile 2 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

technically he saved her twice. First time by taking the coin so she could not go through the portal and be soul sucked and second taking her back to the living world.

dampyiel2200 2 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

True. But he didn’t know he was saving her life or soul with the coin. And judging by people’s reaction that’s a huge taboo. But like I said he was grieving. I just hope he gets a good arc for the second season dude deserves it.

Reagan (2024)
Alien 1 points 1 month ago.

I hope it does. But trolls will move on to another controversial film.

yellow_rose1 3 points 1 month ago*.

thanks Alien. It seems if someone doesn’t agree with my opinion then they find everything and anything to make what I say as not the truth or I’m wrong for thinking it. I knew I was going out on a limb when I made a statement. Funny thing is I’m not even American. I hope you are well on this Blessed Sunday. It was nice having a peaceful exchange with you. 😘❤️

Reagan (2024)
grasshopper rex 15 points 1 month ago.

Iran-Contra, armed and trained the Afghan warlords that would go on to form Al-Qaeda. Tax cuts for the wealthy that caused a budget deficit, and he later had to roll back. Oh, and he robbed social security to pay for those shortfalls. Deregulation that caused a savings and loan collapse taxpayers had to pay for. The Reagan administration was responsible for slashing mental health spending and dumping the unwell on the streets. Supported dictators as long as they weren’t communists. Supported Apartheid. Thought AIDS was a punishment from god, so he did nothing to combat an epidemic killing thousands. The most corrupt administration in US history until a recent ex-president said hold my beer. The Reagan era marked the beginning of the end for the American Dreams of the middle class. Not a good legacy.

Wilsson02 1 points 1 month ago.

Ah…beautiful 80’s

Kaos (2024) S1 E8
dampyiel2200 2 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I feel bad for the husband.sure he kept her coin. Out of grief of a clearly loving husband. no malice with it. And it did end up saving her In the long run.I don’t blame her either she just didn’t love him anymore it happends. I’m glad they didn’t make him a secret bad person in the last episode to justify her leaving him. It was just she didn’t love him anymore which is enough. If this gets a second season hope he gets an arc where he finds someone who loves him for him. Season 2 could be twice as good as this season. No bad main characters all of them where fun to watch.

Xsile 2 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

technically he saved her twice. First time by taking the coin so she could not go through the portal and be soul sucked and second taking her back to the living world.

Reagan (2024)
yellow_rose1 2 points 1 month ago.

I’m betting that this comment section is going to get disabled. Why do people have to be so nasty when it comes to politics?

Alien 1 points 1 month ago.

I hope it does. But trolls will move on to another controversial film.

Reagan (2024)
grasshopper rex 3 points 1 month ago.

Reagan got credit for supposedly ending the Cold War, but he actually had little to do with it, and his speech had nothing to do with the wall coming down when it did. East German leaders, in an attempt to calm recent protests, had decided on some minor changes that would loosen border restrictions a little, but the spokesman announcing them screwed up and made it sound like the new policies were immediately in effect, so thousands started converging on the wall. The vastly outnumbered guards got no answers when they asked what they should do so they opened the gate and the rest in history.

kraichgau 5 points 1 month ago*.

when the speech in Berlin was done(the one you mean),the wall was already broken in hungary months before…which was the actual “tearing down the wall” event.
the eastern german regime was already dead at the time of the speech because people didnt follow orders anymore and protested every day in different towns
all of which had absolutly nothing to do with Reagan,but very much with the “weak” Gorbatschow
my country,my time back then, was actual that day in west berlin working

Trap (2024)
harryteze 3 points 1 month ago.

I don’t get the hate for this movie. I really liked it and it’s a bit different to anything I’ve seen.

Alone (2015) S11 E3
dampyiel2200 0 points 1 month ago.

Dude is talking about how he was taught to not show emotions and bottle them up. And is teaching his son the same thing says he isn’t sure if it’s right or not. And now being alone for just a few days is having a mental break down from not expressing his emotions and just bottling them up. Hopefully he learns from that.

Reagan (2024)
dampyiel2200 2 points 1 month ago.

I was born in 84 so I really don’t know anything about this president besides random stuff I remember from school. Does this movie talk about the good and bad things he did? The good things you said he did and the bad things he did that Rex said?

grasshopper rex 3 points 1 month ago.

Reagan got credit for supposedly ending the Cold War, but he actually had little to do with it, and his speech had nothing to do with the wall coming down when it did. East German leaders, in an attempt to calm recent protests, had decided on some minor changes that would loosen border restrictions a little, but the spokesman announcing them screwed up and made it sound like the new policies were immediately in effect, so thousands started converging on the wall. The vastly outnumbered guards got no answers when they asked what they should do so they opened the gate and the rest in history.

The Box (2024)
kronickurves 1 points 1 month ago.

I’mmmmm a Man in a box, buurrrrrried in my sh*t - Alice in Chains

Reagan (2024)
yellow_rose1 2 points 1 month ago.

I’m betting that this comment section is going to get disabled. Why do people have to be so nasty when it comes to politics?

dampyiel2200 2 points 1 month ago.

To be fair. Looks like a guy who created an account less than a month ago is being weird. No one else really doing anything bad.

Reagan (2024)
dampyiel2200 3 points 1 month ago.

I knew some of that. Didn’t know it was that bad though. Does the movie talk about any of that? Just assumed rightly or wrongly this would be a puff piece.

grasshopper rex 2 points 1 month ago.

I haven’t watched it, but from what I’ve read it appears to be a fluff piece.

Reagan (2024)
yellow_rose1 6 points 1 month ago.

No Nixon began the war on drugs. Reagan and Nancy continued it and campaigned to many children to “Just say no” to drugs. I like to remember him by ending the cold war and his most poignant moment in history when he said “Mr. Gorbachev tear down that wall”

dampyiel2200 2 points 1 month ago.

I was born in 84 so I really don’t know anything about this president besides random stuff I remember from school. Does this movie talk about the good and bad things he did? The good things you said he did and the bad things he did that Rex said?

Reagan (2024)
grasshopper rex 15 points 1 month ago.

Iran-Contra, armed and trained the Afghan warlords that would go on to form Al-Qaeda. Tax cuts for the wealthy that caused a budget deficit, and he later had to roll back. Oh, and he robbed social security to pay for those shortfalls. Deregulation that caused a savings and loan collapse taxpayers had to pay for. The Reagan administration was responsible for slashing mental health spending and dumping the unwell on the streets. Supported dictators as long as they weren’t communists. Supported Apartheid. Thought AIDS was a punishment from god, so he did nothing to combat an epidemic killing thousands. The most corrupt administration in US history until a recent ex-president said hold my beer. The Reagan era marked the beginning of the end for the American Dreams of the middle class. Not a good legacy.

dampyiel2200 3 points 1 month ago.

I knew some of that. Didn’t know it was that bad though. Does the movie talk about any of that? Just assumed rightly or wrongly this would be a puff piece.

Reagan (2024)
yellow_rose1 2 points 1 month ago.

I’m betting that this comment section is going to get disabled. Why do people have to be so nasty when it comes to politics?

Reagan (2024)
dampyiel2200 10 points 1 month ago.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this the president that believed in trickle down economics and started the war on drugs?

grasshopper rex 15 points 1 month ago.

Iran-Contra, armed and trained the Afghan warlords that would go on to form Al-Qaeda. Tax cuts for the wealthy that caused a budget deficit, and he later had to roll back. Oh, and he robbed social security to pay for those shortfalls. Deregulation that caused a savings and loan collapse taxpayers had to pay for. The Reagan administration was responsible for slashing mental health spending and dumping the unwell on the streets. Supported dictators as long as they weren’t communists. Supported Apartheid. Thought AIDS was a punishment from god, so he did nothing to combat an epidemic killing thousands. The most corrupt administration in US history until a recent ex-president said hold my beer. The Reagan era marked the beginning of the end for the American Dreams of the middle class. Not a good legacy.

Reagan (2024)
dampyiel2200 10 points 1 month ago.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this the president that believed in trickle down economics and started the war on drugs?

yellow_rose1 6 points 1 month ago.

No Nixon began the war on drugs. Reagan and Nancy continued it and campaigned to many children to “Just say no” to drugs. I like to remember him by ending the cold war and his most poignant moment in history when he said “Mr. Gorbachev tear down that wall”

Ravenous (1999)
Alien 4 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Man is the real Wendigo. That was fantastic!

augusts1 3 points 1 month ago.

It’s very well done w/an amazing cast. I need to see it again since it’s been so long.

Reagan (2024)
dampyiel2200 10 points 1 month ago.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this the president that believed in trickle down economics and started the war on drugs?

It Follows (2015)
augusts1 1 points 1 month ago.

Watched this classic horror movie again. It’s very slowly paced and takes its time setting up the world & characters. The actors all do a great job. It reminded me a lot of Sofia Coppola’s The Virgin Suicides quite a bit w/the production values, photography, acting & pacing. It also emulates a lot of style from the original Halloween movie too. I’m glad I watched it again but it wasn’t as good as I remembered it. That could be the mindset I have right now but doubt I’ll watch it again. Still worth a view if you enjoy artsy horror.

Reagan (2024)
Alone (2015) S11 E2
dampyiel2200 1 points 1 month ago.

One of the contestants said thiers never been a river he couldn’t fish. Uh yeah me either? Not much to fishing lol.

Reagan (2024)
yellow_rose1 8 points 1 month ago.

I know may people disagree with me. However I’m going to say it, Reagan was one of my all time favorite presidents. The ones I’ve know while I’ve been alive that is. I’m looking forward to this. I hope its good

Kaos (2024)
kronickurves 2 points 1 month ago.

1000% Digging the soundtrack. Shoutout to Music Director: Isabella Summers.
Also a founding member of Florence and the Machine.

The Serpent Queen (2022) S2 E8
GeminiSaga 0 points 1 month ago.

Men generally love their mothers.

grasshopper rex 2 points 1 month ago.

Not all mothers are worthy of that love.

Bombshell (2019)
Crazyfool187x -11 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“True to the story”- what the hell do you know about the truth of the story? Do you know Megan Kelley? Did you work for Fox? You don’t know truth about shit. Stop watching liberal-media, and taking it at face-value. God, you are such a tool. 5 companies own 95% of all media, news, social-sites, papers, blogs, and search engines. 4/5 are openly announcedas democratic. Fox has done an Overhaul over the past few years. I have a formal degree in Media-Literacy; from taking multiple Sociology and Critical-Thinking courses, from a ‘democratic’ school. Educate yourself! The Democratic Party is NOT what it used to be, before the 70’s…It is the party of corporate-greed, and selling-out the American-People now. They (Democrates/Hillary) gave MILLIONS to Iran, a country which condems its women, and stones them to death, yet they addvocate for Womens Rights?!? China has been growing at the expense of America for over 25 years. Want proof? Go into any fucking store, and see where 90% of the products come from. The democrats sold us out. High-Paying production jobs are overseas now, and the NBA + others are PANDERING to a COMMUNIST China, afraid to say anything that will lighten their wallets. I’m not ‘gun-hoe’ for the Republican Party either. I’m an Independent/Libertarian. Our Government is bought and owned by Corporations. ONLY when the American people wake up and educate themselves will we be free of this tyranny. The Red and Blue ‘pill’ are two sides of the same coin. Unlike ‘Progessives’ on college campus’ these days, I will not wish for you to die, or want your throat slit. I only hope you can educate yourself, and join me in being a truely free American. The lesser of two evils is truely better. Trump 2020!!

Crazyfool187x -2 points 1 month ago.

Damn this post aged so well. Look how the last 4 years have gone. 2 new wars, inflation, border crisis, and the elected president, who has dementia, was replaced by a DEI hire who got ZERO votes in the primaries. Talk about democracy, right?

Contrary to what the downvotes say, this site is clearly moderated by free-speech hating liberals. No free thought here, or on YouTube, or Facebook, etc etc. Zuckerberg just came out the other day and admitted that he was pressured to hide certain information before the 2020 election. “The truth shall come to light”.

The liberal media always lies about how Trump supporters are dangerous? LOL a demon-crat literally just tried to assassinate Trump. I haven’t met very many violent independents, moderates, or libertarians, but I’ve met VERY many violent “liberals”. I always thought they were supposed to be the party of acceptance and tolerance? Oh, but only if you agree with them. I wish no ill will on anyone. God bless you all, and may God have mercy on your souls. Lord knows you’re gonna need it.

Heavy Metal (1981)
Drizzt 2 points 1 month ago.

Brings me back to the days we all get as many of us we can fit in the trunk,, then all get out AND PARTY IN THE DRIVE IN :)

Bombshell (2019)
nowt 3 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Welcome! I’m disinclined to unpack that as well. Compositionally, both your posts either Frankenstein outright fallacies or are inextricably contextualized by, and I’m not really in the mood to vivisect the deluge of it all that kindly [forex: chastisement for using money to create an environment by which equality [or democracy; or education] might thrive, when one wouldn’t spend that same amount in the same way were it already thriving, and not acknowledging that that is also relatively more peaceful a persuasion than outright force, is… and so on]. Anyway, my best to your professors; they need all the help they can get. Disengage!

Crazyfool187x 1 points 1 month ago.

Basically, you just told me you’re too lazy to challenge your own beliefs and reality. Your word-salad meant nothing. No sustenance. You are disengaged. Disengaged with critical thought, willingness to accept when your ignorant, or wrong, and, most importantly, disengaged from reality.

My post aged so well. Look how the last 4 years have gone. Affirmative action is racism. DEI hiring is everywhere. How do you think Kamala got to be the candidate? They accuse the other side of what they do.

The demon-crats said Trump would start WW3. He started none, they are involved with 2, currently. that’s 0-1. They say Trump is a threat to democracy, Kamala didn’t receive a single vote in the DNC primaries. That’s 0-2. Also, we are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic. Democracies are easily corruptible and fail.

I consider myself an independent/libertarian. I USED to consider myself a democrat, until I got an education. It’s as one of my old professors used to say, “When you’re young, you vote with your heart. When you’re older, and wiser, you vote with your brain.” I understand how Trump rubs people the wrong way. I personally don’t like the guy. He’s pompous, and rude, and speaks like an idiot, BUT his policies are better for America. He stands up to foreign adversaries. He is America 1st. I’ll pick the lesser of two evils any day. It’s not like I’m ever gonna meet the guy, or have him over to my house for dinner.

I want a strong, competent leader. You want to “feel” good. Facts over feelings, my friend. I don’t call anyone on here names BTW. IDK where you got that from. Maybe you should understand the allegory of “The Cave”, because that’s where you are.

Again, my post aged beautifully. Trump was already president for 4 years. We saw energy independence, no new wars, allies paying their fair share, a booming economy, and safe(r) cities. The news may try and gaslight us, but I know how my wallet feels.

If you can’t take unpacking a little common sense, then maybe you should go get your kool-aid, and stick your head back in the sand.

Kaos (2024)
Cap'n Kirk 3 points 1 month ago*.

HHAHAHA Dirka Dirka Dirka Mohammad Jihad.. lmcao. Pretty sure no one would create a goofy Allah movie/show. In fear of heads will roll. Maybe if someone like Sacha Baron under disguise did it. Might possibly get away with it. I would definitely watch it

kraichgau 2 points 1 month ago.

yeah,would be fun indeed… :)

Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
John8:36 1 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Theres a Hot Tub machine scene when a fan of one of the guys asked “Whats an email?” for the answer go to

Red (2022)
Travis_Pickle69 1 points 1 month ago.

Hey man, don’t disrespect 70’s porno like that :(

Lowlifes (2024)
SkidMarx 2 points 1 month ago.

Im glad I finally decided to give this movie a chance.

Iron Man and Captain America: Heroes United (2014)
greyfur 1 points 1 month ago.

Never noticed this before, but it was pretty good.

Kaos (2024)
kerfy 1 points 1 month ago.

let loose the pigeons . great show

kerfy 1 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

just finished episode 7, it kinda plateaued about episode 5 .. gotta admit I was very dissapointed with the minotaur.. I guess the budget went to all the famous actors a great one time watch fer certain..

Pearl (2022)
Travis_Pickle69 1 points 1 month ago.

She is a STAR!

The Serpent Queen (2022) S2 E8
GeminiSaga 1 points 1 month ago.

History taught us that there is nothing that can’t be solved with a mass killing.

The Serpent Queen (2022) S2 E8
grasshopper rex 2 points 1 month ago.

This show makes me wonder why matricide doesn’t occur more often

GeminiSaga 0 points 1 month ago.

Men generally love their mothers.

Ravenous (1999)
Alien 4 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Man is the real Wendigo. That was fantastic!

Kaos (2024) S1 E1
TrixenTreats 2 points 1 month ago.

boring very boring !

Kaos (2024)
[removed by a moderator]
Cap'n Kirk 5 points 1 month ago.

Ahh people that live and breathe their religion aren’t special. I make fun of EVERYONE.

Kaos (2024)
kraichgau 1 points 1 month ago.

hopefully there will be a comedy version about allah too soon….

Cap'n Kirk 3 points 1 month ago*.

HHAHAHA Dirka Dirka Dirka Mohammad Jihad.. lmcao. Pretty sure no one would create a goofy Allah movie/show. In fear of heads will roll. Maybe if someone like Sacha Baron under disguise did it. Might possibly get away with it. I would definitely watch it

Savage Harvest (1981)
kavik75 1 points 1 month ago.

Wtf was that trailer?

The Windigo (2024)
Sally 1 points 1 month ago.

Awesome movie… can’t wait for the DVD copy y’all…

Gary (2024)
yellow_rose1 1 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Wow this Shannon woman is a rea piece of work. How can she justify selling a photo of him before taking him off life support with her head next to him. WTF. I really hope this opens a new investigation.

Borderlands (2024)
kameljoe21 1 points 1 month ago.

As someone who does not play video games the movie is pretty good.