Happy to see these “blockbuster” propaganda pieces getting LOWER AND LOWER scores as they robotzombiesheeple are finally awakening from their slumber and realizing all these things are LOADED with satanic symbolism, predictive programming, desensitization to violence and so on. I have NEVER, and will NEVER, see ANY of these freemasonic/jesuit productions created to push certain agendas. They’re ALL trash.
Latest Comments
It’s a funny film, with lovable characters and crazy goings-on. I wonder if there will be more to come, ala the “Tremors” Graboid movies. Same kind of fun going on in this movie as in the Tremors franchise.
I’m going to watch, but I have had a terrible feeling. I was a huge fan since 1988, then stopped watching about season 38. Watched the 40th anniversary, thought it was great, but wasn’t enough to make me continue to watch. It’s truly just a terrible show nowadays, filled with people trying to become movie stars and seeing it as a stepping stone rather than appreciating their time there and caring and making the comedy funny. I very much feel like no one really knows of a single name from that show since season 38 because of. The last of the best left that show after 38.
I honestly think Brittany is going to throw her under the bus first lol. But with big names they will always go out first because people are worried about them. Rob stood no chance as a faithful or a traitor he is just too well known. Same as Dan gheesling from the other season people will just target them straight away.Getting them onto the cast is awesome but these big names will never win. Well I guess besides cirie she did an amazing job but also traitors was new then.
I hope Brittany does and then backs over her 2 or 3 more times! LOL! I’d love to see Brittany win!
Hmmmm… all powerful government
trying to take control of property belonging to people… gonna call communism on this one.
“Right-wingers may whine about “woke” storylines now, but in the 1970s a communist was writing scripts about imperialism.” Rethink your username LMFAO
I watched this because Leonard Peltier was just released after being in prison for 49 years. Maaaaaaaaan, the FBI railroaded that poor guy. It’s a travesty of justice.
Fantastic portrayal of the devastating harms of capitalism.
Hmmmm… all powerful government
trying to take control of property belonging to people… gonna call communism on this one.
I agree and Kasey gets on my nerves just as Abby did. Was not sorry to see Abby leave the show.
yes I find Kasey annoying overall too. Abby’s character was ok until the last few years, they kept her too immature at times when no way in hell she’d be able to behave that way in real life.
I know it’s only a TV show but Jimmy and Kasey badgering Nick to tell Jess really annoyed me. It’s none of their business who anyone dates.
no hard feelings here, hope you do have a good weekend. your allowed to dislike a show, but when you post on a open source website you open yourself to back and forth dialouge. I usually just dont reply when I dont want to engage lol. cheers have a good one.
Calm down bro. Wish me a good weekend back and move on with your life.
no hard feelings here, hope you do have a good weekend. your allowed to dislike a show, but when you post on a open source website you open yourself to back and forth dialouge. I usually just dont reply when I dont want to engage lol. cheers have a good one.
your favorite shows are “the real house wives of etc..” your opinions on people being arrogant, pretentious are hysterical thats why. Also how is me replying to a comment that I disagree with on a social media movie website made for discorse triggering?
Calm down bro. Wish me a good weekend back and move on with your life.
I’m not, though. I stated my opinion on a show I’m beginning to dislike, and you two have been triggered enough to comment on it. I really couldn’t gaf about your opinions, like you shouldn’t about mine. Enjoy your weekend! Peace
your favorite shows are “the real house wives of etc..” your opinions on people being arrogant, pretentious are hysterical thats why. Also how is me replying to a comment that I disagree with on a social media movie website made for discorse triggering?
All the players worth watching are gone. Dylan is next. Not a worthwhile watch anymore. Sorry but Danielle ruined this season as well as making Rob a traitor. She’s going to throw Brittany under the bus too the first chance she gets before the finale!
I honestly think Brittany is going to throw her under the bus first lol. But with big names they will always go out first because people are worried about them. Rob stood no chance as a faithful or a traitor he is just too well known. Same as Dan gheesling from the other season people will just target them straight away.Getting them onto the cast is awesome but these big names will never win. Well I guess besides cirie she did an amazing job but also traitors was new then.
do you not see that your getting annoyed bya stranger on the internet in the first place here? Ben stiller is no one to you except for a title on the screen of this show.
I’m not, though. I stated my opinion on a show I’m beginning to dislike, and you two have been triggered enough to comment on it. I really couldn’t gaf about your opinions, like you shouldn’t about mine. Enjoy your weekend! Peace
There’s an animated version? Whhhaaat? lol
yes I’ll give you the link. It’s the first story. There are two stories. I can’t remember what the second one is.
“I dont understand your “arrogant self important” claims” - this has been said by his castmates, interviewers, and (most importantly) staff on set. I’d suggest googling it if you want to achieve a balanced view, rather than getting annoyed at a stranger on the internet. It’s clear you have a strong affinity for him and that’s ok, same as it’s ok for me to not. Like I said, you’re entitled to your opinion. Enjoy the show!
do you not see that your getting annoyed bya stranger on the internet in the first place here? Ben stiller is no one to you except for a title on the screen of this show.
Dr Dean has become so cool and chill it’s amazing!
Thanks again, I watched the animated version and it wasn’t very good. it didn’t even follow the short story. This one is much better. :)
I really wanted Caroline to win. Danielle I don’t think is doing a very good job and is just lucky.
All the players worth watching are gone. Dylan is next. Not a worthwhile watch anymore. Sorry but Danielle ruined this season as well as making Rob a traitor. She’s going to throw Brittany under the bus too the first chance she gets before the finale!
thank you for the upload!!
@yellow_rose This is SO much better than the animated one and I’m only 5 min in
YW but I only found a link, and shared it. The YTer deserves the thanks, ultimately. I’m a huge SK fan and thought this mini-movie deserved some love. It’s pretty close to the short story IMO.
thank you for the upload!!
@yellow_rose This is SO much better than the animated one and I’m only 5 min in
oh for sure. It’s obvious the actor lost a ton of weight for this part. He is excellent and staying true to the story.
Do not watch this movie as there’s nothing of value to be gained from seeing this truly awful movie that really could have eaten more cans of spinach to be a good movie.
I don’t get the concept maybe I’m dumb. Or missed something possibly both? I didn’t understand the rental store and the movies and how they connect to the characters. I was expecting some reveal at the end to have it explained but thier wasn’t any. Like I said maybe I missed something. Was kind of amusing at parts but like I said just didn’t really make sense overall.
Wasn’t very good at all. The acting was okay. The story was very boring along with the “action”. The new recruit guy was a weird casting choice. Bunch of lines pretty much stating he is a health nut treats his body like a temple etc. But the dude is clearly over weight lol. Just weird.
thank you for the upload!!
@yellow_rose This is SO much better than the animated one and I’m only 5 min in
ladies, kindly take this advice from a stable, healthy mentally / physically, fit, somewhat successful, loving guy. When you first see the man youre marrying or simply going on a first date with and he’s wearing sandals, flip flops, crocks, Doc Martin’s etc with a suit jacket….. politely walk away, then runnnn. you are 100% not getting any type of sex from them!!! at any point. #2, if a man says there is “no spark “yet”, not sexually attracted “yet” etc. that is polite code for “sorry but, im just NOT into you. even if its an ugly dude, heavily overweight men etc etc. no matter what any man says, its in our DNA to desire sexual attraction. Oh and if a guy is a fitness fanatic, and you have a beer belly, hes !0000% not sexually into you. Again, not all but testosterone is in our blood and if we get a good 360 view, we know if we want to rip your clothes off in the first few minutes . I dont understand how these “pro therapists” do not know this or the simple fact that a large % of todays man 27-33ish are still immature. Not ALL, but most in our dating world today. good luck to all
FYI on the future of Robot Chicken:
“Green announced that Robot Chicken will be moving away from 20-episode seasons and towards doing specials. The Robot Chicken Self-Discovery Special will be released in summer 2025. The special will be about The Nerd trying to discover himself through reality shows from Discovery-owned channels.” - Wiki
Thanks again, I watched the animated version and it wasn’t very good. it didn’t even follow the short story. This one is much better. :)
oh wow I’ve been trying to find this for years. Almost a decade. Thank you so so much. Finally I get to watch this. The short story gave me nightmares. This has been my lucky day here on PW
Looks like we’ll have to wait until 2026 to see season 2…..deep sigh goes here.
oh wow I’ve been trying to find this for years. Almost a decade. Thank you so so much. Finally I get to watch this. The short story gave me nightmares. This has been my lucky day here on PW
I remember when I looked forward to a new Marvel movie release.
…then you awakened to the charade and fraud these propaganda pieces are. ;)