Miss Weaver rocks!
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I knew it! I knew (this) Geller wasn’t real. Also knew Luis would turn out to be a freak. That one was a bit obvious but shrug
That may have been my favorite Ru-sical. I enjoyed the premise & songs & characters. Soozie did a fabulous job (tho her attitude is not great). Sam as well & Onya. The threesome of “Dorothy’s Friends” was a great moment too. Incasya really flopped. That was a sadly missed moment & the only way it could have been worse was if Corey did it (sorry, that voice should stay in the shower). Some really lovely outfits on the runway as well.
Had to fast forward a couple of times but it was worth it ,was another great episode.
how can an episode be great if you skipped thru most of it? LMAO bro
No english Dub links so far. But, we started out with english dub and english subs too.
One of my favorite segments from this series. Based on a Roger Zelazny short story, this is George RR Martin’s first script to be filmed (Zelazny and Martin were friends).
I have seen an advanced copy of the first two episodes…let’s just put it this way, this series would be better off relegated to obscurity and aired on a network like BET, VH1 or One Network.
It’s a daytime soap opera. You can’t judge it using the criteria you’d use to assess a prime-time show.
So I’ve been wondering for awhile if Geller is real or just in Travis’ mind & I’m leaning towards not real…
In case anyone is interested. After reviewing the new plot, it seems this season will be based on the second book. Dance hall of the dead.
The Female John McClane . Fighting Terrorist in a high rise building. Good action
Yayyyy It’s coming back. Such a well done show.
Love the show because of all the characters but last season just wasn’t it. I hope it gets better. I haven’t even looked into the plot.
Me too! Thanks for the replies anyhow, folks. I bet they just changed the extension from .watch to something else… but would be a bummer if that’s the case, because then none of the older links here to anything on dood.watch would work, darn it. Dood can be really helpful in one regard - if we go to their site, they’ve got a download link. I MUCH prefer to download & then watch on my computer at my convenience rather than watching it online… especially if I need to also grab a subtitled elsewhere also.
WAIT just a minute! So season 2 ep 1 this week, then NO MORE EPISODES for how long!? As I advanced through the weeks to see when resident alien was coming, I didn’t see more episodes for 1923 listed? Perhaps it’s a glitch.
WAIT just a minute! So season 2 ep 1 this week, then NO MORE EPISODES for how long!? As I advanced through the weeks to see when resident alien was coming, I didn’t see more episodes for 1923 listed? Perhaps it’s a glitch.
A good sticking it to the man movie. Like all things, starts out with good intentions but can one keep them while building a successful business. I love when trying to make the Ferrari a better car with a better clutch he was throw aside as “less of a man”. So he built his own car and for less with better parts. Fun, short, inside look into the rivalry of Lamborghini and Ferrari. 7/10
Side note the Lamborghini Miura is one hell of a beautiful car.
Naw, it was sort of boring, but then, other shows have made the first few episodes really boring and made us wonder WTH was going on, then tied it al together. This one gave us something really interesting up front, so we wouldn’t give up so quickly, maybe.
This was a definitely an interesting episode. But it didn’t find a balance between this weeks baddie and the overaching conspiracy plot. It’s not getting good ratings either. So let’s not get too invested!
Another great season of Shoresy is over, leaving us wanting for next year. Shoresy maturing, as a leader on/off the ice, and as a man who has found his love. Except when he’s wearing a ref’s uniform and giving the junior kids the biznis, of course. Let Shoresy be Shoresy for another 20 seasons, wherever he’s needed.
this is so fake! take the boat to get to a jeep? it should be the other way around.
then he goes into the river when he could just easily walk on the side of the river
this is so fake! take the boat to get to a jeep? it should be the other way around.
then he goes into the river when he could just easily walk on the side of the river
“An Ex-Soldier turned Window Cleaner”? Oi.
Well at least it has Clive Owen in it, who has had some really good acting roles in the past…and then there is Daisy Ridley. Might be worth checking out.
Does anyone know why season 3 suddenly stopped? The list above shows 20 episodes, but only the first five have been posted everywhere I’ve checked. :-(
I was hooked from the beginning. The second episode wasn’t great.
Naw, it was sort of boring, but then, other shows have made the first few episodes really boring and made us wonder WTH was going on, then tied it al together. This one gave us something really interesting up front, so we wouldn’t give up so quickly, maybe.
Mark definitely won’t die, but they’re trying to it build up to that up so that the audience believes it. Mark is the soul of the show. I think something that’s very obviously are is that they’re brainwashing them. With communism. It would be easier for a government or a big corporation to control the world if they can master this whole severance operation, cold war. They can make us obedient and submissive, but there’s definitely a task that they want met. A goal an objective. Severance could also be a lumen trying to create soldiers, so to speak. They said in one of the first few episodes that lumen has its foot in everything, kind of like the umbrella corporation in resident evil. If they do this successfully, there might not even be a need to suffer people because they can just
Create a severance type molecule and put it in all household products. I want to know who burt was talking too. I want to know why specifically “mark” is so extremely important to lumen. Ms. Casey looked really unwell. In the last few episodes, she appeared in, and i’m thinking that miss huang, the little girl, is mark and Casey’s daughter. Miss wang did say to milchek that they shouldn’t have a funeral because it makes the “innies” feel human. I wonder if the innes could be being used to power a supercomputer or a massive ai. It’s almost like the annie’s or sort of like the distillation programming/coding of a much larger ai that pushes propaganda worldwide and maybe that is also why they’re constantly messing with numbers. If you rewatch the episode, they said “propaganda” several times in this episode, so propaganda has something to do with the reason their “innies” exist. One of the things I can’t really wrap my head around is why they had a man in a suit sitting in a room on a haybell feeding goats milk with a bottle… whatever’s going on. I am positive that they are pushing for obedience. More than anything else, especially given milchks issue with the painting when they altered the race. He’s not even severed but they are forcing him to be complicit, and okay. In an overly structured environment through harsh words and positive reinforcement with Keir as their god. The entire thing is screaming north korea. They’re screwing with and manipulating everybody’s reality. My final guess on this show rings back to win. There any’s escaped and helly r screamed we’re being “tortured” down there. Maybe they are referencing the black mirror episode “brown bear” and using this reality manipulation as a way to torture and punish people in the future. In the future, I think if you follow lumen’s rules and worship cure, you won’t be subject to being assent to harsh lands like they were in the last episode or terrifying situations. You just have to worship Kier. If you act out of line, you have to relive hell over and over. It’s controlling the masses at its finest.
Happy to see these “blockbuster” propaganda pieces getting LOWER AND LOWER scores as they robotzombiesheeple are finally awakening from their slumber and realizing all these things are LOADED with satanic symbolism, predictive programming, desensitization to violence and so on. I have NEVER, and will NEVER, see ANY of these freemasonic/jesuit productions created to push certain agendas. They’re ALL trash.
LOADED with satanic symbolism, predictive programming, desensitization to violence ? really
how do you know ?.. i am genuinely intrigued , … why waste time writing a review of something you havent watched …. why? AND who paid you
Hmmmm… all powerful government
trying to take control of property belonging to people… gonna call communism on this one.
You spelled capitalism wrong. This is a COMPANY that is trying to STEAL something for PROFIT. Capitalism.
Happy to see these “blockbuster” propaganda pieces getting LOWER AND LOWER scores as they robotzombiesheeple are finally awakening from their slumber and realizing all these things are LOADED with satanic symbolism, predictive programming, desensitization to violence and so on. I have NEVER, and will NEVER, see ANY of these freemasonic/jesuit productions created to push certain agendas. They’re ALL trash.
How about shut the hell up then? If you have never and will never see these, why are you here? Why do you comment on the quality? It’s very, very sad seeing an old man waste their last remaining time like this.
I liked the movie over all. There’s just two things I didn’t like about it. One, Sam tries to talk-no-jitsu Red Hulk twice. The first time didn’t work. When he tries the second time I was like, man, you already gave a long winded speech and couldn’t talk him down and now you’re yappin again? That’s when Betty should have shown up, not later.
Two, the antagonist being a strategist playing the long game in order to get 2 allies to feud with each other just to ruin someone’s reputation is an interesting plot but it’s been done before with Zemo. In fact it was the plot of the previous Captain America.
The first sentence of your comment nullifies your entire argument. You have a series of established characters forced into new scenarios they’d never otherwise face and guess what… they’re still those same characters. What you clearly aren’t understanding, the What If series is actually a pre-existing comic series with its own canon and lore. It’s where the X Kills the X series also exist. For example, Deadpool Kills the Justice League in a Marvel - DC crossover. You have to understand, the reason those series are so rare is bc it could so easily destroy or enrage a characters fanbase. They’ll spend YEARS going back and forth for a 6 comic run because each character is worth billions of dollars. And then you have Disney hiring people who shouldn’t be writing for a high school paper for their tv shows.
I get it… its hard for people with no imagination to comprehend how literature has persisted for 2400 years, but I’m pretty sure the billions of people who came before us had it pretty well figured out. There’s a reason why every movie, book and tv show isn’t The Odyssey with gender and race bent characters. Instead we have untold unique characters and worlds that they exist in. To think this sort of behavior… any body, you have to be one of the lowest IQ individuals in the world. They literally can’t create a new, fictional character. You can hire kindergarteners to do that job.
This isn’t a debate. You have nothing to win. Your opinion is invalid. So is mine, individually. The problem is, this is a show on Disney+ who is now being outperformed by every other streaming platform. Just a few years ago, ANYTHING they put out was immediately #1 or #2 in theaters or streaming. No hesitation, just bam. Now? They’d have to combine their top 5 most viewed shows just to compete with the #9 or #10 most viewed streaming shows. Mid to low tier Youtubers are crushing Disney now. There most viewed shows last year… were the worst viewed shows of those franchises, across the board, and it got progressively worse as the year went on. And people have been calling this behavior out, SPECIFICALLY.
They don’t respect what amounts to, at times, a century of established character development and lore. It’s artistic vandalism. Even the big names in the comic industry have been calling this shit out for going on 30 years now. They have and are still actively fighting it, while also creating their own, new characters and IP’s. Proving this bs isn’t even remotely necessary. You have authors of books that are being translated to tv shows flat out telling news outlets that the writers on the show don’t understand the characters or story, refuse to listen, and they have now washed their hands of it.
The fact that you feel the need to make shit up, showcases the point where you knew you just got schooled. Well done, thanks for playing. Did not even have to finish your long nonsense there once I got to the BS. As always, people like you think your opinion is in the majority, because you’re in some hate filled echo chamber.
Happy to see these “blockbuster” propaganda pieces getting LOWER AND LOWER scores as they robotzombiesheeple are finally awakening from their slumber and realizing all these things are LOADED with satanic symbolism, predictive programming, desensitization to violence and so on. I have NEVER, and will NEVER, see ANY of these freemasonic/jesuit productions created to push certain agendas. They’re ALL trash.
Great documentary!