Married at First Sight, the extreme social experiment where four couples will meet for the very first time on their wedding day. Three top relationship experts are controlling this radical experiment involving eight Aussie singles, using a mix of neuroscience and psychology to try to create four perfect matches. Relationship psychologist John Aiken has interviewed single applicants across the nation and built a detailed personal profile for each one. Neuropsychotherapist Dr Trisha Stratford compiled the detailed neurological profiles. And psychologist Sabina Read met the applicants in their own environment to prepare to pair them with the most suitable partners. These four extremely brave and hopeful couples will face the most terrifying wedding imaginable – tying the knot with someone they have never laid eyes on.

  • Currently 62.7027027027027/5
(37 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 7.6/10
Released: May 18, 2015
Genres: Romance
AKA: Married at First Sight Australia
Countries: Australia
Companies: Nine Network
Cast: John Aiken Mel Schilling Trisha Stratford Alessandra Rampolla Sabina Read

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8STORY8 4 points 6 years ago. 5/5 stars.

This is the Australian Version of Married at First Sight. I’ve now watched both this version and the American one, while the same premise, they are very different. I like this one for it to me is more fascinating, entertaining, and yet the American version has it’s pluses. The US experts are more involved providing more support toward the couples success. And it does not have the weekly couples gathering dinner parties and weekly decision whether to stay in the “experiment” in front of the experts and the rest of the couples. While that adds an interesting dynamic and some pressure to the situation, it also adds some unnecessary and unhelpful drama (In my opinion), which might be interesting to viewers, but personally I’d rather see them succeed. Either way, I find myself coming back each season to watch them both.

Ditzygypsy 1 points 6 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

I like this one but I prefer the American version as an actual experiment and not just a mere ratings grab. The fact that they’re not even married here is a big issue because it makes the commitment all that much less serious. Plus they don’t even consider logistics for the couples when matching them, and Australia is a big place with enormously diverse cultural and even weather considerations. That sets the couples up to fail. They are also in a very fake bubble and never have to experience real life with their fake spouse. It may as well be an unscripted soap opera. The US couples DO get together with each other in real-world type social gatherings frequently. They go to work, decide which home to live in, meet neighbors, attend family functions, and make joint financial decisions. This show is really a pathetic joke, but it is one of my guilty pleasures; however, like you, I am more interested in seeing the successes (though there are almost ZERO) than I am interested in the drama of the failures. I matched 4 couples over 30 years ago, and they are all still married and very happy. They were all my friends from different parts of my life. These “experts” are either absolute idiots or just plain horrible people. As for the contestants, it must be awful to be so desperate, broken, and lonely. I was married for 15 years and then I had a disastrous relationship with a malignant narcissist for 7 years on and off, and have been free for 9 years. I love being free, and I will never date or get involved with anyone again. I am too happy and content and I like myself far too much. Thinking another person is the answer to your lack of happiness is 100% wrong. You have to like being with just yourself and enjoy being on your own first. You have to like it so much that you think VERY VERY HARD before you sacrifice that for the irritation, er, I mean constant presence of another person in your life, heart, and bed!

8STORY8 3 points 6 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

Hey Ditzygypsy thanks for such a considered and also personal reply. I might later do same, but been a busy at length and am here to get some needed “down time” before re-engaging in my own life drama. But, still wondrous all the same to first check my notifications and see some one gave such an effort to share their experience of both the show and relationships. First of all, I agree with what you’ve said about the show and the two versions. Second, way to go on a personal level living and learning and choosing for yourself, your happiness, your sanity, and may life bless you here on out for all those hard lessons and choices. I have had my own, so I surely understand the ramifications of such. And, yes desperation is one helluva hard lesson. While self love ain’t easy either by any means, the pay off is so much worth it. I’m about to dive in to the next epi.

artrok2000 0 points 23 days ago.

I just started watching this show and find it great to see many couples happy. Even though i enjoy watching the clueless couples way more. PS, I couldn’t have summed up how you feel about dating any better as youre not alone, ive shared just about the same experience, with the same type of person, in the same 7 year time frame and being that Tinder, etc… have completely ruined dating, I too am way happier solo while growing into a better person daily.

Angeldawnsoul 2 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I prefer this one over the American version. It’s a great show the only complaint I have is all the flashbacks. I swear there are so many flasbacks that it takes up almost half of the show. I find myself skipping forward a lot, other than that I’m completely hooked.

artrok2000 -1 points 22 days ago.

ladies, kindly take this advice from a stable, healthy mentally / physically, fit, somewhat successful, loving guy. When you first see the man youre marrying or simply going on a first date with and he’s wearing sandals, flip flops, crocks, Doc Martin’s etc with a suit jacket….. politely walk away, then runnnn. you are 100% not getting any type of sex from them!!! at any point. #2, if a man says there is “no spark “yet”, not sexually attracted “yet” etc. that is polite code for “sorry but, im just NOT into you. even if its an ugly dude, heavily overweight men etc etc. no matter what any man says, its in our DNA to desire sexual attraction. Oh and if a guy is a fitness fanatic, and you have a beer belly, hes !0000% not sexually into you. Again, not all but testosterone is in our blood and if we get a good 360 view, we know if we want to rip your clothes off in the first few minutes . I dont understand how these “pro therapists” do not know this or the simple fact that a large % of todays man 27-33ish are still immature. Not ALL, but most in our dating world today. good luck to all