Land shark!
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RIP Michelle T. Gonna watch her in some season 5 episodes in memoriam.
Watched this today after hearing the news about Michelle. She will be greatly missed, I grew up with her on my TV from The Adventures Of Pete & Pete to Gossip Girl. Such a heartbreaking loss.
The first season was very enjoyable. Had a good villain, good character building, and a nice back and forth from protagonist and antagonist. After that it was kinda down hill from there. The first season I’d give a 7.5/10. Second and Third a 6/10. The fourth 5.5 until the last episode, the show finale was pretty good. The whole, every season has it’s own arc, is good on paper but just didn’t come to film. Season 2, 3, and 4, the first four episodes just seem so slow and jump all over the place and then the last four episodes seemed so rushed. Enjoyed the show for the most part but I’ll never re watch it.
If you have the stomach for it…this is a fantastic movie. I watched it many years ago and never will again.. There is a very few I can say that about but sometimes the raw realism is just too much.
A five star movie in all aspects… a masterpiece. I think i’ve watched this classic at least three times over the years and still remember how enthralled I was the first time.
Great gansta movie, Al does a great job as well as the rest of the cast.
R.I.P. Michelle Trachtenberg 😢 I will watch this movie and Eurotrip in your memory.
So sad that such a beautiful woman got herself into such a state.
Life has taught me that some people just can’t be helped.
Saw this when it first came out. Good movie - too bad the author of the book this movie was adapted from, Lorenzo Carcaterra, later admitted that it was all a fabrication. Still it truly captures the trauma of child abuse and the psychological damage it causes the victim(s). I’ve seen it first hand in my own family.
Are you trying to figure out who is who in this new drama? Here is what I’ve found out thus far. But who the heck is Spencer Dutton and I’ve found nothing on him yet.
John Dutton Sr.
Fans of 1883 will remember John Dutton Sr. as a little boy, but by 1923, James and Margaret Dutton’s eldest son is all grown up. While the show has yet to confirm it, given his name, it seems likely that John Sr. is the grandfather of Yellowstone’s John.
Emma Dutton
John Sr.’s wife, practical Emma, seems poised to become the grandmother of Yellowstone’s John Dutton. However, so far in 1923, her only confirmed child is Jack, so whether that means that John Dutton Jr. has yet to be born or is simply off-screen isn’t clear.
Jack Dutton
Wild-spirited Jack is the son of John Sr. and Emma. If John Dutton Jr. is, indeed, also their son, that would make Jack his brother, and the uncle of Yellowstone’s John.
Such an amazing show! Really compelling, super interesting, and highly emotional. A really important series.
R.I.P. Michelle Trachtenberg 😢 I will watch this movie and Eurotrip in your memory.
For those of us that grew up in the Burroughs of nyc this is real life to a point, this emotional outburst , fights and trying to figure where you fit and are as a human being, this in a way reflects that small part of life while you go through big changes of teen to a young adult and the challenges of being understood.
Why does it say on IMDb it was released in 2024?
Just saw the trailer and I’m jonesing to see this now!
How did this manage to make it through 3 seasons when Firefly only got one!?
Thanks. I’d added it to my Plan to Watch list so hopefully I will see it on my schedule when it releases so I can check it out.
I should have watched this sooner great movie
Far as I’m concerned, one of the two best Spiderman movies they made, and the one following it was the other one, but that’s me.
The game flopped because trionworlds is a terrible dev that has never listened to its playerbase. They released Defiance initially raw then reworked it and released it again half baked. Then proceeded to micro transaction the living crap out of it. They did the exact same thing with Rift and pretty much took a top contending game and flushed it down the toilet in a matter of months.
To be fair though, playerbase’ are really hard to please. Not within a week of Path of Exile 2s early access release players were screaming out about bad programming, steep difficulty curves, mob modifiers, and the list goes on. Shortly after many hotfixes and patches meeting player requests, GGG released a live statement saying they were gonna pull extra resources from the PoE 1 team to help out with PoE 2. We are 3 months into EA and players are still completely unsatisfied with just about every aspect of the game, and in most cases, unjustifiably so. Now having said that, you aren’t wrong about what happened with Defiance lol, but just saying, not listening to your player base, isn’t really any reason a game goes under these days cause, we gamers are quite literally impossible to please. I’m an avid gamer, so I get being salty at times, but seeing the general mindset of people over the course of PoE2’s early access, has shown me that even when you DO listen to your player base, they still aren’t happy, no matter what.
well I spent the last 5 min screaming “Shoot her!” There’s only so many places to hide in a giant cave bunker 🕴🏽🔫
syfy 2009-2019 with the help from space and showcase produce some really cool shows like haven, alphas, lost girl, continuum, bitten, 12 monkeys, dark matter, killjoys, the magicians, van helsing, wynonna earp, krypton, the expanse (season 1 to 3), happy, channel zero. the only good thing about the game was it was free to play but once you completed it there is no fun in 2nd or 3rd run through also did not add anything to the series or the story. didnt allow the players to play as the two main characters also no interactions with characters from the series
You must have played the initial release then. Because the revamp had you meeting up with several of the main characters from the series. Also they added several things to do in the open world. Like racing, Time trials, boss fights, scheduled events etc.. But that said the game left a lot to be desired.
The game flopped because trionworlds is a terrible dev that has never listened to its playerbase. They released Defiance initially raw then reworked it and released it again half baked. Then proceeded to micro transaction the living crap out of it. They did the exact same thing with Rift and pretty much took a top contending game and flushed it down the toilet in a matter of months.
syfy 2009-2019 with the help from space and showcase produce some really cool shows like haven, alphas, lost girl, continuum, bitten, 12 monkeys, dark matter, killjoys, the magicians, van helsing, wynonna earp, krypton, the expanse (season 1 to 3), happy, channel zero. the only good thing about the game was it was free to play but once you completed it there is no fun in 2nd or 3rd run through also did not add anything to the series or the story. didnt allow the players to play as the two main characters also no interactions with characters from the series
no error in the date. The new season of Bar Rescue premiered on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 10 PM ET/PT on Paramount Network.
Just got an email on this. Was it not released in 2024? Email said Join us Friday In Theaters 2/28/2025
Have they ever explained the endings with the whole surprise in the box routine? I must have missed something.
ok ive noticed a lot of things im off back to rewatch the original dexter :)
I stumbled across this little piece of magic storytelling, purely by accident - what an incredible story and an utterly brilliant performance by Jason Watkins… if you haven’t watched this (based on a true story) - do yourself a favour - particularly those that love UK drama/crime series. It was an unexpected delight. Off now to look up the real online story…
Just a couple more months to go…..Havoc is all set to be released on April 25
Here is a trailer for this new movie with Nicole Kidman and Matthew Macfayden.
Saw this when it first came out. Good movie - too bad the author of the book this movie was adapted from, Lorenzo Carcaterra, later admitted that it was all a fabrication. Still it truly captures the trauma of child abuse and the psychological damage it causes the victim(s). I’ve seen it first hand in my own family.
there was an episode of dex and brians mum painting different coloured fingernails and in the original dexter brian had finger tips with different coloured nails in a block of ice crazy the writing of this show rocks
It is so sad to say it but many people can identify with this movie. That I’m sure of. Grown men of child sexual abuse don’t ever talk about it. This is every abused kids dream to be able to confront the S.O.B that did them wrong when they become adults. For sometime I forgot I was watching a movie. Now that’s what I call stellar acting.
this pc game would be fun to play with friends ‘’ ! 5/5well watched the first one it was good and this one didnt disapoint wow .. crazy online gaming at its craziness’!!
this was a trainwreak. Terrible acting by those I know can do much better. No one put any effort into this. It could have been so much better. What a horrible Flop
The game this show was tied in to also horribly flopped, which probably didn’t help
The game flopped because trionworlds is a terrible dev that has never listened to its playerbase. They released Defiance initially raw then reworked it and released it again half baked. Then proceeded to micro transaction the living crap out of it. They did the exact same thing with Rift and pretty much took a top contending game and flushed it down the toilet in a matter of months.
I might be naive, but deep down I feel this is what humanity means. Looking out for one another particularly the children. With the right environment and love if every child is well brought up we would have a far better society.
This show is great! All this foolishness and the challenges, the twist just keep on coming!! Stay strong, Ben!
Whoa, that was excellent. Sterling & Marsden were compelling as is the rest of the cast. The plot twist made it even better. Looking forward to more.
Try out others.
Tropical Thunderstorm Treehouse with White Noise and Rain Sounds: Mood - Relax, Meditate, Escape (2024)
Nighttime Thunderstorm at Sea: Mood - Relax, Meditate, Escape (2024)
After several years of hearing people mention this one and how much they liked it and finally having the time to watch?
Definitely worth all the hype I heard about it and I really liked it, I especially liked the way it ended too.