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House of David (2025) S1 E1
greyfur 1 points 13 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well, this is off to a pretty good start, but as I recall,David didn’t get nicked by a spear…

Severance (2022) S2 E7
dampyiel2200 1 points 13 days ago.

Are the links acting weird for anyone else?

Companion (2025)
joeinwb 1 points 13 days ago.

Liked it more than i expected to

Shifting Gears (2025)
sonicart 1 points 13 days ago.

Tim Allen used to be funny. After the first few lines he said I dipped - nope!

Sexy Evil Genius (2014)
random000 8 points 14 days ago.

Michelle Tractenberg didn’t deserve her death, nor was she some helpless lost cause. Her liver transplant did not succeed, so she died & it is a terrible loss. She was a cute child actor that worked to support her family from age 3 & was relentlessly bullied by students and staff alike for it. She grew to a beautiful woman & was underutilized as many former child actors are.

Her filmography isn’t huge, but our family likes her body of work. Even in subpar material, she brought herself into it & made it worth a watch, whether it was the weirdo Inspector Gadget adaptation or cheesy stuff like Ice Princess - where she sustained pretty bad injuries in her performance.

We dig her. We miss miss her. Happy Trails beautiful Michelle.

ShinmenTakezo 6 points 13 days ago.

Well said. Thank you.

Paradise (2025)
augusts1 1 points 13 days ago.

Cool. Where did you see that?

MiMi Baxter 1 points 13 days ago.

all over the internet

Paradise (2025)
BoochJohnson 1 points 13 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

After the 3rd episode I skipped to the 7th episode when the sh!t hits the fan and they show the extinction level event happening. That was worth the watch.

I don’t think I missed much by skipping 4,5, and 6.

augusts1 0 points 13 days ago.

@BoochJohnson your comment is a spoiler. Can you please check the spoiler box? Thank you.

Ivalo (2018)
Alien 1 points 13 days ago.

No links for season 2, either.

Rix 1 points 13 days ago.

Finding some in vidscar but this challenge is not for today for me..hoping normal pw links eill show eith hard subs..

Paradise (2025)
bigguy01 4 points 16 days ago.

show renewed for a 2nd season.

augusts1 1 points 13 days ago.

Cool. Where did you see that?

Ivalo (2018)
Rix 1 points 13 days ago.

I’m having issues with getting vidscar to work properly, maybe just learning curve on my part as honestly used it maybe 2 x and worked right out the gate with English subs,not for this series seems to have options in options! Just laughing at my own stupidity. Thanks for saying links are there

Black Bag
augusts1 1 points 13 days ago*.

March 14th release. The trailer is on the IMDB page:

Prey (2022)
Sassinak 1 points 13 days ago.

After watching the Revenant, the only good thing about this movie was the female lead. I really tried, but such a budget was wasted on someone’s profits.

Ivalo (2018)
Fmghost 1 points 13 days ago.

I got it now thanks

Paradise (2025)
Betamax78 4 points 22 days ago.

agreed (i gave up halfway through the 3rd and took off my schedual)

BoochJohnson 1 points 13 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

After the 3rd episode I skipped to the 7th episode when the sh!t hits the fan and they show the extinction level event happening. That was worth the watch.

I don’t think I missed much by skipping 4,5, and 6.

Ivalo (2018)
Alien 1 points 13 days ago.

No links for season 2, either.

Guns N' Roses: Live in New York (2022)
yellow_rose1 0 points 19 days ago.

yes. All the old links work too

Rix 1 points 13 days ago.

Thanks,learned that before I even saw this note! Thanks for the heads up!

Bergerac (2025)
Macgee 0 points 14 days ago.

Poor Jim still dressing like its 1981 , for a DCI he could do with a clothing allowance to update his wardrobe and look like a proper senior copper like those under him who make the effort.

rusty skupper 1 points 13 days ago.

Thanks for the comment, never saw the original. but enjoyed this one, thanks to you!
Great cast, good acting, had me all the way through.

Reacher (2022)
Pumaridge -8 points 17 days ago.

I was really loving this series and then the actor had to open his big mouth during an interview and ruin it for me. Why can’t actors just shut up and act? Who ever told them to use their PLATFORM needs to shut up too.

vientjuh 1 points 14 days ago.

Ooh what happened?

Fantastic Four (2015)
WeeKnighT 1 points 14 days ago*.

IMDB: Stan Lee declined a cameo.
Constantine films did the unmarketed 1994 version Fantastic Four as well.. It was so bad it wasn’t released. The same complain for most of their films is lack of emotional depth/motivations, films in that imdb 4-6 range. Director Josh Trank was blamed.

Arcangel2020 1 points 14 days ago.

I would one day like to watch the 1994 film version to see just how bad or cheesy BAD it’s good to watch (I remember as a kid watching the old 70ies era versions of Captain America, the Kathy Lee Cosby Wonder Woman version and the really bad versions of Thor and Doctor Strange too..LOL!!)

Ivalo (2018)
Fmghost 1 points 14 days ago.

I don’t know how to use VidSrc do I put the IMDb URL the 01 for the season and 02 etc for episode?

Northern Lights (2023)
ArizonaGreenTea 1 points 14 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I thought it was amazing. The highs are really high and the lows are really low. emotionally speaking that is.

Piglet 1 points 14 days ago.

Thanks for mentioning this drama because I totally forgot about it. It is now on a current list to watch.

Invincible (2021) S3 E6
theghettophilosopher 1 points 14 days ago.

the head guy. if mark killed the one we were following which one is the one watching mark?

dampyiel2200 1 points 14 days ago.

Oh…Thier is only one angstrom levy. That’s the whole point of his character and why he is insane. Idk how he survived probably be explained in the next episode. At least I think so. Who knows with multiverse bullshit lol.

The Traitors (2023) S3 E10
TomJones 1 points 14 days ago.

The American one won’t come out until after 10pm est tonight.

She's Having a Baby (1988)
BoochJohnson 1 points 14 days ago.

That baby would be 37 today.

Small Town, Big Story (2025) S1 E1
Can I pet that dawg? 2 points 14 days ago*.

What didn’t happen in the woods on the eve of the millennium… 👀

Paradise (2025)
kerfy 6 points 23 days ago.

at least wayward pines was a good show, after watching 2 episodes i find this show dull and drawn out..

BoochJohnson 2 points 14 days ago.

I’m near the end of the 3rd episode and struggling to stick with it but it is moving sooooooooooo slow.
And much of the music is annoying, too loud, constant and unnecessary.

The Traitors (2023) S3 E10
Caroline80 1 points 14 days ago.

Not the US version…

The Seventh Sign (1988)
jlock6755 1 points 14 days ago.

Thanks bunches, whomever uploaded this movie. Have not seen it in awhile. Greatly appreciated. :)

Northern Lights (2023)
Piglet 1 points 7 months ago.

Might give this a try after I finish season 2 & 3 of My Life is Murder.

ArizonaGreenTea 1 points 14 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I thought it was amazing. The highs are really high and the lows are really low. emotionally speaking that is.

The Adventures of Pete & Pete (1993)
theghettophilosopher 11 points 14 days ago.

Everybody talks harriet the spy and buffy but this is where i first watched Michelle T. With that damn cast on her arm. lol

A Man on the Inside (2024)
Zooke 1 points 14 days ago.

I enjoyed this, I think it is of greatest appeal to those of us with experience of dementia or senior care homes.
It’s touching in parts and although set in a very upmarket environment which few of us will ever be lucky enough to afford, it is a kind of fantasy view of our own impending old age.

Invincible (2021) S3 E6
dampyiel2200 1 points 14 days ago.

What do you mean?

theghettophilosopher 1 points 14 days ago.

the head guy. if mark killed the one we were following which one is the one watching mark?

Invincible (2021) S3 E6
theghettophilosopher 2 points 14 days ago.

You dont know what filler means. This episode is proving cecil right about rehabilitation. Mark realizes he was being a hypocrite just like cecil was in his younger days. He sees that while he tries to label people good or bad. Its folks that feel the same about him. If he is so black and white about good and bad why does he turn himself in? Anyway multiverse stuff is back

newman 0 points 14 days ago.

They could have addressed that in 10 minutes instead of 50 minutes of a screaming person (The voice actor wasn’t even doing a good job).
As for the “You dont know what filler means”. Don’t personalize you replies judging a person this way tho. Could’ve just said what you wanted to say without that part. Still not convincing what so ever to waste 50 minutes of viewers’ lives on an idea you expressed in less that 1 minute of typing. The show has been running since 2021, 3 seasons, total of 24 episodes and only 2 out of these left to end this season. Explain to me where the luxury is to address what you said. 100% waste of a life unless you don’t have one..

Paradise (2025) S1 E7
skoooper 2 points 14 days ago.

This season was amazing,they should renew this tbh

Ivalo (2018)
Fmghost 1 points 14 days ago.

Can someone please add Links for this whole series?

The Stranger (2020)
Runaway Brain (1995)
Serene Ocean Waves and Crackling Fire: Mood - Relax, Meditate, Escape (2024)
send2r 5 points 14 days ago.

listen at low volume seems to work best

Cobra Kai (2018) S1 E1
Dante89 1 points 14 days ago.

Awesome opening episode ! :D

Reacher (2022) S3 E4
BoochJohnson 1 points 14 days ago.

Not enough ass kicking in this episode.

Hee Haw (1969)
yellow_rose1 1 points 14 days ago*.

Legendary show with legendary performers.

Landman (2024)
SisterWithit 1 points 14 days ago.

Thoroughly enjoyed Season #1. Fingers crossed for Season #2 getting into the Starting Gate, because I would definitely be a returning viewer. If you haven’t seen any episodes, give it a whirl: I sincerely doubt that afterwards you’ll be regretfully shaking your head. ✌🏼💗😆

The French Connection (1971)
Piglet 0 points 14 days ago.

I watched this movie years ago and will need to watch it again. Some say the best car chase scene ever, but least we forget the chase scene in Bullitt. I think both movies are neck-n-neck with the chase scene. Of course, Steve McQueen was better known than Gene Hackman at the time and maybe the director of The French Connection wanted a better chase scene. Bullitt was released in 1968 and man that Mustang was a beauty, and the Ford company has this movie to thank for the rise in sales of the Mustang! RIP Mr. Hackman and thank you for the great movies and you will live on due to these movies!

Survivor (2000) S48 E1
RobotAllah 1 points 14 days ago.

The cast this season may be the best in recent years. Well rounded and likeable. Great first episode!

Przesmyk (2025) S1 E1
MobLand (2025)
Piglet 0 points 14 days ago.

Another month of waiting and Tom Hardy sure has been busy lately!

Fight Club (1999)
yellow_rose1 1 points 14 days ago.

I really don’t know what took me so long to check this out. It just never appealed to me. I love Ed Norton and Brad Pitt, well I’ve like most movies he’s been in. Well the point is I’m watching it now. I’m 36 minutes in and I still have no idea what the plots going to be. I love it

School Spirits (2023) S2 E7
harper846 0 points 14 days ago.

I have a lot more questions now damn them.

Defiance (2013)
AmieWarren 1 points 1 month ago.

I vaguely remember this show, so I must have liked it, not loved it. Back then, I was watching shows on a Chinese website on a 1.3Mb modem, with a lot of buffering and shitty video quality. We were in the wild west of free video back then. Maybe I’ll skim a couple of episodes to see if it’s worth watching again.

gldmediatv 1 points 14 days ago.

Always worth a watch pal… The end of episode music track in most episodes usually sums it up… Enjoy :)