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The Mallorca Files (2019)
newman 1 points 23 days ago.

Is this a good show to watch? Advice needed..
Any other PG or PG-13 shows to recommend is much appreciated

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) S2 E4
Researcher 4 points 23 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Clark (Galadriel) did well in that last fight! Here’s to hoping the quality stands the test of time (this season, at least!).

Firefly (2002)
SpontaneousOrder 1 points 23 days ago.

It is a mystery why no other network picked this up. Did the actors say they were done?

Kinds of Kindness (2024)
Luka77 1 points 23 days ago.

can’t get through it. awful and slow and boring and i don’t seem to get the stories. Doesnt make any sense. One of my worst movies ever to watch…

The Ark (2023) S2 E8
Wolfie D 2 points 23 days ago*.

Oh Naaah! Now A gotta wait fer a good 6 days! Just fell off me chair grrrr! Suspense totally a grovel!

Jurassic Punk (2022)
Surly 6 points 23 days ago*.
  • edited to add an actual review of the film
    This is an excellent documentary showing how Hollywood treats ground breaking talent when the artist in question doesn’t fit the Hollywood mold.

I was so surprised when I saw this doc. I actually knew Steve Williams in college. In 1983 he was a year ahead of me in animation at Sheridan college in Oakville Ontario. I didn’t know him well, I knew his brother Harland better, but I hung out with that crowd and went to their crazy parties. Yeah, he was a punk. If I recall correctly he knocked himself out in a mosh pit at one of the parties. Went to slam a guy and slammed the wall instead. The guys were all like that though. No one was mean spirited, they were just kinda crazy. But funny crazy. We were teenagers and very young adults havin a blast.

Apparently he didn’t mature much over the years but still, not getting recognition for the amazing, ground breaking work he did on this film is a travesty. He should have been on that stage getting the award. Hollywood sucks. :(

The Ark (2023) S2 E8
AmieWarren 3 points 23 days ago.

Out of the frying pan, into the fire! In the immortal words of Rosanna Rosannadana, “It’s always somethin’”

Afraid (2024)
Kateri81 3 points 24 days ago.

That made my skin crawl. Kinda good one time watch 6/10

magically_delicious 1 points 23 days ago.

Nice! 👍🏻

Afraid (2024)
kitiarawoofmoon 4 points 24 days ago.

it was creepy and kinda gave a good look into what could possibly happen

magically_delicious 2 points 23 days ago.

Interesting! I tried this CAM but the quality and strange interruptions made me feel disassociated from the overall content and intent. I AM going to try again based on your (and other) recommendation! Thanks!

Lady Scorpions (2024)
greyfur 1 points 23 days ago.

This was just really stupid, don’t waste any time on it…

The Challenge (1998) S40 E4
DaniBl 1 points 23 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

My all time favorite challanger is Jordan, but so far he’s not being his best self. Horacio is great, but he really doesn’t have much luck. He’s just starting, so there’s plenty of time for him to prove his worth. That being said, I was sure he won this elim.

Afraid (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 2 points 23 days ago*.

this movie is a look into the lovely future.. we already have cars at a flick of a switch can be remotely controlled, we also have androids half human n half machine, they started with the machines which are taking over the work industry, we also have mobiles which can do most things like read all your data know what your doing ect ect ect…and yes you guessed it humans will never learn the movie makers are just letting us know what is in store for the new generation of idiots who think technology is the boom, well heads up its not its a quaick way to self destruction…..people laughed at terminator when it 1st came out nearly 40 yrs ago and what does man kind do they start to build androids and try to tell you there safe…but who am i to point this out anyone who thinks im wrong well thats just the problem all part of the brainwashing thats been going on for yrs, soldiers brainwashed, school kids being brain washed and so …. the future is not bright its dark very dark

prism 2 points 23 days ago.

I haven’t watched this yet but I agree that tech is getting too far advanced for us to be able to deal with the repercussions. I watched this Youtube video yesterday and don’t mind saying it makes me very uncomfortable…..

The Wasp (2024)
Blink Twice (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 0 points 23 days ago.

added simple as that…..

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) S2 E4
Vmonk2 9 points 23 days ago.

I don’t care about all the haters, I’m really enjoying this show

The Perfect Couple (2024)
BobbyBBB 1 points 23 days ago.

Lived and worked for the summer in Nantucket a few year ago (will never do that again!) Looks interesting - will also be watching for familiar locations/places.

The Substance (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 1 points 23 days ago.

Moore, Quaid looks good added

RBG (2018)
The Deliverance (2024)
BobbyBBB 0 points 23 days ago.

Movie crawled at a snail’s pace until the last 20 minutes of the most unbelievably ridiculous, over the top ending since The Exorcist II: The Heretic! Even Glenn Close’s performance couldn’t save this tripe!

Reagan (2024)
pramwire 2 points 27 days ago.

That seems flawed since reagan was the top office during the downfall. The main culprits were destabilizing efforts in their currency paired with their military spending in an effort to keep up with the perception of our own technology and spending.
The notion that somehow he had “little to do with it” seems mad to my mind.
Most people of the time are fully aware reagans iconic words were mere poliocitcal posturing or being at the right place at the right time to make nice cheap empty words seem far more powerful than they are.
A very common non partisan political tactic.

Zman 4 points 23 days ago.

Sorry, but other posters here are quite correct. Reagan merely played off events of the time…and American gullibility. Soviet leaders stated later that Reagan had nothing to do with the collapse, that the USSR was effectively bankrupt in the early 70’s. Workers in the USSR had a saying, they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work. As others stated, the wall had already started coming down, a fact that the US gov conveniently neglected to mention…at all. Reagan was just a mouthpiece, GHWB was in charge. In fact, Reagan, just prior to his primary acceptance speech, said that Bush would in no way, shape or form be in his cabinet. Then he went into the back room and the reality of the situation was explained to him. He returned to the platform and announced Bush as his running mate. Look at his cabinet, Rummy, Cheney and most of the others were all also in Nixxon’s admin. Reagan’s admin was the culmination of long laid plans by the CIA, Mossad and international crime. If you doubt this, look at when KSA got F-15s from us. That would never have happened if Israel had not been on board. I know, my dad was in KSA for Peace Sun I & II. What is happening today is the culmination of those plans. As for your doubts, refer to your own words about ‘bias’. You have no facts, but have your beliefs.

Vaxxed II: The People's Truth (2019)
kerfy 2 points 23 days ago.

viruses mutate, vaxxes can not be made fast enough to keep up, the industry has long known that..

Heretic (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 1 points 23 days ago.

anything with Hugh Grant in it im watching and this does look good

The Front Room (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 0 points 23 days ago.

why make movies like this spend the money on something decent seriously load of crap

The Deliverance (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 0 points 23 days ago.

Glen Close must so desperate for a pay check when was the last time she was in a movie, and please she looked like one of those rawhide skins that get stretched out seriously how many face lifts has she had …as for the movie well in a nutshell dont waste your time

Vaxxed II: The People's Truth (2019)
ship_toaster 5 points 23 days ago.

great movie to watch while making toast in the bathtub

This Never Happened (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 1 points 23 days ago.

going to o add this trailer was not to bad

The Fence (2022)
THEDEVIANTONE 1 points 23 days ago.

this will take you back when GREAT BRITAIN was at its best not about all the crap going on now….were cops and criminals would do there jobs, working to live not living tom work and so on

The Challenge (1998) S40 E4
dampyiel2200 1 points 23 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Ahh man. Horacio can’t handle the pressure it seems. Or he wanted to leave because his GF wasn’t there. Side note Josh is a punk lol.

kas1965 2 points 23 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I could not stand Josh on BB and never liked him on here. On a side note when CT said “I shit myself” I just kept thinking welcome to old age and he is only 44 lol. I am really over the whole Laurel taking up time bullying everyone, someone needs to put her in her place!

Kill (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 1 points 23 days ago.

jolly jolly. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Afraid (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE 2 points 23 days ago*.

this movie is a look into the lovely future.. we already have cars at a flick of a switch can be remotely controlled, we also have androids half human n half machine, they started with the machines which are taking over the work industry, we also have mobiles which can do most things like read all your data know what your doing ect ect ect…and yes you guessed it humans will never learn the movie makers are just letting us know what is in store for the new generation of idiots who think technology is the boom, well heads up its not its a quaick way to self destruction…..people laughed at terminator when it 1st came out nearly 40 yrs ago and what does man kind do they start to build androids and try to tell you there safe…but who am i to point this out anyone who thinks im wrong well thats just the problem all part of the brainwashing thats been going on for yrs, soldiers brainwashed, school kids being brain washed and so …. the future is not bright its dark very dark

Uncanny Valley (Short 2018) (2018)
Frac -1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Loved both minutes of it 5/5

mkmikas 1 points 23 days ago.

jazz hands

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) S2 E4
greyfur 4 points 23 days ago.

Snap, that was a good one!

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) S2 E4
greyfur 1 points 23 days ago.

Oh, this just got aired..😁💪

House of the Dragon (2022)
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 23 days ago.

Have you ever read William Morris, specifically, The Well at the World’s End?
HIGHLY RECCOMENDED! Almost every fantasy writer Tolkien and the rest, were inspired by this incredible human.

greyfur 2 points 23 days ago.

I just looked the guy up, seems he wrote an awesome 1,444 books, and read the synopsis for the one you mentioned, and it looks like it would make for a great movie, if they were to ever make it true to the book.

Time Bandits (2024) S1 E3
augusts1 1 points 23 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

‘You can’t eat the cat. They’re in league w/me!’ Best line so far. This show gets better & better w/each episode. This one reminded me a lot of Monty Python & The Holy Grail w/the sets/costumes & the punny jokes, which is a fave of mine. The main kid who plays Kevin is quite good as are the whole cast. Loved the running joke w/the line ‘and Kevin too, who just carried the head’.

House of the Dragon (2022)
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 23 days ago.

Have you ever read William Morris, specifically, The Well at the World’s End?
HIGHLY RECCOMENDED! Almost every fantasy writer Tolkien and the rest, were inspired by this incredible human.

greyfur 2 points 23 days ago.

No, I have not, and further, to my embarrassment, I have not even heard of him. I will look him up now, but truth be told I’m so inundated with books right now That I doubt that I will have time to finish the ones I have to read before I’m dead without adding more to them. Unless of course I’m not allowed to die before I read them all…

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) S2 E4
Matteus 3 points 23 days ago.

I dont wanna wait another week.

My Best Friend's Birthday (1987)
augusts1 2 points 23 days ago*.

I’m glad I saw the first 36 minutes that are present here. Apparently according to reviews on IMDB the remainder of the original movie was burned in a fire. Definitely a very raw version of Tarantino’s developing film style. It’s not too bad but it’s definitely not great. A lot of the elements Tarantino incorporates show up here which makes it interesting to see. I thought Reservoir Dogs was his first film but since this was incomplete he didn’t show it except for a very few viewings. I’d love to see what he’d do with it in a remake.

Dead and Buried (2024) S1 E1
IceKreamSundaze 1 points 23 days ago.

yes please

House of the Dragon (2022)
greyfur 2 points 3 months ago.

I started to watch GOT because of the author. I grew up on Science Fiction, then later kind of grew into more of a swords and sorcery I guess you could call it kind of person, or maybe ‘Fantasy’ would be a more apt description, as my local libraries that I could get to growing up ran out of all the good Science Fiction books (I read them all).

That being said, I read a lot of the stuff back in the day, no other specific authors come to mind off the top (just woke up, still trying to caffeinate), but if it’s any consolation, I never cared for Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series either. I do remember going through like 6 episodes it was of GOT trying to like it, as everybody else was really liking it, but just couldn’t see what everybody else saw in it, but with this, man, right away it had me.

But yeah, I can see how with some people mood might have something to do with how a show will hit you just right…or not.

There was one, can’t remember the author, or the series of books, was several as I recall, was pretty popular back in the day, would make a great series now the way they can do the CGI, was about a kid, medieval times, and there was this big tapestry hanging on this wall, and he got transported into the tapestry. There was also this spider on the tapestry, and the kid and the spider became friends, and teamed up, to get back out of the tapestry. As I recall, there was something they needed to get in order to do so. Something the kid went into there to get in the first place.

Was a VERY good book, with a few that came after it. A lot could be done with that today.

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 23 days ago.

Have you ever read William Morris, specifically, The Well at the World’s End?
HIGHLY RECCOMENDED! Almost every fantasy writer Tolkien and the rest, were inspired by this incredible human.

The Challenge (1998) S40 E4
dampyiel2200 1 points 23 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Ahh man. Horacio can’t handle the pressure it seems. Or he wanted to leave because his GF wasn’t there. Side note Josh is a punk lol.

A Gentleman in Moscow (2024)
Vigile 2 points 6 months ago.

I love Mac, but there is just no way Hollywood or the UK can depict events in Russia without dunking it in pure propaganda and sheer nonsense. Watch it for entertainment, but don’t imagine that it is anywhere close to real history.

aceface 1 points 23 days ago.

there were probably 10 black people in all of moscow during the imperial rule the need to push woke agendas is disgusting at this point nonetheless great series but that did bug me

A Gentleman in Moscow (2024)
aceface 1 points 23 days ago.

great series i enjoyed it but why are there so many black people in imperial/communist russia as someone who has parents who grew up in russia during those times its kinda comical how many afro russians are portrayed in this series as russia barely interacted with any african nations………..this woke stuff is just going too far

House of the Dragon (2022)
redefender 3 points 23 days ago.

GRRM recent Blog post slightly satisfying for 3rd season

The Challenge (1998) S40 E4
Fugitive 2 points 23 days ago.

Nope its ready

dampyiel2200 1 points 23 days ago.

I’m not complaining being wrong.

The Challenge (1998) S40 E4
dampyiel2200 1 points 24 days ago.

Lol yeah. I’ve actually paid attention to when links actually drop for the past 2 weeks. My time around 2 or 3 in the morning. So we are looking at 4 to 5 hours sadly. If it sticks to what it has been. Depending on how the episode goes could me an extremely good battle at the end.

Fugitive 2 points 23 days ago.

Nope its ready

The Challenge (1998) S40 E4
RobotAllah 1 points 24 days ago.

I’m like some sort of junky in line at a methadone clinic waiting on links… It’s going to be soo good!

Fugitive 1 points 23 days ago.

And its out!!!! Get your hit now…. LOL i was also waiting all week for this

Happy FKN Sunshine (2022)
dampyiel2200 1 points 23 days ago.

Bout a hour into this movie. Suppose to be a comedy. This movie is just depressing not in a dark comedy way. It’s just depressing.

About Time (2013)
CollideDuhScope 2 points 24 days ago.

It’s one of the best romantic scifi’z ever. And one of my favorite movies because it is so very different.
Have you watched the series?

CollideDuhScope 2 points 24 days ago.

The series is the time travelers wife butcha gotta see that movie beforehand.
Sorry my looking everything up skillz are depleted.
enjoy xxoo’s

About Time (2013)
Dante89 4 points 24 days ago.

It’s goofy and fun but also about death and family, especially dad and son. thought it was gonna be less emotional than it was. Loved it! <3

CollideDuhScope 2 points 24 days ago.

It’s one of the best romantic scifi’z ever. And one of my favorite movies because it is so very different.
Have you watched the series?