Snap, David’s brother’s a badass! Who knew?
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this show is most likely not for your type. Why torment yourself..
LOL, you don’t have a clue what yer talking about. lol This episode was just way slower than all the rest.. I found it overly drawn out.. cou;d have easily cut out 10 minutes of it and not even noticed..or affected the story or feel at all..
Poor Jim still dressing like its 1981 , for a DCI he could do with a clothing allowance to update his wardrobe and look like a proper senior copper like those under him who make the effort.
The point is that he can’t make the effort — he’s struggling with overwhelming grief.
Humans aren’t one-size-fits-all: No two people have an identical capacity to cope with pain / burdens, and no two people cope with or respond to trauma in identical (or even super-similar) ways.
and holy shit that ending. I did not see that coming. That’s some cutt throat shit right there. Wow.
Yeah, I put that ending up there with 6th Sense, Fight Club & Usual Suspects.
Maybe it’s the actors or just better scripts but movies were so much better. This isn’t a break away best thing I’ve ever seen but I was engaged the entire time from start to finish. No hollywood thrills and explosions every 5 minutes needed. Good movie to fill the time between the next Big Box Office bomb. 7.5/10
This has always been a favorite of mine. I really do enjoy movies that are character/dialog driven. Just focus on telling an interesting story. No need for all the FX/CGI.
well, I am glad for fast forward in that episode..
this show is most likely not for your type. Why torment yourself..
Woah cool, ty for commenting on such a classic from back in the day I will finally get to check out again now!
Gracias Muchos! Hope u have a goodn’!
Enjoy! Btw, the episode with Iggy is “Halloweenie”, s02 e06….he’s also in eps 10, 11, and a couple from season 3.
I thought I recognized the voice of the villain Scott. It’s Aaron Paul!
Irish mob gang? I’m so confused is their an Irish gang mob too?? (IRA would scare these kids to death, real Irish mob lol)🇮🇷
It’s an interesting doc. However production did a poor job with balancing the sound. At times the music is so loud I can’t hear what’s being said. If it continues in the next ep. I’m giving up it’s not that interesting to put up with this
Wow, that was really heavy seeing into one of the most popular detectives personal life & how it plays on his perspective in all these cases & lives he comes into contact with. Never seen this one before, surprised this season kicked off so deep.
At 23:40 I knew exactly what he had in mind at that second. What makes Reacher stronger is both his muscles and brain combined. With a gun, I wouldn’t fear the other guy at all. I’d need an experienced army to not fear Reacher. Even then, I might pee just a little.
Absolutely brilliant! We were blind but now we see!! Praise Kier!
While watching this episode I kept getting the feeling I was missing something. What if the major twist of this show is that luman is actually a good company. I mean think about it. Severance could be abused in so so many ways.but it hasn’t. Or at least hasn’t been shown. It seems like from this episode jemma has cancer or something major wrong with her? Maybe depression that lead to her killing herself or something who knows it’s still so vague. But it would be an insane twist if in the end the big bad company was actually doing something good. Just a random thought probably not it. But could be a decent twist lol. I think all the characters doing semi shady things are just red herrings.
Spoiler Includes episode description: Are you sure you watched the right episode?? This was an epic one - my favourite this series by a long shot. Added much needed meat to the bones of what was beginning to lose me this season. So imo this episode was so interesting and has answered questions, raised more completely new ones (thank God, because people didn’t even know what to ask anymore), and given loads of clues to what’s happening. So many pieces to the puzzle. And to address some things you said - we saw Severance be abused here: imagine doing something at least unpleasant over and over again, always. Now imagine worse. That’s what we saw. Did you pick up on the “levels” of Gemma? Also, Gemma miscarried in this episode and her emotional experience of that seems to be the reason she gets severed.
The Big Brother-esque mind mapping and programming, the manipulation? All the imagery that has been alluded to in the past but never understood was coming into context throughout the episode. So, imo Severance is definitely unethical and immoral, whether thats deemed criminal or not depends on who’s doing the defining, as we see playing out in contemporary international politics. My theory for Severance as a corporation is this - if you could get as far removed as possible from doing things you don’t want to do but have to do, taking other human lives for example, wouldn’t you? PTSD is gone. Guilt, shame, sadness, pain, all gone.
So, there can be many exponentials of severance because I would assume “the work continues” (So many call backs). For the powerful puppet-masters it’s advantageous that people have unharmed psyches on the outside and allow mundane worker ants (the innies), and several other severed dimensions to handle the unpleasant to the really traumatic work. Everyone can be a soldier. Follow orders. I think this episode gave loads! I loved it. Literally could write an essay
Maybe it’s the actors or just better scripts but movies were so much better. This isn’t a break away best thing I’ve ever seen but I was engaged the entire time from start to finish. No hollywood thrills and explosions every 5 minutes needed. Good movie to fill the time between the next Big Box Office bomb. 7.5/10
and holy shit that ending. I did not see that coming. That’s some cutt throat shit right there. Wow.
Maybe it’s the actors or just better scripts but movies were so much better. This isn’t a break away best thing I’ve ever seen but I was engaged the entire time from start to finish. No hollywood thrills and explosions every 5 minutes needed. Good movie to fill the time between the next Big Box Office bomb. 7.5/10
this show just doesn’t interest me. I gave it a shot it reminds me of a cubicle version of “lost”
This debate is hilarious. Wrestling and MMA both have roots in ancient Greek sports. Both have homoerotic undertones. Greco-Roman wrestling and pankration competitions were often in the nude. While homosexuality as a social construct was unknown to them, mentorships between older and younger men often had a sexual aspect to them.
Was pretty good RomCom up until the ending. We hate each other, talk for 5 minutes, we love each other… If they reworked the ending it could be much better but now 6/10.
From an article in digitalspy:
“We finally got an update in early 2019, but it wasn’t exactly great news: Knight (the writer) revealed that the writing on the new series was “almost” finished, but filming wouldn’t begin until late 2019 or even possibly early 2020. So don’t expect new Taboo until late 2020 at the earliest.”
Flippin Eck ……. He must have a very bad case of writer’s block!
5 years and counting!
5 years
That’s all we’ve got
5 years
My brain hurts a lot..
This is quickly becoming one of the best programs I have seen for years… and tonight I noticed that it is written by Noah Wyle… well done. I wait anxiously for it to drop each week and I really can’t remember the last time this happened. So many small details, don’t miss a minute.
So many idiots don’t understand the difference between Staged and Fake.
Yeah and it gets really annoying to have to keep on explaining it to them as by there own logic then they shouldn’t like alot of movies or TV shows as pretty all of them are fake.
One of my favorite people interviewing counter culture icons of film and music interspersed with his own witticisms, hard truths and controlled rage at the broken world around us. What’s not to love?
This was excellent. Nice to hear those old tunes again and the lyrics are still so amazing. I thought the actors all did a fine job and his life story itself is amazing. Imagine going to New York at 19 in the early 60s and sky-rocketing to the top like this. He had a direct line to a divine creative force of some type.
I didn’t know he had friendships with Johnny Cash, Seager and Guthrie, or that he received a Nobel Prize in Literature. Time to play some Dylan albums in full on Spotify.
het got that Nobel prize and didn’t even show up lol….what a legend!!!
This is quickly becoming one of the best programs I have seen for years… and tonight I noticed that it is written by Noah Wyle… well done. I wait anxiously for it to drop each week and I really can’t remember the last time this happened. So many small details, don’t miss a minute.
Right on! I was weirdly drawn to watch this show again yesterday, picked a random episode, and ended up on the Halloweenie ep, which just happened to have MT as a guest star. I forgot that they made Iggy Pop her dad! There were so many great musicians that played guest roles in this show: Michael Stipe,Kate Pierson, Debbie Harry, LL Cool J, Juliana Hatfield, Gordon Gano, Richard Edson… Artie forever!
What? Iggy Pop is in this no fkn way!? How has this show not gotten aired again or on any streaming stuff? Nickelodeon really doesn’t see how valued their classic stuff is..📺..🍍…🏜
Everybody talks harriet the spy and buffy but this is where i first watched Michelle T. With that damn cast on her arm. lol
Woah cool, ty for commenting on such a classic from back in the day I will finally get to check out again now!
Gracias Muchos! Hope u have a goodn’!
Yeah, she did. Death comes way too early for some people. For some, it’s well deserved, for others, not so much, and in her case, not so much. She could have had the chance to have done so much more, and it would seem she suffered a lot in this life. Hope she finds peace in the next.🙏
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