Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE -2 points 3 months ago.

in a nutshell for many years now i have said when you have so much money that you can do what ever you want the fun goes out the window its not the same as the hard working man, so they look for the next high something on the line of taboo, we all know it goes on just look at Mel and what he said in his interview when he first turned up in Hollywood says it all, and yes i agree the rich and powerful can do what they want but if the normal man did the same they would be in prison….and ii will add its the normal man who is at fault here cos they believe there lies and listen to the media and there fear tactics and still carry on giving them the power, Joaquin Phoenix embarrassed them all at the awards a few years back so they black listed him im just so surprised he didn’t have an accident, as long as there movies are being watched by the sheep in cinemas nothing will change i haven’t been to a cinema in like over 20 years or bought anything to do with these people, yes i watch just like everybody else does but when i read or see that one of them has died i celebrate and say oh another pedo dead

grasshopper rex 5 points 3 months ago*.

Pedophilia isn’t limited by class or wealth. If any one thing could be pinpointed as being a major contributing factor, I’d say it would be the easy access to porn now. Frequent viewers of such have admitted that it takes increasingly more explicit and more exotic kinds to satisfy them. As I’ve said before, most abuse is at the hands of someone the child knows. Stranger abuse is far rarer. FYI, this isn’t a subject I’m passingly knowledgeable about. I was abused as a child, and I’ve since worked with programs that help those abused. The wealthy might get away with more crimes, but there is no evidence they offend at a higher rate than anyone else. I’ve known many victims over the years, and it was not limited to any socioeconomic group. To say that Hollywood is filled with pedophiles is no more accurate than saying that white men are all pedophiles, even though it is true that mostly white men are the ones committing that crime. You seem to be interested in the subject. I’d say do some real research instead of just spreading false claims that only serve to distract from a very real issue that harms our children. Pedophiles can be anyone. A family member, a friend, a neighbor. Most often, that is the case.