When their late police captain gets linked to drug cartels, wisecracking Miami cops Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett embark on a dangerous mission to clear his name.
I’m a firm believer that one shouldn’t be judged by a single lapse of judgement, within reason, of course. Held accountable, yes, but not destroyed. That said, there is so much hypocrisy in how celebrities and the wealthy are pretty much given a pass for things that would have a permanent impact on a normal persons’ life. It’s reported that he is still getting $25 million a picture for acting roles, and he has a long list of projects, acting and producing, coming up.
I agree. I know of someone that worked on the first three movies with them and he said that Will is one of the nicest people. He spoke and treated everyone with the same respect from the Producers to the people dealing with the trash. I am looking forward to seeing this movie. Heard it was the best one.
I can still watch his movies if they’re going to be entertaining but have lost respect for him as man. Not becuase of the slap, that can be easily forgiven.
in a nutshell for many years now i have said when you have so much money that you can do what ever you want the fun goes out the window its not the same as the hard working man, so they look for the next high something on the line of taboo, we all know it goes on just look at Mel and what he said in his interview when he first turned up in Hollywood says it all, and yes i agree the rich and powerful can do what they want but if the normal man did the same they would be in prison….and ii will add its the normal man who is at fault here cos they believe there lies and listen to the media and there fear tactics and still carry on giving them the power, Joaquin Phoenix embarrassed them all at the awards a few years back so they black listed him im just so surprised he didn’t have an accident, as long as there movies are being watched by the sheep in cinemas nothing will change i haven’t been to a cinema in like over 20 years or bought anything to do with these people, yes i watch just like everybody else does but when i read or see that one of them has died i celebrate and say oh another pedo dead
Pedophilia isn’t limited by class or wealth. If any one thing could be pinpointed as being a major contributing factor, I’d say it would be the easy access to porn now. Frequent viewers of such have admitted that it takes increasingly more explicit and more exotic kinds to satisfy them. As I’ve said before, most abuse is at the hands of someone the child knows. Stranger abuse is far rarer. FYI, this isn’t a subject I’m passingly knowledgeable about. I was abused as a child, and I’ve since worked with programs that help those abused. The wealthy might get away with more crimes, but there is no evidence they offend at a higher rate than anyone else. I’ve known many victims over the years, and it was not limited to any socioeconomic group. To say that Hollywood is filled with pedophiles is no more accurate than saying that white men are all pedophiles, even though it is true that mostly white men are the ones committing that crime. You seem to be interested in the subject. I’d say do some real research instead of just spreading false claims that only serve to distract from a very real issue that harms our children. Pedophiles can be anyone. A family member, a friend, a neighbor. Most often, that is the case.
Half of this conversation has gone poof ~ good that the gist can still be got…▶ Once, (a long time ago) this person said to me, “It would be better to be dead, than to have been sexually abused” ~ Man oh man, a face palming emoji, would be a seriously gross under statement, of how I felt about that…Of course, I’ve never forgotten what they said, nor have I forgotten what I said back to them.
That’s despicable. That someone would claim to be so concerned about the subject, but have no sympathy or compassion for the victims, is incomprehensible.
Good movie, Great cast…. Vanessa Hudgens, the Dad from Euphoria, Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul, Reed Richards from Fantastic Four, Tasha Smith, Girl from Power Ghost, Tiffany Haddish, DJ Khaled 🤦🏾♂️ etc etc. I’m so tired of hearing about the Will Smith BS, move on, he slapped a man, HE DID NOT COMMITT MURDER!!!
Good comment on that issue. Have not watched the movie yet, but will get around to it, as I have liked the other ones. I’m going to be honest, I could care less about the slap one way or the other. For all I know the whole thing was staged. Either way, I honestly could care less.
I could care less about these peoples private lives, their personal opinions, political opinions, or anything else for that matter. Only thing I give a rats fuzzy backside about is what they are getting paid to do, and that’s to act and make movies and T.V. shows that I might be interested in watching, and are they worth watching or not. Full stop.
That’s where it begins and ends for me—all the rest of it is just noise, and a distraction, and to be totally honest, none of these people are any better then the rest of us here on this site that are either watching or commenting. They just have a heck of a lot more $$ then we do, and that’s the only difference between us and them, frankly.
Was it justified or staged? I honestly don’t know, and I honestly don’t even care one way or the other, as it’s really not my business. Just like if my next door neighbor went out in the parking lot and slapped the crap out of someone ( and knowing him there would be a good reason), I would care less, not my issue. As long as it does not directly impact me, I’m not going to stress it. I let Hollywood be Hollywood, and the whole thing for the most part seems like it’s just gossip and drama anyway.
I’m really tired of hearing the “Jada made him do it” stuff. The incident was uncalled for but it was 100000000% provoked. Look it up people. Chris Rock has been Trolling Jada and Will for DECADES because she turned him down. He started with calm jokes then he attacked something she couldn’t control—-her Alopecia a disease she didn’t choose to have. Did he deserve a slap? After that much shit talking, yes. People do not want to admit they are pissed he did it at a black tie affair. “how dare he…” defend his wife after years of disrespect in public? Read his biography. He is not a bad person. he made a decision that people do not agree about.
It wasn’t even a mean joke. GI Jane was awesome, Jada just has no sense of humor. The best part was that even Will laughed until Jada got mad lol. If a person is famous they gotta learn to have thick skin and be able to take a joke.
It’s not that he slapped a man first of all. It’s how he went about it. In the most disrespectful way possible. He did it to one of his (he said this himself) best friends. And also knew Chris would do nothing in return. He’s a fake, all there is to it. And people don’t like him for it.
It’s not even about the slap. It’s the fact that his wife has emasculated him. Constantly degrades him. Let’s be honest, he’s the breadwinner. He allows all of this. Even Chris Rock knew this.
Yeah I watched it live. He was laughing when the joke was said, but then his wife cussed him out. Next thing you know he was up on that stage and slapped the piss out of him. I don’t know what it is, or what she has on him for him to allow all he does. But I have lost all respect for him.
Take out all the crappy comedy this movie would be 90minutes , best scene in the whole movie was Reggie being a total badass and taking out 15 bad guys.
Nice to see Michael Bay pop up as the Porsche driver when Marcus was crossing the street.
Who can remember Miami Vice from the 1980’s. Smart, sauve, intelligent stories.. This film is what happens when you take the buddy cop and add a total clown fest to an awful story. The wors movies I have seen for about 10 years.
This is a weird one for me. I love the Bad Boy movies. But I really dislike Will Smith. So I am sure I will watch this movie here, but I would not pay to see it. Which sucks as it hurts Martin in the long run. I don’t see after what Will did to Chris Rock, how Hollywood is still making movies with him.
Well that last clip after the credits and corp logo’s rolled… when they went back in time was unexpected, but funny, nonetheless. As always, this franchise does not disappoint. I enjoyed this installment and would be nice to look forward to BB5.
Better than the 3rd movie by a country mile. Not as good as Bad Boys 1 or 2. Good movie, but took me about 5 or 6 tries to get past the first 30 minutes. Once I was able to watch it past that point, it was pretty good. 6.5/10 or 3.5/5. Although the first two Bad Boys movies are in the 8.5-9.0 out of 10 range, so it is a somewhat considerable drop off in quality. Also it is a shame they replaced Theresa Randle, the actress who played Marcus’ wife, Theresa Burnett, in the first three films. Lastly, this is not a stand alone film. You really need to have seen the previous movie to fully understand what is going on.
Yeah it’s lost that thing that made the first couple fun. One or two funny one liners otherwise felt like a forced together jigsaw of 80’s movies clichés. 90% of the one liners felt more slapstick and randomly stuck in as if the writers went ‘Ok what’s the joke for this scene’ first before writing the rest. Two bits though I did really like and felt more like natural and like the original films. Both were the two ‘Reggie scenes’.
I’m not sure if this was filmed before or after the slap but Martin and Will did a good job on the movie. First one is always going to be my favorite. They delivered on both the action and comedy. Although I enjoyed this series of Bad Boy movies, I hope to see them in something different in the future.
What’s with all the super close up of people’s faces? The first half hour was almost unbearable, the next hour 15 was decent, then the end was just cheesy. If you’re hung over and have nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon, then put it on. Not the best in the franchise, though.
Bad Boys 4 is like your favorite soda when they put out the Zero version. You can say it’s the same but it’s just missing a little something… in this case Bad Boys 4 is missing it’s vitality. Yes people age and this franchise is hitting 30yrs, but in this movie the vanity of the characters/actors is palpable. The jet black sprayed-on hairlines look ridiculous to the point of distraction in several scenes. The heavy makeup makes them look like Mattel dolls. Weirdly installing the dead Captain’s family into the main characters’ lives…ok. New wife and no kids…..ok. But what I can’t get down with are the loud lazy jokes from Martin Lawrence that fell flat half the movie, Dorn & Kelly should never have replaced the original Sanchez & Ruiz (their banter was great) because they never get funnier, and panic attacks never really being addressed. The characters of Reggie and Armando stole the show! I will miss Fletcher who always had the best one liners. Last but not least. I really thought they might go to Julie for help and we would get a cameo 30 years in the making. Haddish was typical Haddish. What would have made me give the movie an 8 instead of 6.5
Weird coincidence. I just binge watched the last ship series and the main bad guy in this was the star of that. Don’t think I’ve seen him in much or just never noticed.
Yea tried to watch this… Martin is to old… and Will well… We all know what Smith did. And honestly the day Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, was the day I stopped, and couldn’t watch a Will Smith movie again. He is not the person he has portrayed and portrays
Holy shit. Martin Lawrence was totally drunk for that last scene at the park. He’s shit-faced. Notice how he slurs his words and how he blinks slow. It was obvious.
I got through to the rooftop sceen where what ever fool directed this film decided to give over 100 different camera angles , doron cameras from the top down to the side to the rear to every side ya can thing of , instead of shooting in2 or 3 angles the short form hundreds of angles , ,, WATCH ALL THE WAY UP TO 12:31 MINUTES , AND YES ITS not the movie bout whom ever directed this should hae been making the coffie not behind the camera , and if you ask , ohh could i have done it better , the answer is YES
Hard to take Will Smith seriously anymore.
I’m a firm believer that one shouldn’t be judged by a single lapse of judgement, within reason, of course. Held accountable, yes, but not destroyed. That said, there is so much hypocrisy in how celebrities and the wealthy are pretty much given a pass for things that would have a permanent impact on a normal persons’ life. It’s reported that he is still getting $25 million a picture for acting roles, and he has a long list of projects, acting and producing, coming up.
I agree. I know of someone that worked on the first three movies with them and he said that Will is one of the nicest people. He spoke and treated everyone with the same respect from the Producers to the people dealing with the trash. I am looking forward to seeing this movie. Heard it was the best one.
I can still watch his movies if they’re going to be entertaining but have lost respect for him as man. Not becuase of the slap, that can be easily forgiven.
Because his wife cuckolded him? That’s their business. And why “as a man”? Would it be more acceptable if a woman allowed that?
in a nutshell for many years now i have said when you have so much money that you can do what ever you want the fun goes out the window its not the same as the hard working man, so they look for the next high something on the line of taboo, we all know it goes on just look at Mel and what he said in his interview when he first turned up in Hollywood says it all, and yes i agree the rich and powerful can do what they want but if the normal man did the same they would be in prison….and ii will add its the normal man who is at fault here cos they believe there lies and listen to the media and there fear tactics and still carry on giving them the power, Joaquin Phoenix embarrassed them all at the awards a few years back so they black listed him im just so surprised he didn’t have an accident, as long as there movies are being watched by the sheep in cinemas nothing will change i haven’t been to a cinema in like over 20 years or bought anything to do with these people, yes i watch just like everybody else does but when i read or see that one of them has died i celebrate and say oh another pedo dead
Pedophilia isn’t limited by class or wealth. If any one thing could be pinpointed as being a major contributing factor, I’d say it would be the easy access to porn now. Frequent viewers of such have admitted that it takes increasingly more explicit and more exotic kinds to satisfy them. As I’ve said before, most abuse is at the hands of someone the child knows. Stranger abuse is far rarer. FYI, this isn’t a subject I’m passingly knowledgeable about. I was abused as a child, and I’ve since worked with programs that help those abused. The wealthy might get away with more crimes, but there is no evidence they offend at a higher rate than anyone else. I’ve known many victims over the years, and it was not limited to any socioeconomic group. To say that Hollywood is filled with pedophiles is no more accurate than saying that white men are all pedophiles, even though it is true that mostly white men are the ones committing that crime. You seem to be interested in the subject. I’d say do some real research instead of just spreading false claims that only serve to distract from a very real issue that harms our children. Pedophiles can be anyone. A family member, a friend, a neighbor. Most often, that is the case.
Wow… 🙏💯
Half of this conversation has gone poof ~ good that the gist can still be got…▶ Once, (a long time ago) this person said to me, “It would be better to be dead, than to have been sexually abused” ~ Man oh man, a face palming emoji, would be a seriously gross under statement, of how I felt about that…Of course, I’ve never forgotten what they said, nor have I forgotten what I said back to them.
That’s despicable. That someone would claim to be so concerned about the subject, but have no sympathy or compassion for the victims, is incomprehensible.
https://youtu.be/hRFY_Fesa9Q just watched the trailer looks good a few bits like the old movies, but in general has to be added
the final one is out
Good movie, Great cast…. Vanessa Hudgens, the Dad from Euphoria, Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul, Reed Richards from Fantastic Four, Tasha Smith, Girl from Power Ghost, Tiffany Haddish, DJ Khaled 🤦🏾♂️ etc etc. I’m so tired of hearing about the Will Smith BS, move on, he slapped a man, HE DID NOT COMMITT MURDER!!!
Good comment on that issue. Have not watched the movie yet, but will get around to it, as I have liked the other ones. I’m going to be honest, I could care less about the slap one way or the other. For all I know the whole thing was staged. Either way, I honestly could care less.
I could care less about these peoples private lives, their personal opinions, political opinions, or anything else for that matter. Only thing I give a rats fuzzy backside about is what they are getting paid to do, and that’s to act and make movies and T.V. shows that I might be interested in watching, and are they worth watching or not. Full stop.
That’s where it begins and ends for me—all the rest of it is just noise, and a distraction, and to be totally honest, none of these people are any better then the rest of us here on this site that are either watching or commenting. They just have a heck of a lot more $$ then we do, and that’s the only difference between us and them, frankly.
Was it justified or staged? I honestly don’t know, and I honestly don’t even care one way or the other, as it’s really not my business. Just like if my next door neighbor went out in the parking lot and slapped the crap out of someone ( and knowing him there would be a good reason), I would care less, not my issue. As long as it does not directly impact me, I’m not going to stress it. I let Hollywood be Hollywood, and the whole thing for the most part seems like it’s just gossip and drama anyway.
Let me get this straight here….. So, you wrote a book, but you could care less? Right.
Yeah, I have the bored moment where I go on the occasional rant, yeah…it’s in my nature..🤣
You must have had a bored moment as well…
the moments when I’m not bored are few
I’m really tired of hearing the “Jada made him do it” stuff. The incident was uncalled for but it was 100000000% provoked. Look it up people. Chris Rock has been Trolling Jada and Will for DECADES because she turned him down. He started with calm jokes then he attacked something she couldn’t control—-her Alopecia a disease she didn’t choose to have. Did he deserve a slap? After that much shit talking, yes. People do not want to admit they are pissed he did it at a black tie affair. “how dare he…” defend his wife after years of disrespect in public? Read his biography. He is not a bad person. he made a decision that people do not agree about.
It wasn’t even a mean joke. GI Jane was awesome, Jada just has no sense of humor. The best part was that even Will laughed until Jada got mad lol. If a person is famous they gotta learn to have thick skin and be able to take a joke.
It’s not that he slapped a man first of all. It’s how he went about it. In the most disrespectful way possible. He did it to one of his (he said this himself) best friends. And also knew Chris would do nothing in return. He’s a fake, all there is to it. And people don’t like him for it.
It’s not even about the slap. It’s the fact that his wife has emasculated him. Constantly degrades him. Let’s be honest, he’s the breadwinner. He allows all of this. Even Chris Rock knew this.
Yeah I watched it live. He was laughing when the joke was said, but then his wife cussed him out. Next thing you know he was up on that stage and slapped the piss out of him. I don’t know what it is, or what she has on him for him to allow all he does. But I have lost all respect for him.
Really good movie …. surprisingly
Take out all the crappy comedy this movie would be 90minutes , best scene in the whole movie was Reggie being a total badass and taking out 15 bad guys.
Nice to see Michael Bay pop up as the Porsche driver when Marcus was crossing the street.
Who can remember Miami Vice from the 1980’s. Smart, sauve, intelligent stories.. This film is what happens when you take the buddy cop and add a total clown fest to an awful story. The wors movies I have seen for about 10 years.
They have the show on this site. Watch it here. https://www.primewire.li/tv/14505-miami-vice
Yeah it’s a great show and amazing sound track by Jan Hammer.
Shout to Will Smith and his amazing comeback! Tiffany Haddish scene had me 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Wil & Martin, ride again!
This is a weird one for me. I love the Bad Boy movies. But I really dislike Will Smith. So I am sure I will watch this movie here, but I would not pay to see it. Which sucks as it hurts Martin in the long run. I don’t see after what Will did to Chris Rock, how Hollywood is still making movies with him.
It’s sad to see him be a cucked by his wife.
Sad, is what they’ve done to Willow and Jaden.
Well that last clip after the credits and corp logo’s rolled… when they went back in time was unexpected, but funny, nonetheless. As always, this franchise does not disappoint. I enjoyed this installment and would be nice to look forward to BB5.
Better than the 3rd movie by a country mile. Not as good as Bad Boys 1 or 2. Good movie, but took me about 5 or 6 tries to get past the first 30 minutes. Once I was able to watch it past that point, it was pretty good. 6.5/10 or 3.5/5. Although the first two Bad Boys movies are in the 8.5-9.0 out of 10 range, so it is a somewhat considerable drop off in quality. Also it is a shame they replaced Theresa Randle, the actress who played Marcus’ wife, Theresa Burnett, in the first three films. Lastly, this is not a stand alone film. You really need to have seen the previous movie to fully understand what is going on.
Yeah it’s lost that thing that made the first couple fun. One or two funny one liners otherwise felt like a forced together jigsaw of 80’s movies clichés. 90% of the one liners felt more slapstick and randomly stuck in as if the writers went ‘Ok what’s the joke for this scene’ first before writing the rest.
Two bits though I did really like and felt more like natural and like the original films. Both were the two ‘Reggie scenes’.
I’m not sure if this was filmed before or after the slap but Martin and Will did a good job on the movie. First one is always going to be my favorite. They delivered on both the action and comedy. Although I enjoyed this series of Bad Boy movies, I hope to see them in something different in the future.
What’s with all the super close up of people’s faces? The first half hour was almost unbearable, the next hour 15 was decent, then the end was just cheesy. If you’re hung over and have nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon, then put it on. Not the best in the franchise, though.
Not bad, about the same as the others. Reggie Wick was solid af.
Bad Boys 4 is like your favorite soda when they put out the Zero version. You can say it’s the same but it’s just missing a little something… in this case Bad Boys 4 is missing it’s vitality. Yes people age and this franchise is hitting 30yrs, but in this movie the vanity of the characters/actors is palpable. The jet black sprayed-on hairlines look ridiculous to the point of distraction in several scenes. The heavy makeup makes them look like Mattel dolls. Weirdly installing the dead Captain’s family into the main characters’ lives…ok. New wife and no kids…..ok. But what I can’t get down with are the loud lazy jokes from Martin Lawrence that fell flat half the movie, Dorn & Kelly should never have replaced the original Sanchez & Ruiz (their banter was great) because they never get funnier, and panic attacks never really being addressed. The characters of Reggie and Armando stole the show! I will miss Fletcher who always had the best one liners. Last but not least. I really thought they might go to Julie for help and we would get a cameo 30 years in the making. Haddish was typical Haddish. What would have made me give the movie an 8 instead of 6.5
i liked it action comedy and reggie going ham loved that lol
Lol I love Reggie!
Overall, good movie..
23rd July Download release
is it possible that actors create drama and comedians tell jokes? and that is all my friends. was the movie good? i was juswunderin……..lol
Weird coincidence. I just binge watched the last ship series and the main bad guy in this was the star of that. Don’t think I’ve seen him in much or just never noticed.
Yea tried to watch this…
Martin is to old… and Will well… We all know what Smith did.
And honestly the day Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, was the day I stopped, and couldn’t watch a Will Smith movie again.
He is not the person he has portrayed and portrays
thats hard one
Holy shit. Martin Lawrence was totally drunk for that last scene at the park. He’s shit-faced. Notice how he slurs his words and how he blinks slow. It was obvious.
I got through to the rooftop sceen where what ever fool directed this film decided to give over 100 different camera angles , doron cameras from the top down to the side to the rear to every side ya can thing of , instead of shooting in2 or 3 angles the short form hundreds of angles , ,, WATCH ALL THE WAY UP TO 12:31 MINUTES , AND YES ITS not the movie bout whom ever directed this should hae been making the coffie not behind the camera , and if you ask , ohh could i have done it better , the answer is YES