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A family struggles for survival in the face of a cataclysmic natural disaster.

  • Currently 3.8875739644970415/5
(169 votes)
Ratings: IMDB: 6.4/10
Released: December 18, 2020
Runtime: 119 min
Genres: Action Thriller
Countries: United States United Kingdom
Companies: STX Films Thunder Road Anton G-BASE Riverstone Pictures Truenorth Productions
Cast: Gerard Butler Morena Baccarin Roger Dale Floyd
Crew: Chris Sparling Ric Roman Waugh

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Version 1 1.2 GB mixdrop.ag 277 views Report Link
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Version 2 1.2 GB mixdrop.ag 195 views Report Link
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Version 3 1.1 GB mixdrop.ag 210 views Report Link
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Version 4 1.8 GB voe.sx 220 views Report Link
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Version 5 1.8 GB voe.sx 286 views Report Link
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Version 6 1.1 GB dood.watch 111 views Report Link
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Version 7 1.1 GB dood.watch 84 views Report Link
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Version 8 1.6 GB dood.watch 188 views Report Link
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Version 10 streamwish.to 87 views Report Link
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Version 11 filelions.to 61 views Report Link
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Version 13 1012.7 MB streamtape.com 34 views Report Link
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Selenity 7 points 4 years ago.

I liked it, thought it was a pretty good watch.

nevertaco 1 points 4 years ago.

um spoiler???

firedove10 3 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

 it’s really no secret in the film that the big one hits. It’s also obvious in the trailers

DaniBl 5 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Very good. I was pleasantly surprised. It’s what 2012 should have been but failed to deliver. 4,5/5

Pad Solo 7 points 4 years ago.

this looks pretty good.

judyleblanc 5 points 4 years ago.

Yes it really does i don’t want to watch too many trailers not to see spoilers.

TheTruth 4 points 4 years ago.

This was pretty generic to me, wasn’t really a fan of it.

Daimyon 4 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Pretty darn good movie, though I can’t help thinking about how the whole movie happened because they forgot his insulin.

mouthbreather 4 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

awesome, loved this sh*t! cried a bit too lol

DemandingFemale 6 points 4 years ago. 2/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Either I’ve watched too many disaster movies or I’m just difficult to please, but I found it to be a cliched, predictable borefest. I hadn’t seen any reviews or trailers, yet managed to call the entire thing within the first 10 minutes.
It’s more Drama/Action, and still the action was a bit meh. As others have said, there is far more entertainment to be had watching 2012 - Hell, even Geostorm was better.

the2nd 1 points 4 years ago. 2/5 stars.


I totally agree with you. The script was recycled. The writing not all that great. The number of troubling circumstances is too many. I watched the first 20-25 minutes and found the movie irritating to watching instead of entertaining.

We, as audience, have to start holding these production companies accountable to produce quality films or none at all. These actors get paid 6- to 7- figures for movies that are garbage and they shove it down our throats until they get as much money back as possible.

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MixueW 3 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Loved the movie. reminded me of 2012. Anything Gerald is beyond good! 5/5 Will be watching this again!

yellow_rose1 3 points 4 years ago.

thanks for the links uploaders

Frac 5 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Trailer looks really good❗ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AyxdYP1SNc&pbjreload=101

Alien 4 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It was alright. I would have liked to have seen more extinction-level aftermath but they took so dammm long to get there. lol. Greenland itself is gorgeous.

etim 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hey—they gots to leave something for the sequels don’t they?

Alien 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hey, etim. Yes, I thought about, too. I’m concerned that Gerard Butler is going to start getting typecast if he continues to do these types of movies.

ac1d 2 points 3 years ago.

i liked some of it some was meh but kept my interest til the credits rolled 3/5 -better than i was expecting after reading so many negative reviews

Kevin7777777 2 points 4 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Pretty good 4/5 stars

Yellowbeard 2 points 4 years ago. 2/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Giving it 2 stars - too much soap opera not enough crap blowing up. I wanted havoc, action and special effects, this is a family rosemance with the occasional poof of something in the distance getting flattened. Disappointed - and I would watch Morena Baccarin blow her nose like a footballer.

Luvlinguae 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I really don’t understand this. There are a million deep caves all along the Appalachians. They could have just gone down in one of them and saved a lot of trouble.

bcreed08 2 points 4 years ago.

Much better version is now available for this half decent disaster flick.

kchief58 2 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Very good movie!! It can really happen !!

suisen 2 points 4 years ago. 4/5 stars.

loved this, realistic, not overdone
showing the human an inhumane characters of humans
thanks to our link sponsors

jetero 2 points 4 years ago.

This feels like a pointless movie. I was expecting something spectacular, but was disappointed. The characters are clichĂ© and after the last image of the movie, I said to myself : “that’s all ?”.

Negan 2 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Excellent movie. 5/5 from me!

Negan 2 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

How could she leave her dad without hugging him one last time? D:

Wolfie D 2 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

whoever says this to be slow and/or whatever, I Liked the movie myself! Kinda tearied up a bit too! I’d give this a good 4/5!

crozar 2 points 4 years ago.

2012 was better , this is a lamer noob compared to 2012 movie

inherwilderness 1 points 4 years ago.

This movie was soooooooooo dreadful.

Piglet 1 points 1 year ago.

If you’re a fan of this movie, then good news. ‘Greenland’ Sequel ‘Migration’ confirmed to start filming in April to start production in the UK with Gerard Butler & Morena Baccarin reprising their roles.

booger 1 points 4 years ago. 4/5 stars.

To quote the esteemable philosopher Bubbles, “Pretty Decent”.
While not the average non-stop action fest, there is enough to satisfy most palettes.
While drama does pervade this movie, it is of the more believable kind, that moves things along rather than dragging them out
With little gore and foul language this movie is good for both date night and family time.

Birdsforme 1 points 3 years ago. 4/5 stars.

I like disaster films and this one was good. I am not familiar with the actors, but they did great.

Keisha_Ruan 1 points 4 years ago.

Crazy end of the world movie. Good and good special effects. It does however seem to run a common theme; family gets separated finds each other, has drama, runs into danger etc.

SheWatches 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I didn’t think it was going to be as good as it was. Lots of action. If you are looking for a good end of civilization type movie, this is a good one. I guess I like to watch these kind of movies thinking what would I do. An event like the one in the movie, you have to be on the move and they were. Enjoy!

Invalid ID 1 points 4 years ago.

Talk about predictive programming

Wolfie D 1 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

That Gerard Butler in this movie reminds me a lots of Victor French from Highway to Heaven!

Toadie 1 points 4 years ago. 3/5 stars.

It was a run of the mill apocalypse movie. Nothing fantastic. 3/5 but probably only because I like Butler. Worth a watch.

tyetoes 1 points 9 months ago. 5/5 stars.

Fantastic Movie.This one had alot of action and every terrible scenario that could possibly happen to a family in such a time of crisis!Gerard Butler delivers an amazing performance:)

r1kon 1 points 1 month ago.

In the near future, trump is going to sign an executive order to rename this movie to “red white and blueland”. What a fucking shitbag.

StoneWalker7 1 points 3 years ago*. 4/5 stars.

I thought it was well done. Not amazing by any means but kept me entertained through out. Some strong performances and a little bit of back story for some of the characters to develop. 74/100

laura1 1 points 4 years ago.

this looks pretty good!

1DNR 1 points 4 years ago.

A likable movie, but not what I expected. We’ve watched many movies of this narrative, some better than others. Greenland for me is one of the others, cinematography and special FX is awesome but the movie; although, well written and the actors performance are realistic but the movie drags along too slowly. I’m rating Greenland 3/5 (2 pts. for the movie and 1 pt. for Scott Glenn) Outstanding actor!

Made of Money -3 points 4 years ago*.

Basically “Deep Impact” with Rusty Crow and Inara. 5/10 meteors

Sa7ori 2 points 4 years ago*.

Rusty Crow and Inara? Who are they?

Alien 1 points 4 years ago.

Morena Baccarin played Inara in Firefly and maybe they have Gerard Butler confused with Russell Crowe. Apparently that happens a lot.

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Rontron25 0 points 3 years ago.

soon it shall be.

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etim 7 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

It doesn’t need to ‘surround a planet’. A grouping of meteors with pieces strung out in a line behind it would hit at diff times and in diff places as the planet rotated.

kamacausey 2 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Guess he doesn’t know meteor showers like the Perseid last weeks and peak at different times. For what happened in this movie I’d imagine a very large comet did a close pass to the sun and broke up before hitting earth.

etim 2 points 4 years ago.

Knowing us, there was prob some bright congressmen who sent up a secret rocket to nuke it several months before. And made a pretty penny on their investments in the deal.

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etim 1 points 4 years ago.

Why not? Of course it could. Some pieces far east, some far west.