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First two seasons were pretty good ,after that there’s a mind bending down fall.
Not going to lie, I enjoyed the first season the best so far.
First season was great, but second season was so theatrical with poor acting which made it so fake and boring. Season 3 was the worst. I do have to give them credit for the last episode of season 3, that episode made me curious about season 4.
Season 3 is terrible. It’s like they sat a child down in a room and told them to come up with whatever plot they wanted and used it in the series. However, I’m starting to think a child could come up with better content than the current writers of this show. None of the plots make any sense, and I find it incredibly awful how unrealistic and crappy the parents are in this show. The problem is that they never decided if they wanted this to be a teen drama, drama for everyone, or something else, because it seems like they try to cater to everything and nothing at all at the same time, which fails miserably.
I’m really not sure where they are going with this series….It’s almost like they don’t even know themselves with where the series is going…. lol
I’m about 7 episodes into S2 and I’m already coming to that conclusion.
Even though this isn’t really my thing I did watch and enjoy season one because of it’s murder mystery story line. However, the series started to tail spin from season 2 with poor writing and acting, coupled with lots of social justice themes being forced into the story and season 3 is just total garbage. The story lines are pathetic, non of the characters are likeable in any way and most have just become a bunch of criminals and the whole thing has become a total embarrassment. Put this show out of it’s misery as soon as possible!
I hope that teenagers don’t take this tv show seriously. First of all, all those 16 year olds live like they’re (at least) 30-40 years old. Even the way they drink is so weird, they drink rum and have business meetings. They don’t respect their parents and even rule over them. They can do whatever the hell they want, drink, stay out all night, blackmail, run a freaken ‘bar’/casino, go after murderers, form a gang, etc. Every time they do something bad they get away with it. Cheryl burned her house down and her mother just let it go. I can’t even begin about Veronica, the power her parents give to her, damn. And seriously what’s up with the girls outfits? Can the skirts be any shorter? Especially Veronica and Cheryl, no teenager dresses like that. Veronica’s gowns she wears when she’s in her ‘La bonne nuit’ come on, is that really the fashion style or even life style of a 16-17 year old girl?
Not every teenager is mature enough to see that this wrong in the real world.
Why are you taking it so seriously? It’s a fantasy story based on a comic book. Chill out!
I know it’s just a tv-show, but like I said in my comment not every teenager is mature enough to realise it’s ‘just a fantasy story’. I honestly didn’t even know this was from a comic book. I’m from Belgium so I didn’t grow up with comics like this. To be honest I even discovered Marvel comics when I was about 19-20 :s Maybe this sounds weird for you, but it’s not just me but a lot of people here don’t know about comics. I have a 17 year old niece that watched this show (2years ago, so at age 15) and she started to believe that American teenagers really live like this and acted out, that’s why I watched it out of curiousity to try to understand her. I just wanted to share that back then so 2 years ago. :D So yeah that’s why my comment is so intens. :D
The comic book is nothing like this show, and American teenagers are nothing like the ones in this show. Tell your niece that an American mother said that. If my kids had ever acted like this, I would have nipped it right in the bud. No way would they be allowed to do these things.
The 2nd season was my favorite, this 3rd season is really starting to disappoint me. Like what was said above, it’s like they have no idea where they’re even taking this.
I ran out of things to binge, because half of my regular tv shows haven’t come back on yet. Season 1 was superb. I’m on s02e08 and I find myself skipping over a lot of the scenes, especially the sex scenes. This can’t be good for teenagers to watch, can it? I mean, I know teens have sex, but is Betty going to be the last virgin left on earth in the end? I just watch to find out who the killers are, but now that it’s 23 episodes instead of 13, I’ll probably be downloading and skipping through most of it.
Yeah I stopped watching for that reason. If you have to hire 20-somethings to play teens so they can legally be half naked on TV- you’re doing it wrong. I came back to see what RiverVale meant but the comments tell me I do not have to ick this show back up. I imagine the writing tanked season 3 because of the death of the America’s Tweenheart Luke Perry. The writing might have sucked because they had to scramble to re-write?