Riverdale (2017)
AmieWarren 1 points 3 years ago.

Why are you taking it so seriously? It’s a fantasy story based on a comic book. Chill out!

Manic9 4 points 3 years ago.

I know it’s just a tv-show, but like I said in my comment not every teenager is mature enough to realise it’s ‘just a fantasy story’. I honestly didn’t even know this was from a comic book. I’m from Belgium so I didn’t grow up with comics like this. To be honest I even discovered Marvel comics when I was about 19-20 :s Maybe this sounds weird for you, but it’s not just me but a lot of people here don’t know about comics. I have a 17 year old niece that watched this show (2years ago, so at age 15) and she started to believe that American teenagers really live like this and acted out, that’s why I watched it out of curiousity to try to understand her. I just wanted to share that back then so 2 years ago. :D So yeah that’s why my comment is so intens. :D