After a particle accelerator causes a freak storm, CSI Investigator Barry Allen is struck by lightning and falls into a coma. Months later he awakens with the power of super speed, granting him the ability to move through Central City like an unseen guardian angel. Though initially excited by his newfound powers, Barry is shocked to discover he is not the only "meta-human" who was created in the wake of the accelerator explosion -- and not everyone is using their new powers for good. Barry partners with S.T.A.R. Labs and dedicates his life to protect the innocent. For now, only a few close friends and associates know that Barry is literally the fastest man alive, but it won't be long before the world learns what Barry Allen has become...The Flash!
- Currently 71.05263157894737/5
(114 votes)
Why does it seem like all the drama centers around Barry saving his few close friends and associates over and over again? Yawn.
Well summed. Surpirsed to see that it is still running. Stopped watching it several years back
I only lasted a few episodes. I would never have watched it myself, but someone I am close to wanted to watch, whenever my attention drifted to the show, it seemed like Barry was busy saving his friends again.
Can’t wait for the new season tomorrow!!!!
this is getting to be more and more a Drama series…. more fun please
COMING SOON! Season 6 kicks off on Tuesday, October 8th.
Make sure to Add this to your Watch List so you won’t miss it.
The CW has also revealed Air Dates for the largest DC Crossover Event is recent history: “Crisis on Infinite Earths”
_|SUPERGIRL – Sunday, December 8, 2019
_|BATWOMAN – Monday, December 9, 2019
_|BLACK LIGHTNING - Monday, December 9, 2019=S03E09
_|THE FLASH – Tuesday, December 10, 2019
_|ARROW – Tuesday, January 14, 2020
_|DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW – Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Don’t Miss it!
Update: You can Now access the Primewire Episode Links for ALL of the CW Arrowverse Crossover Events HERE!
What happened to the airdates for the rest of season 8, starting with April 27th?
PW is no longer updating because it will soon be shutting down.
But I thought you guys were staying up, just without the links, other than YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
No fair! Im telling!,MOMMY, MOMMY !!
😒 she is ignoring me!
what are you talking about? They’re right next to the episode titles
I hope this show gets cancelled ASAP. Terrible scripting, bad acting and bringing back that crybaby sister from Supergirl was a terrible idea! Just end the show please!
don’t you mean season 7