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I knew this show was going to be a total disaster once Ruby (I can’t act my way out of wet paper bag) Rose was cast as the lead character. I decided to go against my initial feelings and watch the show…guess was totally right! Ruby Rose is NOT a good or even decent actress to begin with…how she got cast as the “Batwoman” is beyond me..she was in one season of “Orange Is The New Black” and that character barely registered on the attention scope..and then she was in John Wick 2 playing a mute assassin with no speaking lines whatsoever.
The fact that the CW is still continuing this series and recast the main character with a Black actress as the new “Batwoman” is both hysterical and laughable and proves that they don’t know what they are doing with this series that should have been cancelled midway through the first season.
You said exactly what I was wanting to say . PERFECTLY stated.
People should be who ever they want, but why does every show try to push it down the public throat. Is there a point these show want to make. We can so we will.
Everywhere you look there’s heterosexuality on display: RL, TV, magazines, comicbooks, video games, movies…being “pushed down the public throat”.
The character is gay. Has been for a very long time. Nobody’s forcing anything down people’s throats. It’s A tv show not the Only tv show watch it or dont. Comic book characters are by nature outliers, weirdos, misfits. If you were looking for “normal” you’re looking at the wrong genre.
Ruby Rose Just QUIT Batwoman!
besides she couldn’t act herself out of a cardboard box
Yeah She wasnt happy with the show and the crew werent happy with her. Bad match. Mutual split.
Please cancel this garbage!!
why wont this series just curl up and die ? respectfully . Jacks a Coward
skip this trash. Watch Pennyworth. R rated, action, mature content for adults and not half as badly acted and put together as these trash CW shows.
Thomas and Martha Wayne, Lucious Fox and more are regular occurring characters
If you’re gonna watch Pennyworth don’t forget about Gotham.
really wanted this to work, but when she was casted I already knew…couldnt even get to episode 3…so meh
Totally agree
Doubt we need to worry about it anymore. Says running, but since she quit the show, they are gonna be pretty hard pressed to pull this on off, as far as keeping it going. Hard to keep a ‘Batwoman’ without a Batwoman. Can’t just keep replacing her either, or altering the timeline crap either, that gets to old, as well as dicy. Be interesting to see what they try and pull off though. That, or they will just call it….
Or you could like… just not watch it
Wow, they screwed the pooch on the trailers. CW needs to lay off the soy or this will be yet another Supergirl-esque dumpster fire.
Seems the only thing anyone nutjob is interested in here is the sexuality of a fictional character. I couldn’t give a toss what she is, what’s the show actually like is all i’m concerned about?
lol the only good comment on this section.
Ruby Rose just quit the show!
And the circus shitshow at The CW continues.
Jesus Christ not another one… what’s next Aquawoman? Non-binary green lantern? I wish the apocalypse would hurry up.
Theres like 3600 green lanterns, among them many aliens of various genders. Also Batwoman has been a character in the comics for many many years now. Lesbian incarnation appearing in the New 52 DC comics reboot.
God you nerds disgust me, i was just ranting i don’t want a lecture on comic books or how many green lanterns there are.. jesus get a clue.
omg…this thread is so hilarious…..lelz!
considering that the whole story is based on a comic, whereas modernized into the LGBTQ communities, i’m pretty sure watching a comic book based show is going to give you lectures and facts from actual comic books. FYI, batgirl, batman, and batman were DC comics. Green Lantern is Marvel. CW is full DC. you’ll never see a lantern on CW. might want to check Disney+ for that one. you know…since they own the Marvel rights since Stan Lee passed away..RIP Stan.
Did not know Marvel bought the rights to DC’s Green Lanterns. When did that happen?
Warner Brothers own DC and the Green Lantern, not Marvel or Disney. The new Green Lantern show is about to start filming and will be on HBO Max.
Grenn Lantern is DC.
ya’ll marvel bought out dc in like 92-4 something like that so Disney owns both now they own marvel
Warner Brothers owns DC, not Disney.
i stand corrected marvel bought captain marvel name rights along with several other characters in a bulk purchase from dc in the early 90’s after dc acquired fawset comics (original home of captain marvel aka shazam) in the early 70’s and thats when the name change happened for shazam so marvel could continue with their very popular character of the same name. ty you made me look it up!
well batwoman is a real character this show just well i better not say LOL and there is no Aquawoman as far as a know. unless you want to count Mera as Aquawoman. i do understand your anger and frustration. a Green Lantern show was announced and well…lets say there going to butcher some stuff all for there Agenda. point is i understand you Blueozzie :)
two thumbs down.
So the character they made to make Batman seem less gay is a lesbian herself, AWKWARD. I guess CW hasn’t heard that no one likes a Mary-Sue. I was also wondering how you can care about social justice and be a masked vigilante. Also if you have a secret identity you can’t be an out lesbian, that’s called cover for a private life.
lol So much homophobia in the comments.
I couldn’t care less about her sexual orientation.
I’m more annoyed with the fact that she is a skinny 110 pound girl that is constantly overpowering large stuntmen during fights lol
I know what you mean, she wasn’t right for the role. not sure if its that or not but I wasn’t really sure about the show’s first season. the writers suck lol wasn’t keen on Alice as the villan either. fingers crossed they sort it out and does she really need a red wig
I DO NOT like the red wig either. I understand it was their way of making the bat female, but there has to be a better way!~
Pretty sure that all of the incarnations of batwoman/girl that I can recall had either red hair or used a red wig for the same effect.
There are plenty of martial arts that allow you to do that, Judo springs to mind. And yes she does need the red wig. It’s cannon.
Right, Judo makes perfect sense for her to use against larger and stronger opponents. But my point was that wasn’t using it in the show and that took away my suspension of disbelief
soon as she donned that red wig it looks so stupid i was done -to me she looked great/normal in batman suit but what do i know
criticism is homophobia now? lol
The CW Network which stands for Channel Woke but it’s also better known as The Chick Worship Network treats us fans to another DC classic series. The trailer manages to make Batman & Robin look like a masterpiece. I’m literally sooo excited for this, that I just can’t wait for it to be cancelled!
Yeah, right there with ya, this is what I think at this point it’s going to be, not even going to watch the first episode, and really did want to give this a chance,just soo damn sick of this SJW crap being rammed down my throat every damn show….
“batman and robin” a masterpiece ??
sir, you have gone too far
I thought this crap had been cancelled
stopped watching after the crossover and don,t regret my decision one bit. who cares if Rose left? now they can find someone who can act
Not at all Kinda Batgirl, not even in a parallel universe,no action,no adventures. What abad show :-(
The synopsis of this reads like a bunch of out-of-touch producers looking up buzz words from Huff Post and making a show around said words.
I personally could not care less about batwoman what so ever no matter who is playing her. There is only one reason I watch this show , Alice. She is the only reason this show still exists. And I would personally love to see her get her own show on hbo max, like doom patrol and titans. She is the only part of the show that is not racially, sexually or politically motivated. Alice actually reminds me of Lucy, The Joker and Harley’s daughter. And creating a show that is focused on a villain instead of all the goody two shoe superlamos would be a very welcome change for me.
It was pretty much the only way they were going to get a bat on the CW. The Big Guy is for the movies and sidekicks are for MAX.
Batman never showed up in Titans, Bruce Wayne made many appearances though, and The Bat was in the CW, crisis on infinite earths. They got the real Batman to play him, Kevin Conroy. It was an Arrow, Flash, Legends Supergirl, and black lightening and batwoman crossover.
Yes, right, but as far as a series, I don’t see it happening. I’m kinda surprised that they have a Superman show.
Just noticed they found a replacement
this is by far the funniest post on this site
alot of sexicim here, im a fan of dc and im glad we have accsess to all these comic book tv shows rather than reality tv that gets shoved down our throats
11 episodes and 1 menagerie. still sucks.
arrow was the only thing with a glimmer of hope!
Airing Sunday, October 6th.
Right, Gypsy!
But there’s more good news!
The CW has also revealed Air Dates for the largest DC Crossover Event is recent history: “Crisis on Infinite Earths”
_|SUPERGIRL – Sunday, December 8, 2019
_|BATWOMAN – Monday, December 9, 2019
_|BLACK LIGHTNING - Monday, December 9, 2019=S03E09
_|THE FLASH – Tuesday, December 10, 2019
_|ARROW – Tuesday, January 14, 2020
_|DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW – Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Don’t Miss it!
Update: You can Now access the Primewire Episode Links for ALL of the CW Arrowverse Crossover Events HERE!
There’s more good news!
The CW has also revealed Air Dates for the largest DC Crossover Event is recent history: “Crisis on Infinite Earths”
_|SUPERGIRL – Sunday, December 8, 2019
_|BATWOMAN – Monday, December 9, 2019
_|BLACK LIGHTNING - Monday, December 9, 2019=S03E09
_|THE FLASH – Tuesday, December 10, 2019
_|ARROW – Tuesday, January 14, 2020
_|DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW – Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Don’t Miss it!
Update: You can Now access the Primewire Episode Links for ALL of the CW Arrowverse Crossover Events HERE!
They should change the writers !
The New Black BATWOMAN
Wait, so Batwoman has now now been SJW’ed into an ‘out lesbian’, did I read that right?
batwoman was always a lesbian .. dont confuse her with batgirl, totally different bat-hero
the above is not meant to imply i find this version even slightly watchable :)
Batwoman was not always a lesbian. 1950’s Batwoman was created because everyone kept saying Bruce and Dick were gay for each other, so DC gave Batman a BatGirlfriend.
oh theres a 1950s batwoman? same name, bruce waynes cousin?
Yeah, they were worried about the gay talk so they hooked him up with his cousin, are you high. Maybe 1850’s Batman could date his cousin no prob, lol. Katherine Kane was a Wealthy Heiress/Circus Performer, so just as illogical as it ever was.
well well, i only first saw her in fairly recent comics, so I just supposed she was a fairly modern character, because gay characters dont usually have anything but a modern history in comics .. i dunno who was the first, possibly watchmen characters ?
Im surprised bats got “gay” talk in the 1950s .. wasnt so long before that a lot of supers had kid sidekicks .. one would think “pedophile” image a more likely problem
My fave satire is probably “private eye” (ie bats) who was usin the kid sidekicks for organ harvesting .. “ I feel like a man of 30 again .. of 20 again” then going back to the orphanage “after the tragic death of my last 6 wards ..”
Wealthy Heiress/Circus Performer, so just as illogical as it ever was.
Truest statement I’ve read all night
Careful with this, someone might assume you’re trying to take something away from the new version and rip you a new a$$h0l3 for no reason.
I feel ya, this thread has turned into Captain Marvel 2.0. It is quite an entertaining read and really lets you know the kind of people your conversing with.
Shes been a lesbian since the new 52 reboot years ago. DC comics created this character, and this show is a fairly true interpretation of the new 52 Batwoman.
I know and I said as much somewhere in this mess of butthurt comment threads. I never said she wasn’t a lesbian, just that she wasn’t always a lesbian. She’s a DC shill character, first to get the heteros in the 50’s and homos and heteros now.
Nope, not always…
Lmao so much hate after only 1 episode sheesh!!! Are ppl really shocked of a gay or lesbian female character on tv??? Hello it’s 2019. I thought men loved lesbians??? Meagan Tandy is sexy as hell, so i’m definitely watching lol. Plus i enjoy Ruby Rose because i watch OITNB.
Her being a lesbian has nothing to do with a cheesy script. Just read the synopsis on this page alone. So cringe.
unsurprisingly cringey comments
the 40’s and 50’s is batgirl (barabra gorden) not batwoman(kate kane),it was a war effort thing to bring more women into the war effort, they were called the bombshells, which was wonderwomen,supergirl,batgirl,catwoman,carrol ferris. And who gives a shit about this sjw crap,it was a good pilot. Seems to me the sjw’s are the ones that are bitching about the fact that there are many lgbt people in the world and don’t think it is socially acceptable for them to be accurately portrayed in media, no agenda’s or force feeding petty people, just an accurate representation of the world and all the people in it. Only 1 of 10 comments here have anything to do with whether the show is good, only high and mighty ignorant haters who think the world revolves around them and what they think is their imagined slights.Don’t like, don’t watch,please keep your ignorant and hateful comments to yourselves.
Yeah there are a lot of errors in your statements. I’ll leave it at that…
batgirl, and batwoman are 2 completely different characters
I really hope they don’t turn Batwoman into a home wrecker.
Ten bucks on YKJack…
Came here to see if there’d be any cringey, sexist and homophobic comments after the announcement and as always the basement-dwelling incel trolls didn’t disappoint.
The show isnt the same without Ruby Rose
I couldn’t possibly agree more, so many shows I started to like, then they pulled the social construct thing, had to turn it into something it was never meant to be, just to cram the deviant desires of the what, 3-4 percent of the population on the rest of us, like it was something we are supposed to accept, forced actually, because like you say, we talk about it (in the negative) were the bad guys, can’t disagree. Well, call me names, I strongly disagree…
Wait wait wait… did this kid seriously just say 0.3% is actually really 30%.
Brah im dying! ROFL!
This kid thinks that like 1 in every 6 people are trannys.
0.3 is not 30% it is 3 100ths of 1 percent. Seriously, almost a third of the human race is transgender? I do not know if the 0.3 figure is correct, nor do I care. There is no good reason to hate any group of any size. But if there are people who don’t want to watch it, so be it. I’ve watched all but the latest episode thus far and find it pretty bland and mediocre. If not for the Alice character it would be unwatchable.
1st season was awful. Total cringe fest. Show got a MILLION times better when the white chick left. Unfortunately, season 2 won’t stop obsessing over “Kate” who honestly asked to be replace and should be forgotten.
They’d be so much better off if they moved on and let the new, gritty, hotter, badass, and all around way better Batwoman make it her own.
First season was slacking because they couldn’t do anything major because of crisis was coming and the show creators were put in a tough spot. They dragged their feet but slowly it got better in the last 6 episodes of Season 1. This is coming from a person who stopped watching the show after episode 9, but then caught up to watch season 2. I’ll watch season 2, but the first episode was kind of eh for me.
So it’s on what they’re calling season 2 now, I’m legitimately curious here. Who is ACTUALLY watching this??? I watched 2-4 episodes from season 1 and it was filled with so much “Woke” brainwashing garbage I couldn’t even pay attention haha Nevermind the fact they made Batwomen gay now when she’s supposed to be in love with Batman!!! More “WOKE” nonsense of course Lol After all that I just couldn’t see anybody watching this, apparently I’m wrong??? If this isn’t the place for this question please just let me know, seems like this should be the perfect place with all the other comments haha Again, SERIOUSLY who’s watching this and why?????
Part1: SuperGirl
Part2: BatWoman
PartA:(Black Lightning: The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis)
Part3: The Flash
Part4: Arrow
Part5: DC Legends of Tomorrow
Tardisrider, Marvel and DC are Separate. Think you should look into that. Marvel have Marvel studios and DC is Warner Bros.