Riverdale (2017)
Manic9 0 points 5 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I hope that teenagers don’t take this tv show seriously. First of all, all those 16 year olds live like they’re (at least) 30-40 years old. Even the way they drink is so weird, they drink rum and have business meetings. They don’t respect their parents and even rule over them. They can do whatever the hell they want, drink, stay out all night, blackmail, run a freaken ‘bar’/casino, go after murderers, form a gang, etc. Every time they do something bad they get away with it. Cheryl burned her house down and her mother just let it go. I can’t even begin about Veronica, the power her parents give to her, damn. And seriously what’s up with the girls outfits? Can the skirts be any shorter? Especially Veronica and Cheryl, no teenager dresses like that. Veronica’s gowns she wears when she’s in her ‘La bonne nuit’ come on, is that really the fashion style or even life style of a 16-17 year old girl?
Not every teenager is mature enough to see that this wrong in the real world.