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American Gods (2017)

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Doom Patrol (2019)

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What a brilliant adaption/follow on from the comics and movie, so sad that it was canceled after only 9 episodes :(
Seriously it got cancel? It was too good to be cancel. I was hoping for season 2
It wasn’t really canceled. HBO wanted a 2nd season but Damon Lindelof didn’t want to do any more. HBO knew better than to hire a different writer so it was a one and done.
Strange and fascinating
5 WEEKS AND COUNTING…. Watchmen TV Series to begin on Thursday, October 20th!
There is still time to prepare, by immersing yourself in this DC Comic’s Universe:
(1) Watch the 2009 Watchmen Movie Adaptation HERE
(2) Then, check out the comic-within-a-comic Tales of The Black Freighter animated short film HERE
(3) and finally, enjoy Watchmen The Motion Comic, the 12-episode prequel, HERE.
And definitely, do not forget to Add this to your Watch List.
i have re-watched the veidt scenes over and over again. i think this may be one of Jeremy irons greatest rolls.
Coming Soon HBO’s updated version of DC Comic’s Watchmen (2009) debuting fall 2019.
See the Official Teaser HERE
The wait is over!!!!
I don’t think I finished watching this series for some reason. Need to go back and watch it from the beginning. I have family in Oklahoma, and I took Oklahoma history in school and there was NO mention of the Tulsa race riots! I didn’t know anything about it until maybe 2010, read an article I think from the NYT and I was shocked.
THE WAIT IS OVER !! I wish I was still waiting , didnt live upto the hype . Its actually kinda boring but mostly just stupid and pointless … imo
if any gunner beat what i thought DoomPatrol was supose to be its gunner be this.. And what a f letdown . two suposetobegreat shows,down the f drain . good job aholes
i liked doom patrol .. the comic is pretty silly you know
its just that it seems like they all have some seriours dramatic message for us all..and i dont need a lesson i just want to be gd entertaind,with something i havent seen before. hope you`ll enjoy thou )