A social satire set at an exclusive tropical resort, The White Lotus follows the exploits of various guests and employees over the span of a week.

  • Currently 74.4186046511628/5
(86 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 6.9/10
Released: July 11, 2021
Genres: Drama Comedy
Countries: United States
Companies: HBO Rip Cord Productions The District
Cast: F. Murray Abraham Jason Isaacs Parker Posey Lisa Leslie Bibb Michelle Monaghan Steve Zahn Connie Britton Michael Imperioli Aubrey Plaza Molly Shannon 27 more
Crew: Gabe Hilfer Mike White Ryan Collins Todd Brown Meredith Tucker Nick Hall Janet Lopez John M. Valerio David Bernad Cristobal Tapia de Veer Xavier Grobet 27 more

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grasshopper rex 7 points 2 years ago. 5/5 stars.

The artwork shown during the intro is a metaphor for the message of the show. At first glance beautiful, a closer examination reveals a darkness that makes one reevaluate the entire piece. Even the music used for the intro sounds lovely at first, but the strange warbling distracts and leaves an unsettling feeling.

Many excellent performances here, but Jennifer Coolidge and Simona Tabasco really stand out. Tabasco is every bit as hot as her name implies.

While it might not seem like a comedy to most, you can choose to laugh at the absurdity of life or drown in your own tears.

ct451 2 points 2 years ago.

It’s a metaphor that takes too long to play out. I always skip it.

Alien -2 points 2 years ago.

You’re very sensitive, aren’t you?

grasshopper rex 7 points 2 years ago. 5/5 stars.

The irony of a difficult life is that it either makes you a kinder, more compassionate human being or an insensitive brute. Mock me if you will, but I’m ok with myself.

Alien -2 points 2 years ago.

Seriously? Someone down-voted me. They must have thought I was being insensitive. bahahahaha

P.S. shut up. I wasn’t mocking you

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

Noted. It wasn’t I that downvoted you. I prefer to express my displeasure with words. I will grant that getting weepy while I’m watching stuff can be annoying at times and a bit embarrassing. When you factor in that I look like a huge biker type, I suppose it might even be amusing to witness.

Akrimay 3 points 2 years ago.

Don’t be ashamed. Crying doesn’t make you any less of a man. On the contrary.

Alien 1 points 2 years ago.

Nobody was crying.

Alien 1 points 2 years ago.

I absitively, posilutely know it wasn’t you.
Btw, I find your weepy-ness very sweet.

ICMEINU 6 points 3 years ago. 1/5 stars.

I simply can not see how this show has gotten 4 out of 5 stars from 24 votes(on this website, as I write this)! It barely deserves one star! I’m curious who it was at HBO that signed off on this garbage!

yborg 5 points 3 years ago. 1/5 stars.

great cast but boring as hell!!! sorry

Jack Attack 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I think it’s just because each episode takes place over one day.

Cap'n Kirk 3 points 2 years ago.

Season 1.. mediocre slightly cringey humor UNTIL the last 3 episodes.But, ya gotta buy the ticket and take the ride. It is worth it. Hell, it’s only 6 episodes

Canilive4life 4 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I found the show interesting. More like a dark comedy.

SCaramel-3 4 points 3 years ago.

Badddddd! Bad, bad, bad, bad, baaaaaad! Just, yuckkk!

augusts1 4 points 3 years ago.

Excellent series. It’s definitely a dark dramedy focusing on skewering the privileged wealthy class. First epi takes a bit to gain it’s stride in the 1st half but picks up in the last half. The actors all do an amazing job. 2nd epi really takes off. Definitely not for everyone though since it focuses more on character development & revealing their lives than plot driven.

There are plenty of humorous moments so far, but all played very seriously while addressing real issues. Lots of subtext & commentary on wealth & class as the characters enjoy or not enjoy life at an upscale resort.

Jack Attack 4 points 3 years ago.

I’m hooked.

etim 4 points 3 years ago. 2/5 stars.

What was that?! How the hell did that make it on to HBO?? That wd have been boooring and unlikable even on NBC or Lifetime. I stuck with it expecting something decent to develop towards the end but…nothing. Yuk!

YELLOWbird 4 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Oh come on it has Jennifer Coolidge…
it will get funnier.

etim 3 points 3 years ago. 2/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Funnier? It needs to just start getting a little bit funny. Or have something interesting happen. Even the resort they’re in is boring and blah. If I wanted to watch a bunch of unlikable, spoiled white ppl (the characters, not the actors) with their ‘problems’, I’ll turn on some reality shows.

YELLOWbird 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

are you having a ‘grumpy’ night? ;)
watch Mr. Inbetween

etim 1 points 3 years ago. 2/5 stars.

Yeah. Started about halfway thru this drudge of a show. An ep of Rick and Morty helped— some.

Birdsforme 3 points 3 years ago.

It took the first four episodes to even get a bit interesting. From then on the characters grew on me, but not by much. I would not call this a comedy. I found it mostly sad or tragic. I have always enjoyed watching Steve Zahn, so I was surprised he took on this series. He has done so much better. For a HBO show it is not very good.

expresso 2 points 2 months ago. 3/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

smh, what a waste of talent, I finally got around to watching this and I can’t believe it’s getting a third season. Classic “HBO is serious so it must be good” critical hoohah. This show doesn’t know what it is, it’s presented as a farce except that it isn’t funny enough to be farce, and the moral arc of the universe never gives the cruel cringey people their badly needed correction, they escape consequences and are fine, and the sympathetic people who really need to catch a break are allowed to keep sliding slowly down the muddy bank towards the swamp. I stuck out 6 episodes only because I needed to make sure that kid escaped and found some joy.

ArizonaGreenTea 2 points 27 days ago.

Just finished season 1. Good, not great. The amount of hype around this show lead me to believe this was going to be something ground breaking and different. Kind of disappointing in that aspect. Hope season 2 has more to offer.

starphlo 0 points 2 years ago.

First season gave me a physiological reaction with the bitching of the terrible people combined with the noise/music. I actually thought it raised my blood pressure and was causing me an arrhythmia. I did not like it. Being curious if the second season continued any of the same character story lines and being somewhat compulsive, I watched the second season. It was an amazing improvement over S1. I can recommend S2. Gotta give S1 credit for being so bad that it made me feel sick, tho. That’s an accomplishment.

Piglet 0 points 2 years ago.

Some heavy hitters in this show but after watching the trailer, not sure if I want to watch it. I’ve got a long list of things I rather watch.