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Happened to check out this gem and it’s great with 4 episodes in. Only thing is I desperately want to go
You convinced me to watch it and i got hooked on ep2. I’m looking forward to watching the rest now.
Glad I could be of service. Us primewirers gotta look out for each other😂
I would really like to go as well. Either there or Fantasy Island LOL
“Have you been medicating us”? Tranquility ? I liked the writers phrase “heart hijackers” was that right. I think i will go back and listen again. Interesting story seems fresh. I want to know more.
What a great cast!
Anything with Mellisa McCarthy in it and I’m in!
Intriguing show and story. Everyone has different levels of damage, and even the characters I didn’t like at the beginning, have revealed their vulnerability, I find this fascinating, especially with the undercurrent of a possible outside threat. Filmed in a gorgeous location. I’d love a week at that place, without all of the psycho-babble please lol.
My my this is one of those that you just want to binge. I want it and I want it now. Not many shows I will watch to the end, yet this is a finisher, like a book I cant put down…..V
I love Melissa McCarthy, Michael Shannon is so good and of course Nicole Kidman…interested to see where this goes, great acting and intriguing story, check it out. Happy Watching!
The book is significantly better than this show. Loved the book. Disappointed by the show.
was not sure about this one.. I am hooked at ep. 3 ..lol
it’s quite a good show, was a little hard to get into at first but i’m now interested to see where it goes.
Decided to give this a go solely on Nicole’s involvement, but didn’t realize the incredible rest of the cast involved. Regina Hall, Michael Shannon, Melissa McCarthy, Bobby Cannavale, Samara Weaving & Luke Evans? Half way through the 1st epi & I am hooked & creeped out! This is going to be a wild ride lol.
So glad I found this after reading about the series in the news, and when I realized the “topic”, a few episodes in, I like it even more. :)
I’m looking forward to checking this one out but I have a feeling this show is going to be divisive as all get out.
a lot of navel gazing - good acting, but alot of “confessional filler” Figured out quite early on that Masha was probably medicating them - the only way to get them under her control - but it’s all a bit silly and ridiculous - haven’t read the book but have read others of Moriarty - surprised they would pick this one to turn into a series -
watched 2 eps. what a derivative snorefest and a waste of a great cast. and yes I too am tired of looking at NKs plastic, filler and botox.
Yes, I snored through the 1st ep, but I attempted it since I usually like 50% of the many shows David E. Kelley creates…and I got my fill of NK’s unemotive face in The Undoing.
Melissa McCarthy! thanx for the warning, removing from list now!
i’m not a fan of hers either, but in this she is just bearable lol
I can’t stand her myself.. She is pretty damn good in this show..They keep her on a leash i think.. not a lot of her usual antics and hate disguised as humor.. check it out , you may be surprised ..
ok, ok i’m open minded back on the list!lol
After watching the first episode I’m not going to comment on the show as very little has actually happened to comment on but I can say that I’m absolutely positive Nicole Kidman goes to the same Plastic Surgeon as Jennifer Anniston as the two of them are starting to look more and more alike :) :) :) :) :) The good thing is that Nicole has eased up on the Botox so she can actually smile which makes a change :)
yeah, but she can no longer join her lips. That’s why she emits a lot of those “ffffh” sounds of air blowing through her forever gaping mouth, like a Piranah fish
not sure why you guys are being downvoted…maybe you’re destroying some folks’ illusions that Kidman’s face is real!