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I just saw a preview for this on YouTube while looking for something else. It looks very good. Only 4 more days! Wonder why it got such a low rating. Guess I will find out.
I hesitated watching this because I don’t care for zombie or horror type of shows, but all the hype drew me in to give it a try, and I am glad I did. It wasn’t really gory and left a lot of that to your own imagination, but the plot was really good and all very well acted. I’m not familiar with the video game, but the show did not seem like a video game to me at all, which I think is good. I’m definitely looking forward to the next season. 9/10
I like the show its not walking dead its in its own lane
oh thank god, it’s NOT twd- i will watch now i know that……
This looks intense and interesting. Need to remember to watch it in January.
episode 3 was pretty good, not sure what it had to do with the story.. was still kinda touching .. almost had a tear in me eye..certainly a lump in my throat..and quite frankly 2 men made a bit more sense than the usual guy and gal. so maybe it woke stuff, maybe not.. it was however tastefully done and done damn well.. great episode either way ..
yes it was very tastefully done. got us emotionally.
Excellent series so far. Ellie always gets herself into so much shit lol
I’m definitely hooked haha!
Season 2 trailer
I’m stoked.
Awesome!!! I’m scared and excited.
I’d also like to point out that those who think TWD, Annihilation and this are similar aren’t paying attention at all.
A decent watch, but I don’t get why people are raving about. No single aspect of it is in any way original.
The story was very fresh and original for video game stories when it came out way back on the ps3 (!!), and to it’s credit there wasn’t a ton lost in bringing the show to TV.
I’m cautiously optimistic for season 2.
Good to know. I think probably in the wake of The Waking Dead ending last year that fanbase is desperate for more, so anything halfway decent that resembles it is going to get huge praise. That is my best guess.
I loved TWD but around season 6 or so I tapped out since it just got to be too depressing despite how good it was. It was always people constantly grieving the deaths of the other characters. I suspect this show is probably a similar dynamic too but I’ll watch the 1st epi & give it a chance at least.
Episode 3 changed my mind. I’ll be watching the rest of it.
EXACTLY! Episode 3 was a game changer. I thought that the subject matter was so lovingly well done.
Oh interesting. Thanks for the update.
“There’s nothing new under the sun.” It’s true that this show combines elements of works that have gone before it, but it’s combined in a fun way. And, as you mentioned, episode 3 was amazing. So heartfelt.
In regard to the comparison with TWD, early on, TWD was a good show. But it went on and on and on. And got to be less about the zombies and more like a Soap. Hopefully this won’t go that route (as I’m not familiar with the games, and they do tend to veer away from source material at times anyway, I couldn’t say where this will go).
dont yah just love it when that happens :)
I too stopped watching TWD when Glen was killed. At least with this new drama there could be a cure unlike in TWD. So, does this mean this new drama might not drag on and on? I know nothing about the game that this drama is based on…..
I have no idea unfortunately since I too am not familiar w/the game.
The story was very fresh and original for video game stories when it came out way back on the ps3 (!!), and to it’s credit there wasn’t a ton lost in bringing the show to TV.
I’m cautiously optimistic for season 2.
Season 2 starts in April.
Thank you! I’m am waiting anxiously for this!
I know April 13! Can’t wait.
I think I’m at the point in the series where I shall stop watching. Just as I did with the walking dead. Doom and gloom is not what I need right now. There is another series coming out in May called Silo and it too is doom and gloom. I’ll watch the first or 2 episodes, but I have a feeling I’ll not want to watch it either. Just in a funk right now and had no desire to watch Mayor of Kingstown on Sunday night.
I’m the opposite. When I watch something like this it makes my own troubles seem smaller in comparison. I refer to it as the Jerry Springer effect.
Does that mean you’re going to be mayor of Cincinnati?
Don’t encourage her. lol
Thanks, Piglet.
Not a chance. Have you had the abomination known as Cincinatti chili? It’s enough to make a Texan’s skin crawl.
If you have never played the game then i would consider watching this its really good and for sure is a must watch for everyone!
This is horrible!!!