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What a fantastic episode!!
Dune as a realm is HUGE…for writers and directors to come, it is an endless pit of creation. How did they get to their planets? Who discovered the worms and properties of the Spice? etc.. But THIS looks fascinating for my curiosity! If its as good as I hope it to be , then ALL Dune fans should watch it prior to the Dune movies to get some insight into the power of Paul’s mother and the magical power of the women in Dune. Emily Watson is a great actress and seems perfect for this role. I cant wait for the Spice Prophecies to begin !
If this takes three years to come out…
As long as Disney doesn’t touch this franchise.
I second that
Spectacular, absolute spectacular…i was having a good time from episode 1 all the way to episode 6
Starts tomorrow, this better be good.
So, will this be a Dune Prequel to the Prequel that was the “Butlerian Jihad” Trilogy or the other Prequel Novels that have been written so far or will this go completely “off the Reservation” and be completely different?
The teaser trailer looks fantabulous. Can’t wait to start nuzzling in to the bosom of the Bene Gesserit > all of them Witches!
It’s probably that Harkonnen charm > it’ll getcha🤩…
I suppse if you like motherland: fort salem this is right up yer alley..
Ok, season 1 is done. I’d say I enjoyed it to a point. The characters were relatable and worth investing time in. It looks spot on. There is a story there, which is being built with lots of flash backs. Yet the pacing is very slow. Not as bad as Silo, but still. It’s not left a significant cliff hanger to drop ones jaw for the next season. It just stopped. With a possible release of season 2 in 2027, this series will fall off and only real Sci fi fans will hang out for it. This seems to be a majour problem nowadays. Remember when Sci fi was 24 episodes a year. If they can’t do 10 a year today. Then it’s time to change the way they organise production and not rely so much on CGI.
I love the whole dune saga so much; that I cannot trust my first reaction to this series. I will rewatch it again before season 2 if there is a 2nd season with the hope that I will enjoy it more than I do now.