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Looking forward to seeing Daniel Bruhl in this, he always gives an interesting performance. Be back later to give it marks out of 5…
The wait’s almost over! This 6-episode miniseries will premiere on Friday, March 19th, 2021!
6 episode miniseries? All it’s going to be? Thought it was going to be a regular series?
That’s why the head’s up. This is Disney’s plan for the MCU now: Several miniseries, updating viewers on what happened to the Marvel chaacters after Avengers Endgame.
Oh yes. There will be more to come.
Excelsior, True Believer!
Ah-HA! Good to know….
This is way better than i expected. worth the watch
These guys need to stop the adlib banter.
It was decent. Somewhat forgettable. I liked the Bucky storyline. Sam is a good dude. Made some leaps to wrap this up nicely. 7/10
This is gonna be good! I can’t wait! https://www.imdb.com/video/vi1999094041?playlistId=tt9208876&ref_=tt_ov_vi