Cassandra Webb is a New York metropolis paramedic who begins to demonstrate signs of clairvoyance. Forced to challenge revelations about her past, she needs to safeguard three young women from a deadly adversary who wants them destroyed. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 4.0/10 | |
Released: | February 14, 2024 | |
Runtime: | 116 min | |
Genres: | Action Adventure Sci-Fi | |
Countries: | United States Mexico | |
Companies: | Columbia Pictures di Bonaventura Pictures | |
Cast: | Dakota Johnson Sydney Sweeney Isabela Merced | |
Crew: | Claire Parker S.J. Clarkson Matt Sazama Burk Sharpless | |
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its funny how madame web sees a future for them because i don’t LOL
At least they didn’t sing ….. HYSTERICAL!! Lol
Best comment EVER 😂
Was I disappointed? Not really! I did not go into this thinking that it was going to be like the Avengers, I went into it understanding that there would be less action because it was a back story reveal. I think Dakota Johnson will make a decent Madame Web (she lacks certain action hero elements, but does have that rigid kind of acceptance of her role in an action movie - especially at the end. I found her role as a wheel-chair bound seer convincing enough) and the girls will make decent action heroes. BUT, I was disappointed with the level of CGI/fx and the villain was total crap. There were also moments when the movie felt rush and choppy. It would have been better if they had decided to incorporate the back story into an action movie a bit at a time. Overall, this was not a great movie but it could lead to something better. That is my hope anyway.
Lol now it ain’t Marvel 🤦🏾♂️ Sony or whatever, it’s a bad movie!!
I really did not get why people hated this movie so much. I watched it and it is a really enjoyable fun thriller/superhero movie. I think the outrage comes from fans having so high expectations from comic book movies nowadays. But not every superhero flick has to be a masterpiece that redefines the genre. It was a good solid movie, and that is good enough for me.
I can tell you why. Critics watched this with a lack of understanding of what the movie was about, expecting a Spider man movie, and didn’t get that, talked about how it sucked so bad, and people believed that. Then, the few that actually did watch it, got mad because THEY believed it was a Spider man movie, and added to the confusion, and made it worse.
I think a full 1/3 of the people bitching never even watched the movie, and are just using other people’s complaints to act like they did, as well as the ones the critics had.
This was NEVER a Spider man movie. Was never intended to BE a Spider man movie. This was about Madam Web, her origin story, how a young girl got to BE that, a blind woman that can not just see into the future, but all possible futures, and all possible timelines, and eventually, into the Multiverse. That’s why they call her Madam ‘Web’, she can see into the ‘Web’ of all possibilities.
Unlike a lot of people, I walked into this knowing full well what it was, screw the critics, and liked the movie. Knew full well he wasn’t going to be in it. Grief, you would think people would pay at least a little attention to what a movie is about before the get mad at it. This was not that badly done, and I’m glad you noticed it. Could have it been a bit better? Yeah, but it could have been a lot worse.
And all things considered, for the price I paid to watch it, I really have no complaints.
thanks dude , as ever , that sells it for me lol
I tried I really did but, my body kept making me do things like right clicking on yahoo to check the weather for the next 10 days or scooping the clean litter box again.
I can’t help but disagree! This movie was bad and very boring in a fascinating, can’t take my eyes off it sort of way. Every scene full of more hammy exposition made me think “This money could have been spent on the next 18 years of operating costs for 5 schools, and instead it was spent here”
You disagree with how the movie affected me! lol I didn’t know that is how this exchange of thoughts and feelings work. If you say you feel hungry can I disagree and tell you what you are really feeling is the need to pick your nose?
If you’re jokingly comparing my boogers to food, sure. I’m not the boss of you
It’s not the best but still not as bad as people make it sound…. Just saying
This might be a winning recipe. They can crank these out on the cheap and make money no matter what’s inside. Call nicolas cage.
Its the (POWER PUFF GIRLS) was ok!
Right, i just saw the film and i understand if you go in and expect a certain connection to the MCU youll really be disappointed but if you keep in mind and think this movie as a stand alone and not connected to anything its an OK film id rate it 7.5, its an origin kind of story centering on madame web but not the whole story of it. just go in with an open mind and dont even think of connecting it to any MCU and youll like it.
This film isn’t set in the MCU it’s set in it’s own universe but it’s still a bad movie that still does kinda of feature Spider-Man since it shows the birth of Peter Parker.
Listed it as a spoiler, so even if he gave the whole movie away, it wouldn’t matter, he still listed it as a spoiler, which alerted people that they might not want to see the content. Fair warning was given. That’s why the spoiler alert. ‘contains spoilers’. You don’t have to read it, and no one forces you. Is what it is, and he says what he says. The ‘Ooops’ is on the reader…not on the writer.
I’m not saying it is a spoiler, but it wasn’t initially marked as one.
That would tend to change things a bit…
Ahh, the green puzzle strikes!🤣 The prehistoric hopper of unmowed weed fields already mentioned that, and I said that that would change things. All spoilers should be marked as that. I guess by the time I got there the situation had changed. You guys must have caused that change by the time I made my comment..🤷
I have a bad habit sometimes of reading stuff marked as spoilers before watching something. Probably shouldn’t, but if it’s not too detailed, and it’s a good one, and not too involved, it can give me a good idea if the movie in question is really worth the time to invest to watch it.
I’ve been on here just long here at this point to learn who to listen to and who to blow off on stuff like that. I got to know now who likes (for the most part) the same stuff I like, and who don’t. Alien has never steered me wrong, and Piglet and I mostly agree, though we don’t always watch the same stuff. There are a couple others, but truth, once you look, you can’t unlook it…always one of those ‘buyer beware’ things..😖
I got to the point now where I started checking the IMDb now sometimes, never really did that before, but doing it now. Lot of times these flicks are really highly over rated, and the people that review them will cut them down to size, if there are enough decent ones. Only seem to get the high ones if it’s the people just involved in the movie itself.
You get a few others, you wind up finding out the movie actually sucked, or was average, but maybe worth a one time watch, but nothing special. Sometimes a trailer can tell you a lot though. Esp. if there are a couple.
i go for rotten tomatoes, such varied reviews from so many perspectives
Movie w as really stupid
I agree.
Did Ben Parker ever have a son? such a dumb movie…
The person who had the baby was his sister, Mary who is Spider-Mans mother in Canon
The woman hwo had the Baby was Ben’s sister in law (AKA Richard Parker’s wife) Ben’s bro
This movie is just bad whereas Morbius was a a movie that’s so bad it’s good this one is just bad as it has bad acting and bad writing. While a certain line of dialog from the trailer is nowhere to be seen in this film it would have at the very least have made the movie entertainingly bad and while people will be saying that you should go into the movie not expecting to see Spider-Man given who to of the characters are and that one of them is expecting that’s kind of not true. However you should also go into this film not expecting to have any likable characters or even a good villain all of which make thus film feel like it should have been in the early to 2000’s.
I honestly tried to like this movie. Definitely going to be great for some. But, just didn’t hit.
Okay, so hear me out before ya’ll kill me. This movie wasn’t all that bad. If you look at it as a stand alone, having nothing to do with the MCU, it’s a damn fun watch. Was it worth seeing in the theaters? Depends on you. I would of seen it if it was not for all the bad reviews. It’s what I call a popcorn flick. I sat down, ate some popcorn and had fun watching it. That’s all I can ask for out a movie like this. If it was fun to watch, and it was. Give it a shot guys. It really isn’t that bad.
Been saying!
Yeah but but marvel fan bois get their panties in a twist. I liked it and would watch a sequel or tv show.
hmmmmm, this doesn’t sound right, i guess i’ll see.
25 minutes in and this is a very inefficient and convoluted script, the direction is awful as well. As well as the story… it should be re-told. The director and the writers are at fault, not the actors.
So did you like the movie?
I now agree that dakota should just continue with the fifty shades chronos
bad, just a really bad fake looking crap movie!
You know a movie is bad when it makes Morbius look good by comparison lol.
this comment LOL
Lol yet it’s still so true tho lol.
I honestly don’t understand all the hate. I mean it wasn’t an Oscar winning movie by any means but it definitely wasn’t a bad movie either. I enjoyed it and I hope they follow up on it.
It’s a comic book film for women. I’m sure since they think things like Iron Man sold so well that any guy will watch it simply because it’s a comic book thing.. Regardless who it’s aimed at. It’s still not very good overall. Things like Birds of Prey or Wonder women are better then this.
It was decent what i find hard to belive that you can steal a cab in new york and drve it for a week without being caught.
This film takes what was a cool and interesting character back in the nineties and instead turns her into a bland unlikable movie that even Sydney Sweeney and her “assests” couldn’t even help.
All this made me want to do is yell”get off the table!” in the diner scene.sloppily done movie.
That has to be the worst movie villain of all time… I cant believe this got green lit haha. Enchantress, Electro, Rhino, X Men Origins Deadpool and Topher Grace Venom are others that come to mind but none as bad as this portrayal of Ezekiel Sims… good lord
I have watched the first 7 mins.. Guess I will come back tomorrow for another 7
That was so lame. It basically is an embarrassingly weak backstory zipped into an even worse action movie with girl power, etc. Such a shame, I love Dakota Johnson, but everything about her character is either so vague or so uninteresting. Non madame, merci!
Just watched this, and was right, the ‘critics’ were full of crap. Hope this ain’t a spoiler, but they based their whole premise of downing this on the fact that Spiderman was not in this or even mentioned in any way, but the thing was, this wasn’t even ABOUT Spiderman. This was about Madam Web’s Origin story, and when you take this as that, it was actually pretty good. And in a way, it was kinda about the initial origin story (and you will get this from the trailers, so this is not really any kind of spoiler) of how 3 of the spider chicks meet each other as well.
So if you take it in context as that, it really is a pretty decent flick, or so I thought. So once again, the ‘critics’ got it wrong, and had no idea what they were talking about. At least that’s my opinion, for what it’s worth. I liked this for what it was, an origin story, and thought it was decently done. Others will have to make up their own minds, but I liked it. And in truth, I have seen far worse.
I really liked it but i don’t understand why everyone is being haters
Yup, never trust the critics on something like this, they have never got these right, as they for the most part don’t understand them.
I need to stop watching reviews before I see the film. I was expecting hot garbage but the movie was pretty good. Nothing special but a decent movie I’ll probably re-watch it when the dvd quality is uploaded. So anyone on the fence it’s worth a watch. And the cam quality is decent.
Yuppers. These critics are a lot like how Siskel and Ebert used to be, if they both gave a ‘thumbs down’ to a movie, I figured I would like it, and that’s what they ALWAYS did to a sci-fi flick, as they just didn’t like those, period. Same with what happened here, but these guys expected a Spiderman kind of movie, and that’s not what this was, so they came into it expecting something else then what they got, and got mad, as they felt let down, and took it out on the movie, which was pretty decent.
I learned to never trust the critics on something like this, for the most part they are a petty and worthless lot…
So, any comments from women about this film? Or is it just “men” hating on a film with all female cast?
Yes actually, unless this is a rhetorical question.
This is a sony movie not marvel
But, Stan Lee… was definitely the man.
No doubt. I don’t really go THAT hard with the Comic Book movie’s details. To me, they’re just good, or shitty.
This may be the first time that all of the comments and critiques are in agreeance. Was the goal to make it as bad as all of the Marvel releases , over the past few year? In case the house of mouse buys up the few remaining characters from Sony.
Another bad Marvel movie but but but…..
I’m convinced Sony is making these films solely to retain the character rights, and keep them away from Disney / Marvel. As bad as Morbius, and most likely.. Kraven will be just as terrible.
Didn’t hear a single thing about this movie until seeing it pop up on the dash today. Some movies lately they haven’t been advertising at all.
Anyway I watched Across the Spiderverse Yesterday with my nephew. It was good. But I noticed that the school counselor’s last name was Web. I thought that she must be one of the many Spiderverse incarnations. I thought at the end they were going to say she was supposed to be the one bit in their universe, but nope. Anyway, is she supposed to be the grown up Madame Web? Related? Who is the counselor referencing? Spiderman was not my go to comic when I was a kid.
I agree, it’s a maybe and I wish there were a tailer. Here’s a bit more on this one….Madame Web is part of Sony’s expanding Spider-Man Universe, with future films planned, such as Kraven the Hunter and a third Venom installment. Madame Web introduces Cassandra as a paramedic who falls from a bridge while trying to rescue a car crash victim. When she wakes up, she suddenly has visions related to events that haven’t happened yet, turning her into a clairvoyant. Her visions eventually lead her to Julia, Mattie and Anya, as they all try to run away from Ezekiel, who is constantly attempting to murder them. But in an unexpected turn of events, Cassandra remembers that Sims was in the Amazon with her mother, working on a research mission related to spiders before she passed away.
did you ask for a trailer and it looks good
there are trailers here. you have to click on Trailers now for them to show up.
Oh dear that was an AWFUL trailer. Not saying the movie is trash quite yet, but the trailer was really tragic if it’s meant to pull audiences is for a new fresh story line with all the stuff that’s out there. The music is like a CW ad for the Secret Circle or another one of their sci-fi attempts - very 2010 or earlier.
Not a lot of confidence building with the lines they chose to use and scenes they pulled to make the trailer. Before I even recognized the lead actress, it was giving 50 Shades of Web vibes.
Yeah? F—- Sony’s plans.
The best part of Madame Web was when she said “IT’S WEBBIN TIME” and webbed all over those guys
OMFG I laughed way harder than I should have 😸
I can’t wait until There are links for this. I have seen a couple trailers for this, and they looked decent, and also, the so called ‘critics’ have all said it sucked, and every single time that they did that for a movie that I wanted to see, esp. if it was a sci-fi or super hero type flick, it turned out that I really liked it, so screw them, I’m betting it’s gonna be pretty good. Just me saying.
I try to stay optimistic but I watch reviews from both sides to get an average and this time both sides agree the actors are good but the script is really bad. So don’t get your hopes up. I plan on watching this too. So let’s hope everyone is wrong.
I agree the actors were good but the script was horrible i watched it in theaters i hope it can gain enough money maybe to make better sequels but i doubt it.
Would really suck if this actually sucked. That would mean the ‘critics’ were actually right for once. Would really hate that…
The idea is not to rely on someone else’s judgment when you have your own active. use it and make your own mind instead of following some other’s preconceived notions
I don’t. They are normally wrong, VERY wrong. I tend to laugh at how wrong they tend to be. Actually liked this movie, and was surprised at how many people didn’t. Could have been a bit better, but wasn’t nearly as bad as people made it out to be.
Critics (paid ones) generally tend to suck for the most part, but on occasion when like I said in another comment, when it comes to a science fiction or super hero movie, if they all band together and say it sucks, I tend to wind up liking it. If they actually wind up liking it, it winds up sucking mud. There are reasons for that. I won’t go into them.
I don’t really set a standard for that on movies generally, just for those, but it’s been pretty reliable so far. For me anyway…
not great but not as bad as imdb rating story line is very choppy madame webs story makes sense and tracks but nothing else does lol glad i watched it and made my own mind up about this movie
I watched the whole thing, and would have to say if you skipped this , you would not miss much . Its the X-Men for TEENS and thats about all it is , down to the ending with the professor X take on it . and instead of any real explosions. I seen films done with a lot lower budget and a hell of a lot better story line like SAMARITAN. This is a class on how to make a lower budget film , with a semi believable plot
I liked it,…it was fun
I can’t believe I sat through the whole thing. It was like waiting to see if it could get worse, and it did.
The fact that diner staff didn’t shut down that table dancing scene might be the most preposterous parts of the whole film. That would have at least grounded some reality around all the mystic mythical lore bs shoehorned into every nook and cranny of this chick flick.
Maybe it’s the gateway movie, like the Marvels that your GF is gonna like and then agree to sit through the Crow (Original version).
They didn’t even use Sydney Sweeny’s best assets, which means they thought this story was good enough!
who’s there?
ummm…. yes, please!
The best part of this film obviously was the spiderman costume reveal! I didn’t know it even was a spiderman movie until that part. I also thought the characters had great taste in shoes. 10/10 one of the best of this year for sure if you like action and styyyyyle!!
Sony has to make a movie based on Spider-Man characters every 2 years or the character rights revert back to Disney (which is the one doing the actual MCU). Sometimes Sony will loan out the characters to Disney for the MCU (which still counts toward meeting the 2 year requirement) and a good spider-man movie comes out. Other times just picture someone at Sony yelling “GET ME A F…N SPIDER-MAN SCRIPT! I DON’T CARE WHAT IT IS!”…. that seems to be the case with this movie. Fine stand-alone if you want something to watch. You won’t walk away saying “OMG! THAT WAS THE BEST!”
Thats fine. I liked it,…it was fun. I wasn’t disenchanted because I didn’t have great expectations anyway…