prism : Watching the first 3 episodes I was getting annoyed and thought that $17+ per plate is def...
augusts1 : Aww, thank you! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoy my reviews. I try my best.
Gnostic_Alchemist : If you like Mythic Quest check this out
IceKreamSundaze : I will say it gets a bit better when that bald headed cough drop isnt on screen
Balthasar : Oh NO! Not another Fassbinder movie:)
random000 : The Hubley's are a great animation family & this one done by Faith is a testament to her f...
random000 : Anthony Lucas scores with style & story evocative of Jules Verne, Tim Burton, Guy Maddin &...
Birdsforme : I agree. I usually do not watch animation, but really enjoyed this.
JoMoCo : " out on the lamb again"
yellow_rose1 : Great movie. Great cast. Estevez directed this and in my opinion did a fabulous job. I wil...
I can’t wait until There are links for this. I have seen a couple trailers for this, and they looked decent, and also, the so called ‘critics’ have all said it sucked, and every single time that they did that for a movie that I wanted to see, esp. if it was a sci-fi or super hero type flick, it turned out that I really liked it, so screw them, I’m betting it’s gonna be pretty good. Just me saying.