grasshopper rex : If you can't interact with me without being an insulting dick, fuck off.
uuman : And you're assuming your way of healing is the right way for everyone? You can see the vir...
Can I pet that dawg? : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I hate with a passion the inclusion of animal cruelty in tv shows. Guess I'm going to have...
mjjones1986 : Malcolm in the middle of a Freudian-AI-Skynet-Mother-Computer. Hard pass
Steve_mi : it might be akin to immersion or confrontation therapy, or it could be de-stigmatizing for...
IceKreamSundaze : the Manchurian candidate is another good one
Alien : You're paranoid : Thanks! Your "atypical" comment got me to watch. Though Sandler has done a few purely dr...
CollideDuhScope : You're fun as much as you don't like to admit.. Smoochez
BluRain : This is a fun show :)
Okay, so hear me out before ya’ll kill me. This movie wasn’t all that bad. If you look at it as a stand alone, having nothing to do with the MCU, it’s a damn fun watch. Was it worth seeing in the theaters? Depends on you. I would of seen it if it was not for all the bad reviews. It’s what I call a popcorn flick. I sat down, ate some popcorn and had fun watching it. That’s all I can ask for out a movie like this. If it was fun to watch, and it was. Give it a shot guys. It really isn’t that bad.
Yeah but but marvel fan bois get their panties in a twist. I liked it and would watch a sequel or tv show.