Madame Web (2024)
Dvora 8 points 1 year ago.

Was I disappointed? Not really! I did not go into this thinking that it was going to be like the Avengers, I went into it understanding that there would be less action because it was a back story reveal. I think Dakota Johnson will make a decent Madame Web (she lacks certain action hero elements, but does have that rigid kind of acceptance of her role in an action movie - especially at the end. I found her role as a wheel-chair bound seer convincing enough) and the girls will make decent action heroes. BUT, I was disappointed with the level of CGI/fx and the villain was total crap. There were also moments when the movie felt rush and choppy. It would have been better if they had decided to incorporate the back story into an action movie a bit at a time. Overall, this was not a great movie but it could lead to something better. That is my hope anyway.