Madame Web (2024)
greyfur 0 points 1 year ago.

Ahh, the green puzzle strikes!🤣 The prehistoric hopper of unmowed weed fields already mentioned that, and I said that that would change things. All spoilers should be marked as that. I guess by the time I got there the situation had changed. You guys must have caused that change by the time I made my comment..🤷

I have a bad habit sometimes of reading stuff marked as spoilers before watching something. Probably shouldn’t, but if it’s not too detailed, and it’s a good one, and not too involved, it can give me a good idea if the movie in question is really worth the time to invest to watch it.

I’ve been on here just long here at this point to learn who to listen to and who to blow off on stuff like that. I got to know now who likes (for the most part) the same stuff I like, and who don’t. Alien has never steered me wrong, and Piglet and I mostly agree, though we don’t always watch the same stuff. There are a couple others, but truth, once you look, you can’t unlook it…always one of those ‘buyer beware’ things..😖

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