Madame Web (2024)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

I can tell you why. Critics watched this with a lack of understanding of what the movie was about, expecting a Spider man movie, and didn’t get that, talked about how it sucked so bad, and people believed that. Then, the few that actually did watch it, got mad because THEY believed it was a Spider man movie, and added to the confusion, and made it worse.

I think a full 1/3 of the people bitching never even watched the movie, and are just using other people’s complaints to act like they did, as well as the ones the critics had.

This was NEVER a Spider man movie. Was never intended to BE a Spider man movie. This was about Madam Web, her origin story, how a young girl got to BE that, a blind woman that can not just see into the future, but all possible futures, and all possible timelines, and eventually, into the Multiverse. That’s why they call her Madam ‘Web’, she can see into the ‘Web’ of all possibilities.

Unlike a lot of people, I walked into this knowing full well what it was, screw the critics, and liked the movie. Knew full well he wasn’t going to be in it. Grief, you would think people would pay at least a little attention to what a movie is about before the get mad at it. This was not that badly done, and I’m glad you noticed it. Could have it been a bit better? Yeah, but it could have been a lot worse.

And all things considered, for the price I paid to watch it, I really have no complaints.

footshot 1 points 3 days ago.

thanks dude , as ever , that sells it for me lol