snazzydetritus : Excellent recommendation, r! Another reason we are kindred spirits - I have been trying to...
prism : Watching the first 3 episodes I was getting annoyed and thought that $17+ per plate is def...
augusts1 : Aww, thank you! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoy my reviews. I try my best.
Gnostic_Alchemist : If you like Mythic Quest check this out
IceKreamSundaze : I will say it gets a bit better when that bald headed cough drop isnt on screen
random000 : The Hubley's are a great animation family & this one done by Faith is a testament to her f...
random000 : Anthony Lucas scores with style & story evocative of Jules Verne, Tim Burton, Guy Maddin &...
Birdsforme : I agree. I usually do not watch animation, but really enjoyed this.
JoMoCo : " out on the lamb again"
yellow_rose1 : Great movie. Great cast. Estevez directed this and in my opinion did a fabulous job. I wil...
Sony has to make a movie based on Spider-Man characters every 2 years or the character rights revert back to Disney (which is the one doing the actual MCU). Sometimes Sony will loan out the characters to Disney for the MCU (which still counts toward meeting the 2 year requirement) and a good spider-man movie comes out. Other times just picture someone at Sony yelling “GET ME A F…N SPIDER-MAN SCRIPT! I DON’T CARE WHAT IT IS!”…. that seems to be the case with this movie. Fine stand-alone if you want something to watch. You won’t walk away saying “OMG! THAT WAS THE BEST!”