The Handmaid's Tale is the story of life in the dystopia of Gilead, a totalitarian society in what was formerly the United States. Facing environmental disasters and a plunging birthrate, Gilead is ruled by a twisted fundamentalism in its militarized ‘return to traditional values'. As one of the few remaining fertile women, Offred is a Handmaid in the Commander's household, one of the caste of women forced into sexual servitude as a last desperate attempt to repopulate the world. In this terrifying society, Offred must navigate between Commanders, their cruel Wives, domestic Marthas, and her fellow Handmaids – where anyone could be a spy for Gilead – all with one goal: to survive and find the daughter that was taken from her.

  • Currently 83.14285714285714/5
(140 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 7.5/10
Released: April 26, 2017
Genres: Drama Sci-Fi
Countries: United States
Companies: Hulu MGM Television White Oak Pictures Daniel Wilson Productions MGM/UA Television
Cast: Joseph Fiennes Elisabeth Moss Bradley Whitford Alexis Bledel Sam Jaeger Ann Dowd Yvonne Strahovski O.T. Fagbenle Max Minghella Madeline Brewer Amanda Brugel 2 more
Crew: Adam Taylor Sharon Bialy Sherry Thomas Robin D. Cook Maggie Phillips John Weber Bruce Miller Steve Stark Russell Scott Frank Siracusa Mike Barker 48 more

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► Season 6 - Click for episodes

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Laura-GCHQ 8 points 3 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

This show isn’t for the faint of heart. Also if you like to see big explosions this probably isn’t for you. It’s slow and amazing but also nerve wrecking and emotionally crushing. There’s alot of “WTF” did i just watch moments that leaves you petrified if not emotionally scarred. After much cajoling and convincing my girlfriend to give it a try, she still couldn’t survive beyond episode 2 of season 1. I found new appreciation for freedom of choice as a woman after watching this.

I know this is fictional and it happens in a dystopian society but if given the conditions and our reality does present the same problems there would be people who would actively advocate for the implementation of the same solutions as Gilead did.
Giving this show 5/5 rating doesn’t even come close to what it truly deserves.

Red Sky 5 points 3 years ago.

It’s only technically fictional in the sense that it hasn’t happened exactly like it’s portrayed; everything in it has happened somewhere, and not only could it easily happen in America, most of it already has

Laura-GCHQ 4 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Sadly you’re right. History both far and recent is littered with very similar occurrences. Even in this present day, the PRC’s treatment of the Uighur Muslims is one example.

Cannabliss 3 points 2 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Coudln’t have worded it better myself. The show is simply amazing

Laura-GCHQ 3 points 2 years ago. 5/5 stars.

It sure is.

Akrimay 3 points 2 years ago.

Well said Laura & I agree. It’s terrifying this could happen here but look at the Middle East those poor women suffering & living it .

Laura-GCHQ 3 points 2 years ago. 5/5 stars.

It feels like a lifetime ago since i made that comment, but events in recent times has buttressed my point even further. All things considered, I truly fear for the future of humanity.

UGuess 5 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I’m going have to rewatch season 3 before season 4 comes out next week. So glad this wasn’t cancelled. Hope we get many eps too. This series has rocked!

Peevee 2 points 3 years ago.

Only 10 episodes this season

UGuess 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

10 isn’t too bad. I’ll take it. Thanks

Aggr69 3 points 3 years ago.

Interesting dystopian future that could possibly happen. Very well written storyline and decent acting. 4/5

Red Sky 4 points 3 years ago.

I haven’t seen all the show but in the book - basically the first season - Atwood took care to build the whole history of gilead only using things that had actually happened. A lot of them happened in America

RoboPhone 4 points 5 years ago.

RETURNING! HULU has confirmed Season 4, which is anticipating a late spring/summer 2020 premiere date.

ThinMan 3 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

Season 6 is on its way! The release was delayed due to the strike, but it has been confirmed for release in early 2025. Following its final season, will be the spin-off called “The Testaments”, which follows a well known Aunt Lydia 15 years in the future. We cannot wait for this final season to come about! If you’ve not watched this series, it’s amazing and well worth binging.

ThinMan 2 points 11 months ago. 5/5 stars.

Season 6 was originally supposed to premiere in 2023, then Autumn of 2024. The Handmaid’s Tale, Season 6 will now premiere in 2025. I’m happy it’s still coming, but bummed it won’t be until next year! ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶

Skullion 2 points 4 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

There will be a Season 5

Renewed: “The Handmaid’s Tale”
Announced: Dec. 10, 2020

With season 4 yet to air, Hulu announced that it was giving a fifth season to their award-winning dystopian series.

8STORY8 1 points 5 years ago.

Just finished binge-watching season’s 1-3 def 5 out of 5 and right into my favorites.

Wynlehun 1 points 6 years ago*. 5/5 stars.

This is the best show on right now! Right up there with Breaking Bad in my opinion.

Piglet 1 points 1 year ago.

If you’re a fan of Yvonne Strahovski, (she was also in Chuck) she will be in a new series. I’ve not watched a lot of The Handmaid’s Tale, but I liked her in Chuck. “Yvonne Strahovski has been tapped for the lead role in the upcoming Peacock series “Teacup.” Described as a horror thriller, “Teacup” hails from writer Ian McCulloch with James Wan and Atomic Monster attached to executive produce. Inspired by the Robert McCammon novel “Stinger,” the series is said to follow “a disparate group of people in rural Georgia who must come together in the face of a mysterious threat in order to survive.” Strahovski will star as Maggie Chenoweth.”

ThinMan 1 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

This sounds great! Thank you!

Piglet 1 points 1 year ago.

Very welcome and somehow I’m going to need to keep track of the new and interesting shows that are coming up during 2024.

ThinMan 1 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

We lose track all the time, but it’s kind of a nice gift/surprise when we then find what we’ve overlooked (due to life) and get to watch it. Watch out for season 6 of The Handmaid’s Tale. We are huge fans. Yvonne Strahovski will reprise her role in it, as well as all the other staples of the show/series. It’s the end, but it really sounds amazing.

ThinMan 1 points 1 year ago*. 5/5 stars.

Here’s another YS movie. I’d never heard of it before I stumbled on it today!

EDIT: Not worth the celluloid that was used to make it. AVOID. YS is underused and the script it GROSS.

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 years ago.

Season 5 starts September 14th.

SheWatches 1 points 3 years ago.

Wow. I did not see that coming. I’ve been waiting for something like that. I don’t usually comment on the episodes, but this one was a big reveal. Enjoy!

girlfreddy 1 points yesterday.

This show sure hits different now.

Only!Tigger 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

So eager to see the new season of this!

Peevee 1 points 3 years ago.

Did they release it early? Wow.

LuxxyLuxx 1 points 5 years ago. 5/5 stars.

So excited for Season 3!

ShadowWolf 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

WOW! Off to a great start as always! Can’t wait for the epic revenge and take down to happen, hopefully starting soon! Thank you PW! One of my very favorites and so excited its back!

Only!Tigger 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Yes, yes, yes!!! Sooo glad this is back!

pryme 1 points 4 years ago.

Just a couple more months, cant wait for season 4!

ShadowWolf 1 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

💗💗💗💗💯 can’t wait !!!

Steppenwolf71 1 points 8 months ago.

Gilead? Is this connected to King, in any way?

grasshopper rex 1 points 8 months ago.

Nope. A Margaret Atwood book. Gilead comes from the Bible originally.

Steppenwolf71 1 points 8 months ago.

Yes, I’m aware. Gilead, Sheol, Etc… Etc…
But, He’s the most recent person to utilize them. Likely, the most notable, as well.

grasshopper rex 1 points 8 months ago.

It’s likely that Atwood was inspired to use the name after reading The Gunslinger. Her and King were both fans of Robert Browning. Browning wrote the poem Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came, which was King’s inspiration for the Dark Tower series. The Gunslinger is a collection of short stories written between 1978 and 1981 that were gathered together and printed in novel form in 1982. Atwood’s book came out in 1985 so she probably read it and being a fan of Browning also decided to use Gilead in her book as well. Her book has nothing else really in common with King’s other than that.

Steppenwolf71 1 points 8 months ago.

I’m a Die Hard King fan, fyi.

grasshopper rex 1 points 8 months ago.

I’m less so now than when I was younger. I wasn’t happy with the way the Dark Tower series ended, but I don’t really blame King. It was just a series of unfortunate events. I have read Fairy Tale, which I loved and am happy that it will get a film adaptation.

tardisrider 1 points 8 months ago.

is there ever going to be a season 6? just asking haven’t looked lol

grasshopper rex 3 points 8 months ago.

Yeah, they’re filming now so early to mid 2025 release date, but it will be the last season.

errrwhocares 1 points 2 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Time to re-watch last season…

bcjammerx -5 points 4 years ago*. 1/5 stars.

This wasn’t enjoyable at all; first problem, artificial insemination. Ignoring that glaring plot hole I still couldn’t get into this one bit. Stopped 2/3 through the first episode. I’m not sure what it could possibly be but I guess I’m missing something; I don’t understand the acclaim and I’ve not seen anything in this show to encourage me to look further.

ShadowWolf 6 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Nope you definitely didn’t give it a chance, you didn’t even finish the first episode! Yeah but you missed the whole bit about the fact these women are not willing participants … They are forced into slavery and rape! With such amazing writing, the telling of the trauma, heartbreak, betrayal, love, loss, greif, rage, and utter despair of the main character and fellow slaves is so raw and unapologetic and the acting is so gripping you’re literally on the edge of your seat, holding your breath at what might happen next, feeling what she’s feeling…weather its bloodthirsty for revenge, chest clenching heartache, total hopeless despair or tears of joy..(Elizabeth Moss is Phenomenal!). Your feverishly cheering her on while wishing others a cruel death, yelling at the screen for even the slightest of victories or defeats! I would put it at the top of my list along with Breaking Bad, The Killing, WD, Sopranos, God’s and Omen’s, Dark…etc! A must see but try seeing it beyond the episode! I almost can guarantee you’ll get hooked unless you don’t like thriller/drama/sci-fi type shows? Try it you won’t regret it!

Jhigh03 -5 points 5 years ago*.

I agree, and I’m really hoping when the end of the series gets here it does this highly nuanced show justice. While that’s not really a dig at Game Of Thrones I’m just looking forward and hoping they don’t go either of these ways. One is the men come to their senses and rescue the girls or men from the remaining invade and overthrow. Either scenario their goal is to save their delicate females.👎🏼 And second the handmaids and Marthas and others rise up and the man-hating, lesbian bitches destroy their male oppressors.👎🏼👎🏼 Just my two cents.✌

Dethkids -2 points 8 months ago.

such a goofy look on her face all the time lol🧖